
Elite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
Robert is joined by Jamie Loftus to discuss Elite Panic.FOOTNOTES: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/aug/02/3 https://tdn.com/news/survivors-of-paraguay-supermarket-fire-that-killed-318-say-locked-doors-slowed-their-escape/article_87dcf9a6-6adc-5281-88fa-c9c56e01779d.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2004/08/04/six-charged-in-paraguay-supermarket-fire/3b3bb17d-1114-4283-a3b2-abfcc8af8c0e/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7224653.stm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3188037/ https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.bbc.co.uk%2Fhi%2Fspanish%2Flatin_america%2Fnewsid_4728000%2F4728731.stm&sandbox=1 https://www.smh.com.au/world/blaze-witnesses-claim-doors-ordered-shut-20040803-gdjgvx.html https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN02490311 https://www.abc.com.py/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://www.abc.com.py/nacionales/confirman-libertad-de-juan-pio-paiva-1357652.html&usg=ALkJrhg8Xe44M3ukEWLA2aGwY_xM9E73Hg https://www.reuters.com/article/us-paraguay-fire-verdict/violence-erupts-over-paraguay-fire-verdict-idUSN0543778820061205 https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://www.abc.es/internacional/abci-carnicero-dueno-cadena-alimentacion-200408030300-9622899738428_noticia.html&usg=ALkJrhj5O5vzrxeObwkLNxUYIJYv83QllQ https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=http://wvw.nacion.com/dominical/2004/agosto/22/dominical11.html&usg=ALkJrhh-HnP-9D-qb5y80uPoHK8PGGxEZg https://boingboing.net/2013/04/14/elite-panic-why-rich-people-t.html https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/01/why-natural-disasters-are-worse-poor/580846/ https://www.livescience.com/1128-mere-thought-money-people-selfish.html https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/how-the-ultra-wealthy-are-making-themselves-immune-to-natural-disasters/ https://www.jstor.org/stable/20430900?seq=1 https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/james-meigs/elite-panic-vs-the-resilient-populace/ https://blog.ted.com/6-studies-of-money-and-the-mind/ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003XQEVLM/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
The island of Koh Tao in Thailand has a dark cloud over it, with dozens of mysterious tourist deaths occurring in the last 20 years.
00:00 - 01:00 (01:00)
The island of Koh Tao in Thailand has a dark cloud over it, with dozens of mysterious tourist deaths occurring in the last 20 years. Listen to Death Island to uncover the mysteries and danger lurking within the picturesque island.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
This episode discusses the success story of Balaños Supermarkets, which started as a small establishment and grew into a chain of supermarkets and hypermarkets.
01:00 - 06:41 (05:40)
This episode discusses the success story of Balaños Supermarkets, which started as a small establishment and grew into a chain of supermarkets and hypermarkets. The hosts also touch on the topic of bad bosses and the need for suspense in life.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
Juan, nicknamed "the baby", expanded his business into a botanical venture in 1997.
06:41 - 10:06 (03:24)
Juan, nicknamed "the baby", expanded his business into a botanical venture in 1997.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
The restaurant owner did not invest in any emergency training or fire safety plan despite having a large building meant to hold many customers, risking the lives of his employees and customers.
10:06 - 13:50 (03:44)
The restaurant owner did not invest in any emergency training or fire safety plan despite having a large building meant to hold many customers, risking the lives of his employees and customers.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
This podcast discusses the potential bribery involved in covering up safety concerns resulting in a deadly fire caused by a kitchen obstruction.
13:50 - 19:22 (05:32)
This podcast discusses the potential bribery involved in covering up safety concerns resulting in a deadly fire caused by a kitchen obstruction.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
Studies have shown that just thinking about or being in the presence of money can affect our behaviors and decision making.
19:22 - 26:20 (06:57)
Studies have shown that just thinking about or being in the presence of money can affect our behaviors and decision making. Subjects primed with thoughts of money were found to persist longer at solving difficult puzzles than those who were not primed with money-related stimuli.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
A study from UCSF in 2010 found that asking upper class individuals to imagine themselves in the position of poorer people improved their ability to read other people's emotions.
26:20 - 30:48 (04:27)
A study from UCSF in 2010 found that asking upper class individuals to imagine themselves in the position of poorer people improved their ability to read other people's emotions.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
A fire broke out in a supermarket in Mexico, causing the collapse of the ground floor with shoppers inside.
30:48 - 36:55 (06:07)
A fire broke out in a supermarket in Mexico, causing the collapse of the ground floor with shoppers inside. People outside attempted to save those inside by breaking down the locked entrance using sticks and poles.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
A riot broke out in Asuncion after the death of a citizen due to a supermarket fire caused by a faulty generator.
36:55 - 40:09 (03:14)
A riot broke out in Asuncion after the death of a citizen due to a supermarket fire caused by a faulty generator. The people demanded justice and eventually got the government to retry the case.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
The speaker makes contrasting observations about the beauty of Koh Tao and the concerning state of infrastructure and lack of government assistance in Thailand.
40:09 - 44:42 (04:32)
The speaker makes contrasting observations about the beauty of Koh Tao and the concerning state of infrastructure and lack of government assistance in Thailand.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
Researchers Tierney and Berkland argue that the assumption that people panic in disasters leads to concentrating resources, withholding information, and communicating in soothing ways.
44:42 - 49:02 (04:19)
Researchers Tierney and Berkland argue that the assumption that people panic in disasters leads to concentrating resources, withholding information, and communicating in soothing ways. However, panic from regular people directly affected by a disaster is extremely rare.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
Disasters plans assume that panic is only exhibited by the public during a crisis, when in reality, elites also experience panic.
49:02 - 52:09 (03:07)
Disasters plans assume that panic is only exhibited by the public during a crisis, when in reality, elites also experience panic. A 2006 study on disaster responses shows that experts tend to agree on this subject.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
In times of crisis such as natural disasters, individuals come together and spontaneously organize to provide mutual aid and support to each other.
52:09 - 56:23 (04:13)
In times of crisis such as natural disasters, individuals come together and spontaneously organize to provide mutual aid and support to each other. This phenomenon of community resilience and cooperation has been observed even in events as catastrophic as earthquakes or hurricanes.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
This transcript discusses how despite the horrors of the earthquake and fire, many San Franciscans who survived described the city in this period as a utopia, with people coming together to take care of each other in a way that everyone seemed to find more fulfilling than their daily lives had been.
56:23 - 58:55 (02:31)
This transcript discusses how despite the horrors of the earthquake and fire, many San Franciscans who survived described the city in this period as a utopia, with people coming together to take care of each other in a way that everyone seemed to find more fulfilling than their daily lives had been.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
In this podcast, the discussion explores the military's involvement in responding to natural disasters and the pros and cons of such involvement.
58:54 - 1:06:10 (07:15)
In this podcast, the discussion explores the military's involvement in responding to natural disasters and the pros and cons of such involvement. They recount some of the good things that soldiers did and that individual local leaders did, but also highlight the not-so-good things like how they almost treated disaster victims like prisoners while giving out food and essential supplies.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
During Hurricane Katrina, false stories circulated in which people believed there was widespread panic, murder, and rape.
1:06:10 - 1:13:41 (07:31)
During Hurricane Katrina, false stories circulated in which people believed there was widespread panic, murder, and rape. The mayor of New Orleans even went on Oprah to spread the false story of hooligans killing and raping in the superdome.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
After the 1964 earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska, citizens took it upon themselves to organize rescue efforts and pull every survivor from the ruins, showcasing the power of spontaneous citizen-led disaster response.
1:13:41 - 1:17:21 (03:39)
After the 1964 earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska, citizens took it upon themselves to organize rescue efforts and pull every survivor from the ruins, showcasing the power of spontaneous citizen-led disaster response.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
The creation of citizen-led search and rescue teams can overshadow the importance of government-funded agencies established to protect citizens, as seen in the case of Mount Everest and the state of Kentucky.
1:17:21 - 1:19:49 (02:28)
The creation of citizen-led search and rescue teams can overshadow the importance of government-funded agencies established to protect citizens, as seen in the case of Mount Everest and the state of Kentucky.
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
During times of crisis, people tend to take care of each other and offer help.
1:19:50 - 1:22:45 (02:54)
During times of crisis, people tend to take care of each other and offer help. However, some individuals may engage in questionable behaviors, leading to the term "elite panic."
EpisodeElite Panic: Why The Rich And Powerful Can't Be Trusted
PodcastBehind the Bastards
The Lolita podcast discusses the book's legacy and the character of Dolores Hayes, exploring how she was portrayed in various adaptations.
1:22:45 - 1:25:50 (03:05)
The Lolita podcast discusses the book's legacy and the character of Dolores Hayes, exploring how she was portrayed in various adaptations. It also delves into the book's dark themes, including the portrayal of pedophilia, and examines how they relate to modern society.