
881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
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Published: Wed Nov 27 2019

WE FEAR WHAT WE DON’T UNDERSTAND. The future doesn’t have to be scary. You don’t have to put your energy into building bunkers, hiding gold bars in the ground, and preparing for the end. The future can be full of possibility. There are so many exciting advancements happening in the fields of science, health, and space. But you have to change your mindset from fear to positivity. The world is magic. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the future of health and technology with a transformative leader and visionary: Peter Diamandis. Recently named by Fortune as one of the “World’s 50 Greatest Leaders,” Peter H. Diamandis is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, which leads the world in designing and operating large-scale incentive competitions. He is also the executive founder of Singularity University, a graduate-level Silicon Valley institution that counsels the world's leaders on exponentially growing technologies. Peter repeats his “Massively Transformative Purpose” to himself throughout his day to give him focus. His passion is the key to his success. So get ready to get excited about the technology of the future on Episode 881. Some Questions I Ask: Isn’t every generation going to be the best time in the world moving forward? (11:00) Have you ever doubted yourself? (33:00) Did anything shift in you when your boys were born? (41:00) Does the future make us dumber? (48:00) Is there anything missing in your life? (1:02:00) In This Episode You Will Learn: About your MTP, or “Massively Transformative Purpose” (17:00) About Peter’s goals for longevity (23:30) The four keys to longevity (26:00) Three questions you can ask to help you find your passion (31:00) Why you should consider banking a placenta (54:00) The single most important skill everyone needs (1:11:00) If you enjoyed this episode, check out the video, show notes and more at http://www.lewishowes.com/881 and follow at www.instagram.com/lewishowes

In this podcast, Peter Diamandis, a New York Times bestselling author and the founder of X Prize Foundation and Singularity University, shares his insights on how technology is advancing and what the future holds.
00:00 - 04:29 (04:29)
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In this podcast, Peter Diamandis, a New York Times bestselling author and the founder of X Prize Foundation and Singularity University, shares his insights on how technology is advancing and what the future holds.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
The constant bombardment of negative news from the media can overshadow the potential for people to make a positive impact and transform the world around them.
04:29 - 08:06 (03:37)
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Positive News

The constant bombardment of negative news from the media can overshadow the potential for people to make a positive impact and transform the world around them.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
The goal of a world of abundance where every person has access to basic needs is possible.
08:06 - 12:05 (03:59)
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The goal of a world of abundance where every person has access to basic needs is possible. Dematerialization, demonetization, and democratization will pave the way for an uplifted world where every mother knows that her kid has access to healthcare, education, water, food, and energy.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
The ability to come up with an idea, test it quickly and iterate different versions of it until finding the right product-market fit is possible now.
12:05 - 16:08 (04:03)
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The ability to come up with an idea, test it quickly and iterate different versions of it until finding the right product-market fit is possible now. Building a successful venture takes time, most of them took more than a decade, although many people believe it's just a straight shot to a billion-dollar valuation.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker talks about how technology can be utilized to make a positive impact in the world's grand challenges and how individuals can have the potential to impact the lives of a billion people.
16:08 - 19:20 (03:12)
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In this podcast, the speaker talks about how technology can be utilized to make a positive impact in the world's grand challenges and how individuals can have the potential to impact the lives of a billion people.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the potential of technology to reverse aging and how advancements in AI, quantum computing, CRISPR, gene therapy, and genome sequencing enable people to understand aging as a disease, not as an inevitability, possibly allowing for the addition of 10 to 30 healthy years to our lifespan.
19:20 - 23:17 (03:57)
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In this podcast, the speaker discusses the potential of technology to reverse aging and how advancements in AI, quantum computing, CRISPR, gene therapy, and genome sequencing enable people to understand aging as a disease, not as an inevitability, possibly allowing for the addition of 10 to 30 healthy years to our lifespan.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
In this podcast episode, the speaker talks about his MTPs (massive transformative purposes) which include opening up the space frontier, solving the world's grand challenges and extending the healthy human lifespan.
23:17 - 27:30 (04:13)
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Human lifespan

In this podcast episode, the speaker talks about his MTPs (massive transformative purposes) which include opening up the space frontier, solving the world's grand challenges and extending the healthy human lifespan. He also discusses the latest tech developments in this area.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
Entrepreneurship and exponential technologies are driving a massive transformation of the human race, where problems are constantly being solved through innovation and the world is getting better.
27:30 - 32:38 (05:08)
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Exponential Technologies

Entrepreneurship and exponential technologies are driving a massive transformation of the human race, where problems are constantly being solved through innovation and the world is getting better. Many entrepreneurs are finding purpose in inspiring and guiding this transformation, by using their skills to make a difference on and off the earth.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
Peter Diamandis discusses his experience with failed ventures and how they served as stepping stones for future success.
32:38 - 36:59 (04:21)
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Peter Diamandis discusses his experience with failed ventures and how they served as stepping stones for future success. He shares the importance of persistence and thinking bigger with your ideas.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
The world is rapidly changing in fields such as education, transportation, entertainment, healthcare, finance, food, real estate, and energy, and will soon become automatic and magical, adapting to individuals.
36:59 - 42:09 (05:10)
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Future Technology

The world is rapidly changing in fields such as education, transportation, entertainment, healthcare, finance, food, real estate, and energy, and will soon become automatic and magical, adapting to individuals. The book "The Future is Faster Than You Think" delves into these changes and what they mean for individuals living in the next decade.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
The future of learning is less about what people learn and more about learning how to learn, connect with emotions, ask questions, and tell great stories.
42:09 - 50:08 (07:58)
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Future of learning

The future of learning is less about what people learn and more about learning how to learn, connect with emotions, ask questions, and tell great stories. Additionally, the potential to increase life expectancy may include stem cell banking and repopulating bone marrow.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
As we move towards a future of endless data and technology, Arianna Huffington emphasizes the importance of connecting with a purpose in life, rather than getting lost in the abundance of information.
50:08 - 57:51 (07:42)
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As we move towards a future of endless data and technology, Arianna Huffington emphasizes the importance of connecting with a purpose in life, rather than getting lost in the abundance of information. She also highlights the unique pressures faced by women to balance career and family.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
As the world moves towards an abundance of energy and the sunniest countries with the fewest resources become the sunniest countries, there is potential for leaders and geniuses to make significant advancements in energy equality.
57:51 - 1:01:48 (03:57)
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As the world moves towards an abundance of energy and the sunniest countries with the fewest resources become the sunniest countries, there is potential for leaders and geniuses to make significant advancements in energy equality.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
The podcast delves into why people are scared of change, and how feasible it is to overcome this fear.
1:01:48 - 1:05:00 (03:11)
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Change, Future

The podcast delves into why people are scared of change, and how feasible it is to overcome this fear. It also discusses some of the critical tools and frameworks to help individuals prepare for the world over the next two decades.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
The podcast host discusses the power of having a positive mindset and how it can attract opportunities for success.
1:05:00 - 1:12:49 (07:48)
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The podcast host discusses the power of having a positive mindset and how it can attract opportunities for success. The goal is to inspire people to dream bigger and make a significant impact on the world.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness
This podcast guides and provides listeners with tools and accountability to help them create and manifest the life of their dreams, urging them to find the beauty in their aspirations.
1:12:49 - 1:16:48 (03:59)
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This podcast guides and provides listeners with tools and accountability to help them create and manifest the life of their dreams, urging them to find the beauty in their aspirations.

881 Embrace the Future and Find Your Massively Transformative Purpose with Peter Diamandis
The School of Greatness