

Day 9: The Fullness of Revelation
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Published: Mon Jan 09 2023

In our Catechism reading today we learn how out of love, God has fully revealed himself by sending his Son, Jesus Christ who established God’s covenant forever. We also learn that the Son is the Father’s definitive Word, but this Word has not yet been made completely explicit. Fr. Mike explains how private revelations may not claim to add to the Faith and must not contradict the Faith. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 65-73. For the complete reading plan, visit Please note: The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

This podcast episode discusses how Jesus Christ is the mediator and fullness of all revelation and the importance of him being a part of the new and eternal covenant.
00:00 - 03:57 (03:57)
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Jesus Christ

This podcast episode discusses how Jesus Christ is the mediator and fullness of all revelation and the importance of him being a part of the new and eternal covenant. They reflect on the gift of faith given to the Jewish people and the establishment of covenants with them throughout history.

Day 9: The Fullness of Revelation
The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
This podcast discusses how Christianity is not strictly a religion of the book, but rather Jesus is the Father's one perfect word made flesh and the importance of fixing one's eyes entirely upon Christ.
03:57 - 10:43 (06:46)
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This podcast discusses how Christianity is not strictly a religion of the book, but rather Jesus is the Father's one perfect word made flesh and the importance of fixing one's eyes entirely upon Christ.

Day 9: The Fullness of Revelation
The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The first church council established that circumcision was not necessary for baptism, and though some revelations are approved by the Church, they are not binding to Catholics.
10:43 - 15:33 (04:49)
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Church Councils

The first church council established that circumcision was not necessary for baptism, and though some revelations are approved by the Church, they are not binding to Catholics. Ecclesiastical approval only means that its message aligns with faith and morals, not that it is mandatory to believe.

Day 9: The Fullness of Revelation
The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Private revelations aren't mandatory to follow and anyone can choose to not pay attention to them, as they do not add or contradict any of the existing Catholic doctrines.
15:33 - 18:15 (02:42)
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Private revelations aren't mandatory to follow and anyone can choose to not pay attention to them, as they do not add or contradict any of the existing Catholic doctrines. Although God may reveal himself through private revelations, they should not be taken as a novel addition to the faith.

Day 9: The Fullness of Revelation
The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)