

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
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Published: Sun Oct 15 2017

Mobile provider TalkTalk suffered a major breach in 2015. The CEO tried her best to keep angry customers calm and carry on. The UK government and Metropolitan Police investigate the breach. We get a rare glimpse of how the CEO handles the crisis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Mae'n rhaid i ni wella ein cyfrifoldeb cyfrifol o sicrhau digon o ddiogelwch ar-lein, gan fod y byd digidol yn galluogi pobl i gysylltu gyda phobl mewn cymdeithasau sydd ag ystumiau niweidiol.
00:00 - 02:05 (02:05)
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Diogelwch Ar-Lein (Online Security)

Mae'n rhaid i ni wella ein cyfrifoldeb cyfrifol o sicrhau digon o ddiogelwch ar-lein, gan fod y byd digidol yn galluogi pobl i gysylltu gyda phobl mewn cymdeithasau sydd ag ystumiau niweidiol.

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
Darknet Diaries
The speaker informs the listener that their server is receiving junk files from different IPs, suggesting that their internet is being used by multiple people.
02:05 - 07:13 (05:08)
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Online privacy and security

The speaker informs the listener that their server is receiving junk files from different IPs, suggesting that their internet is being used by multiple people. This may be a cause for concern regarding privacy and security online.

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
Darknet Diaries
Scammers are targeting bank accounts through the phone app Tok Tok by showing a false balance.
07:13 - 11:55 (04:41)
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phone scam

Scammers are targeting bank accounts through the phone app Tok Tok by showing a false balance. They then convince victims to send the extra money to them through MoneyGram or Western Union, install malware on their computer and steal their personal information.

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
Darknet Diaries
Carphone Warehouse suffered a "sophisticated cyber attack," two days before taking down their breached websites, but only issued an apology after discovering the extent of the attack.
11:55 - 18:05 (06:09)
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Carphone Warehouse suffered a "sophisticated cyber attack," two days before taking down their breached websites, but only issued an apology after discovering the extent of the attack. TalkTalk also issued a statement, reassuring customers they take security seriously.

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
Darknet Diaries
The transcript talks about the problem TalkTalk had with cybercrimes.
18:05 - 23:44 (05:38)
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The transcript talks about the problem TalkTalk had with cybercrimes. They took a safety precaution and communicated with all their customers, informing them of the data breach, and offering free upgrades.

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
Darknet Diaries
Two months after the TalkTalk breach, Dido Harding was interviewed by the British Parliament, where she admitted that the company had failed to communicate with its customers and disclosed they had not waived the cancellation fees for breached contracts.
23:44 - 31:48 (08:04)
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TalkTalk Breach

Two months after the TalkTalk breach, Dido Harding was interviewed by the British Parliament, where she admitted that the company had failed to communicate with its customers and disclosed they had not waived the cancellation fees for breached contracts.

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
Darknet Diaries
Four teenage boys have been arrested in connection to cyber attacks including denial of service attacks, stealing company data and demanding Bitcoin.
31:48 - 36:05 (04:16)
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Cyber Attacks

Four teenage boys have been arrested in connection to cyber attacks including denial of service attacks, stealing company data and demanding Bitcoin. The arrests took place in areas such as Ireland, London, West London, and Wales.

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
Darknet Diaries
Mae ystyr y broblem ynghylch argyfwng cyffredinol yn cael ei argymell gan un o arweinwyr TalkTalk yn ystod y podcast hwn, gan roi'r pwyslais ar y gwerth mawr o weithio mewn ystafell ddigidol ac yn cyfrannu at y gymuned.
36:05 - 40:16 (04:10)
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Technoleg Digidol

Mae ystyr y broblem ynghylch argyfwng cyffredinol yn cael ei argymell gan un o arweinwyr TalkTalk yn ystod y podcast hwn, gan roi'r pwyslais ar y gwerth mawr o weithio mewn ystafell ddigidol ac yn cyfrannu at y gymuned.

Ep 4: Panic! at the TalkTalk Board Room
Darknet Diaries