
#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control
Dr Sarah Hill is a psychologist and professor at TCU whose research focusses on women, health, and sexual psychology. Women ovulate, and this changes their behaviour across their cycle. Unless they take hormonal birth control that is, in which case their behaviour changes even more dramatically in ways that no one anticipated and there is evidence to suggest that this might not just be temporary. Expect to learn why hormonal birth control can make women prioritise wealth in men, why women who come off are less sexually satisfied with partners they chose when they were on birth control, the relationship between taking the pill with anxiety, depression, bisexuality and stress, whether it's a good thing for women to have sex with men who they wouldn't marry and much more... Sponsors: Get 83% discount & 3 months free from Surfshark VPN at https://surfshark.deals/MODERNWISDOM (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get over 37% discount on all products site-wide from MyProtein at https://bit.ly/proteinwisdom (use code: MODERNWISDOM) Get 20% discount on House Of Macadamias’ nuts at https://houseofmacadamias.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Extra Stuff: Buy This Is Your Brain on Birth Control - https://amzn.to/3g8WCUF Follow Sarah on Twitter - https://twitter.com/sarahehillphd Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/
The podcast delves into the impact of hormonal birth control on women, including its effects on their partner preferences, sexual satisfaction, mental health, and more.
00:00 - 05:29 (05:29)
The podcast delves into the impact of hormonal birth control on women, including its effects on their partner preferences, sexual satisfaction, mental health, and more. It also includes an ad for House of Macadamia snacks.
Episode#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control
PodcastModern Wisdom
The stereotype that women are unpredictable due to hormonal changes is debunked as women's hormones can be predicted, and it's essential to consider cultural factors that influence behavior and mood.
05:29 - 19:38 (14:09)
The stereotype that women are unpredictable due to hormonal changes is debunked as women's hormones can be predicted, and it's essential to consider cultural factors that influence behavior and mood. The idea that hormones exclusively affect behavior is a flawed explanation that disregards critical parameters such as cultural context.
Episode#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control
PodcastModern Wisdom
The faces of men chosen by women on hormonal birth control are deemed less attractive than those chosen by naturally cycling women.
19:38 - 33:23 (13:45)
The faces of men chosen by women on hormonal birth control are deemed less attractive than those chosen by naturally cycling women. Furthermore, women who select their partners while on hormonal birth control tend to have less sex than their counterparts who are not on birth control.
Episode#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control
PodcastModern Wisdom
The widespread use of hormonal birth control may be leading to lower testosterone levels in men, leading to a lack of ambition and achievement in life.
33:23 - 40:26 (07:02)
The widespread use of hormonal birth control may be leading to lower testosterone levels in men, leading to a lack of ambition and achievement in life. This, combined with women's increased access to graduate and professional programs, may be worsening women's hypergamous nature when it comes to dating and relationships.
Episode#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control
PodcastModern Wisdom
The reduced cost of sex for women may be affecting men's behavior and success, shifting women's preferences towards more short-term partners instead of good providers and caregivers.
40:26 - 51:37 (11:10)
The reduced cost of sex for women may be affecting men's behavior and success, shifting women's preferences towards more short-term partners instead of good providers and caregivers. Menopause in women may exist to allow them to contribute to the rearing of children while avoiding adding more children to the mix.
Episode#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control
PodcastModern Wisdom
Research has shown that there are potential side effects of hormonal birth control such as increased risk of going on antidepressants, diagnosis of anxiety and depression, suicide risk, and increased risk of major depressive disorder throughout one's life even after going off the pill.
51:37 - 59:51 (08:14)
Research has shown that there are potential side effects of hormonal birth control such as increased risk of going on antidepressants, diagnosis of anxiety and depression, suicide risk, and increased risk of major depressive disorder throughout one's life even after going off the pill. However, there is reluctance to discuss these side effects due to the importance of birth control for women's independence and the fear of it being taken away.
Episode#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control
PodcastModern Wisdom
The use of hormonal birth control has a potential impact on who finds women attractive and who women choose as partners, as the pill can mask indicators of fertility.
59:51 - 1:11:28 (11:36)
The use of hormonal birth control has a potential impact on who finds women attractive and who women choose as partners, as the pill can mask indicators of fertility.
Episode#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control
PodcastModern Wisdom
The conversation around birth control is tricky due to its importance in women's financial, economic, and political independence.
1:11:28 - 1:16:25 (04:57)
The conversation around birth control is tricky due to its importance in women's financial, economic, and political independence. The author highlights the range of potential psychological effects of birth control but encourages women to continue using it.