
E111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
(0:00) Bestie intro! (0:43) Reacting to Slate's article on All-In (11:18) SF business owner caught spraying homeless person on camera (29:22) Microsoft to invest $10B into OpenAI with unique terms, generative AI VC hype cycle (1:09:57) Biden's documents, America's over-classification problem (1:27:16) Best cabinet positions/ambassadorships Follow the besties: https://twitter.com/chamath https://linktr.ee/calacanis https://twitter.com/DavidSacks https://twitter.com/friedberg Follow the pod: https://twitter.com/theallinpod https://linktr.ee/allinpodcast Intro Music Credit: https://rb.gy/tppkzl https://twitter.com/yung_spielburg Intro Video Credit: https://twitter.com/TheZachEffect Referenced in the show: https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1613135006272045056 https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia https://slate.com/technology/2023/01/all-in-podcast-elon-musk-david-sacks-jason-calacanis-chamath-palihapitiya-david-friedberg.html https://newrepublic.com/article/168125/david-sacks-elon-musk-peter-thiel https://twitter.com/BettyKPIX/status/1613080547022229504 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-12/bankers-bet-millions-on-sovereign-debt-deals-tied-to-green-goals https://fortune.com/2023/01/11/structure-openai-investment-microsoft https://www.ft.com/content/6670acad-8a5b-4c4a-b6a8-48dc307b6d4d https://openai.com/blog/introducing-openai https://ai.facebook.com/tools/pytorch https://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/fair-use/four-factors https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/USAPEFANA
The phenomenon of businesses and individuals choosing to go direct rather than facing independent journalists has become popular today, resulting in a lack of transparency and independent scrutiny.
00:00 - 02:48 (02:48)
The phenomenon of businesses and individuals choosing to go direct rather than facing independent journalists has become popular today, resulting in a lack of transparency and independent scrutiny.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The hosts discuss the role of journalists as off-field analysts and the lack of checks and balances in media, citing an example of a Basis Point error in an article.
02:49 - 14:23 (11:34)
The hosts discuss the role of journalists as off-field analysts and the lack of checks and balances in media, citing an example of a Basis Point error in an article. Additionally, they touch upon the impact of city policies on storefronts in San Francisco.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The government spends a large budget to solve the problem of homelessness, but they are not tackling it properly as there is a special interest group around building affordable housing.
14:23 - 29:13 (14:49)
The government spends a large budget to solve the problem of homelessness, but they are not tackling it properly as there is a special interest group around building affordable housing. The real solution to the problem would be to craft something where people don't suffer on the streets and get the proper treatment they need for mental health issues without being inhumane.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
OpenAI, once a non-profit organization with the goal of advancing artificial intelligence to benefit humanity, has since evolved into a profit-seeking enterprise model, making investments and accepting donations towards their cause.
29:13 - 42:31 (13:18)
OpenAI, once a non-profit organization with the goal of advancing artificial intelligence to benefit humanity, has since evolved into a profit-seeking enterprise model, making investments and accepting donations towards their cause. However, some speculate that OpenAI's original purpose may still be at the heart of their evolving commercial model, ultimately leading to Google open-sourcing their predictive models to further reinforce the value of search.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The evolution of application layers in computing has enabled the synthesis and representation of data through AI and machine learning systems, leading to the ability to resolve user objectives through the modeling of the data.
42:31 - 57:29 (14:57)
The evolution of application layers in computing has enabled the synthesis and representation of data through AI and machine learning systems, leading to the ability to resolve user objectives through the modeling of the data. Businesses can benefit from this model by utilizing novel data to build new models or systems, giving them an advantage in their respective fields, such as biotech and pharma for drug discovery.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Prompt engineering, or the ability to ask GPT the right questions, is becoming a valuable skill in driving intentional outcomes.
57:29 - 1:06:05 (08:36)
Prompt engineering, or the ability to ask GPT the right questions, is becoming a valuable skill in driving intentional outcomes. Those who can refine and maximize GPT results through effective prompt engineering will be highly valued in the future.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The possibility of creating an AI video game where people can instruct the platform on the world they want to live in and the future of office work and knowledge work was discussed.
1:06:05 - 1:09:50 (03:45)
The possibility of creating an AI video game where people can instruct the platform on the world they want to live in and the future of office work and knowledge work was discussed.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The podcast hosts discuss the investigation of Trump and Biden, with one host questioning why there is no special investigator appointed to investigate Biden's possession of classified documents in his home while the other argues that there is no evidence of wrongdoing.
1:09:50 - 1:13:07 (03:17)
The podcast hosts discuss the investigation of Trump and Biden, with one host questioning why there is no special investigator appointed to investigate Biden's possession of classified documents in his home while the other argues that there is no evidence of wrongdoing.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The majority of documents in business are not sensitive and do not need to remain secret.
1:13:07 - 1:16:39 (03:32)
The majority of documents in business are not sensitive and do not need to remain secret. Only certain documents, such as those pertaining to a company's future plans, need to be kept confidential to prevent competitors from gaining an advantage.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The deep state or the Washington insiders are running the government, leaving the elected officials with limited power.
1:16:39 - 1:20:28 (03:48)
The deep state or the Washington insiders are running the government, leaving the elected officials with limited power. Merrick Garland might have to dismiss prosecution against Trump for stolen documents.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The Irving Picard case against Bernie Madoff's associates is becoming too big for the Southern District of New York, as it involves following money trails and investigating campaign finance and election actions.
1:20:28 - 1:25:03 (04:35)
The Irving Picard case against Bernie Madoff's associates is becoming too big for the Southern District of New York, as it involves following money trails and investigating campaign finance and election actions. Meanwhile, Citadel, a hedge fund, is purchasing E-Trade, marking the fallout of Madoff's billion dollar ponzi scheme.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The speaker talks about Trump's idea of appointing hardline CEOs to run government agencies and make them more efficient.
1:25:03 - 1:28:18 (03:14)
The speaker talks about Trump's idea of appointing hardline CEOs to run government agencies and make them more efficient. The other person in the conversation wonders if the speaker will come to play poker at a live stream event.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The conversation is about the ambassadorship to become a lifetime title and the meaning of the term mainstream media.
1:28:18 - 1:31:16 (02:57)
The conversation is about the ambassadorship to become a lifetime title and the meaning of the term mainstream media.
EpisodeE111: Microsoft to invest $10B in OpenAI, generative AI hype, America's over-classification problem
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
This episode features a conversation about the latest trends in marketing and branding, as well as the importance of authenticity in customer relations.
1:31:16 - 1:31:52 (00:35)
This episode features a conversation about the latest trends in marketing and branding, as well as the importance of authenticity in customer relations.