
#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
Fat Tony is a DJ & promoter. Tony's story is fascinating. From being one of the biggest DJs in London's house music scene to running some of the best known events in the UK, spending £1m on drugs, group sex with Freddie Mercury, pills in Hong Kong and birthdays on concord - he's got enough stories for 10 episodes. Expect to learn his entire history, right through to his sobriety, the resurgence of his career and now his views on what happiness means for someone who has been from the very top to the bottom. Get Surfshark VPN at https://surfshark.deals/MODERNWISDOM (Enter promo code MODERNWISDOM for 85% off and 3 Months Free) Extra Stuff: Watch MixMag's Documentary on Tony - https://www.facebook.com/MixmagMagazine/videos/221336445670111/ Follow Tony on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dj_fattony_/ Subscribe to Tony's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdyqv9zUgBWqT46aRlcaJw Take a break from alcohol and upgrade your life - https://6monthssober.com/podcast Check out everything I recommend from books to products - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
A video from Mixmag has gone viral telling the story of a London-based DJ who spent £1m on drugs during the 80s and 90s clubbing era, and his journey towards finding true happiness.
00:00 - 03:21 (03:21)
A video from Mixmag has gone viral telling the story of a London-based DJ who spent £1m on drugs during the 80s and 90s clubbing era, and his journey towards finding true happiness.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker talks about how his career shifted to working with big brands like Victoria Beckham and Versace from working in clubs and how he didn't expect the interviewer to know who he was as he had a varied career.
03:21 - 08:02 (04:40)
The speaker talks about how his career shifted to working with big brands like Victoria Beckham and Versace from working in clubs and how he didn't expect the interviewer to know who he was as he had a varied career.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
A person watched a film which made them cry, despite initial hesitancy, and was impressed with the interviewer's cheekiness during their interviews.
08:02 - 13:02 (04:59)
A person watched a film which made them cry, despite initial hesitancy, and was impressed with the interviewer's cheekiness during their interviews.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker shares their experience of getting a residency in New York as a 16-year-old DJ and making friends in the industry.
13:02 - 18:14 (05:12)
The speaker shares their experience of getting a residency in New York as a 16-year-old DJ and making friends in the industry.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The guest speaker describes his experience as a DJ and promoter, starting with modern house brands and eventually bringing Frankie Knuckles to London for the first time.
18:14 - 22:56 (04:41)
The guest speaker describes his experience as a DJ and promoter, starting with modern house brands and eventually bringing Frankie Knuckles to London for the first time. There was no hype surrounding the event, at that point in time.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses how drug use became abuse and shares insights on his perceptions about aging.
22:56 - 26:36 (03:40)
The speaker discusses how drug use became abuse and shares insights on his perceptions about aging. He delves into the wild parties he attended and how he believed that 27 was the end of the road.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker talks about his own experience of being a young guy without any authority or popularity, and how he got caught up in little projects and scams in London, similar to the life of Boy George.
26:36 - 29:33 (02:57)
The speaker talks about his own experience of being a young guy without any authority or popularity, and how he got caught up in little projects and scams in London, similar to the life of Boy George.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker talks about his experience using cocaine and how it affected him at a young age, using drugs to change the way he felt about himself while affecting his joy for DJing.
29:33 - 34:30 (04:56)
The speaker talks about his experience using cocaine and how it affected him at a young age, using drugs to change the way he felt about himself while affecting his joy for DJing.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker reflects on the sudden influx of money and fame and the lifestyle changes that came with it.
34:30 - 38:39 (04:08)
The speaker reflects on the sudden influx of money and fame and the lifestyle changes that came with it.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses their fear of flying and how it affected their career.
38:39 - 42:06 (03:27)
The speaker discusses their fear of flying and how it affected their career. They resisted traveling for work as long as they could, but eventually had to face their fear and take the plane.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker talks about the effects of drug abuse on his sleep routine.
42:06 - 45:11 (03:05)
The speaker talks about the effects of drug abuse on his sleep routine.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker talks about his personal struggle with hair styling and how it went from being problematic to manageable.
45:11 - 49:18 (04:07)
The speaker talks about his personal struggle with hair styling and how it went from being problematic to manageable.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker sympathizes with the effects of non-stop work on the body referring to people literally morphing into objects and speaks about the benefits of taking breaks and building resilience to combat its negative effects.
49:18 - 53:52 (04:34)
The speaker sympathizes with the effects of non-stop work on the body referring to people literally morphing into objects and speaks about the benefits of taking breaks and building resilience to combat its negative effects.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The 24-hour party scene of the past, with its unique blend of music, venue, and attitude, has become a source of nostalgia for many, with the newer recreations falling short in comparison.
53:52 - 57:46 (03:54)
The 24-hour party scene of the past, with its unique blend of music, venue, and attitude, has become a source of nostalgia for many, with the newer recreations falling short in comparison.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
Upper Avenues will soon be launching live stream concerts, offering EPs and live performances to fans around the world.
57:46 - 1:01:51 (04:04)
Upper Avenues will soon be launching live stream concerts, offering EPs and live performances to fans around the world. The platform, expected to be released in the coming months, is anticipated to bring exciting opportunities for both the artists and fans alike.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker reflects on how individuals with a growth mindset are thriving during the pandemic while those without are stagnating and regressing; he emphasizes the importance of creativity and making the best of the situation.
1:01:51 - 1:06:10 (04:19)
The speaker reflects on how individuals with a growth mindset are thriving during the pandemic while those without are stagnating and regressing; he emphasizes the importance of creativity and making the best of the situation.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The emotional and personal connections that people make with music go beyond just hearing a favorite track, it's about the experiences and memories attached to it.
1:06:10 - 1:09:17 (03:07)
The emotional and personal connections that people make with music go beyond just hearing a favorite track, it's about the experiences and memories attached to it.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
Pete Tong discusses how nostalgia is linked to our brain's desire for love and euphoric recall from past experiences, including the feeling of the first time taking ecstasy.
1:09:17 - 1:11:55 (02:37)
Pete Tong discusses how nostalgia is linked to our brain's desire for love and euphoric recall from past experiences, including the feeling of the first time taking ecstasy. He also mentions some hidden films that are currently available.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker describes the freedom and abundance that comes with being creative and constantly moving forward, without being chained to anything or anyone.
1:11:55 - 1:17:17 (05:21)
The speaker describes the freedom and abundance that comes with being creative and constantly moving forward, without being chained to anything or anyone. By doing so, they were able to receive gifts beyond their wildest dreams.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses how some individuals are gifted in their musical careers while others find that they enjoy partying and can get paid for it.
1:17:17 - 1:21:03 (03:45)
The speaker discusses how some individuals are gifted in their musical careers while others find that they enjoy partying and can get paid for it. They emphasize the importance of remembering that at the end of the day, it's about playing music for people to enjoy.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
A former addict DJ talks about how being part of Narcotics Anonymous helps him stay clean and the importance of not throwing away a second chance at life while staying true to his creativity in the music industry.
1:21:03 - 1:24:19 (03:16)
A former addict DJ talks about how being part of Narcotics Anonymous helps him stay clean and the importance of not throwing away a second chance at life while staying true to his creativity in the music industry.
Episode#166 - Fat Tony - How To Spend £1,000,000 On Drugs
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast episode features a conversation about a film that tells a story of redemption, where the lead character spent a million pounds on drugs.
1:24:19 - 1:28:18 (03:59)
This podcast episode features a conversation about a film that tells a story of redemption, where the lead character spent a million pounds on drugs. The movie has elicited numerous positive reactions and the director has received messages every day from people regarding the impact this film had on their lives.