
890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
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Published: Wed Dec 18 2019

YOU HAVE TO LET GO. So many of us make decisions because we feel like we have to do something. Whether it’s the religion we grew up in, what our parents want, or what we feel is culturally acceptable, we often betray ourselves. But you can only live this way for so long before you start to break down. You’ll lose sight of who you are and suddenly realize you don’t know how to find it. It’s a lonely feeling. For me, this point came after I got injured in football. I was forced to look at my decisions and figure out what I wanted. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about spirituality, relationships, and mental health with one of the most successful musicians of all time: Dan Reynolds. Dan Reynolds is the lead singer of Imagine Dragons and a recipient of the Songwriters Hall of Fame Hal David Starlight Award. He shares how he had a crisis of faith after being raised Mormon. He almost divorced his wife and left everything behind. But he was able to make some changes and find himself again. So get ready to learn how to stop living a people-pleasing life and stay true to yourself on Episode 890. Some Questions I Ask: How were you able to make your relationship work? (05:00) Why do you think people don’t share how they feel? (38:00) Do you believe it’s more powerful to create from a place of pain or love? (43:40) What’s your greatest fear? (42:00) What was the greatest lesson you learned in the last decade? (52:00) In This Episode You Will Learn: Why you can’t live a people-pleasing life (00:00) Dan’s crisis of faith and how Mormonism has affected his life (00:00) About Dan’s work with the LGBTQ community (19:00) Dan’s struggle with depression and anxiety (28:00) Dan’s health journey (45:00) If you enjoyed this episode, check out the video, show notes, more at http://lewishowes.com/890 and follow me on instagram.com/lewishowes

Dan Reynolds, a rock star, family man, and advocate for mental and physical health, shares his insights on life and offers messages of support to his fans and others struggling with similar issues.
00:00 - 03:37 (03:37)
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Mental health

Dan Reynolds, a rock star, family man, and advocate for mental and physical health, shares his insights on life and offers messages of support to his fans and others struggling with similar issues.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about their relationship duration, noting that they learned a lot about themselves in the process.
03:37 - 06:31 (02:54)
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The speaker talks about their relationship duration, noting that they learned a lot about themselves in the process. They also describe feeling like they had to follow a predetermined path in their relationship due to their partner's previous experiences.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on past choices and feeling like a "shitty person," and describes the pressure to give in relationships.
06:31 - 11:43 (05:12)
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Personal Growth

The speaker reflects on past choices and feeling like a "shitty person," and describes the pressure to give in relationships.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
The guest speaker talks about the flaws in the Mormon religion, particularly regarding LGBTQ issues, and how she tries to approach the topic with love.
11:43 - 16:33 (04:50)
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The guest speaker talks about the flaws in the Mormon religion, particularly regarding LGBTQ issues, and how she tries to approach the topic with love. She also sheds light on the struggles she faced growing up as a Mormon, which caused her mother distress.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
In this podcast episode, the host discusses the importance of expressing your truth, regardless of whether it's right or wrong, and how it can help avoid setting people up for failure.
16:33 - 21:27 (04:54)
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In this podcast episode, the host discusses the importance of expressing your truth, regardless of whether it's right or wrong, and how it can help avoid setting people up for failure.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses love, empathy, and their personal experiences with a conservative Mormon father who values hard work.
21:27 - 24:25 (02:58)
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The speaker discusses love, empathy, and their personal experiences with a conservative Mormon father who values hard work. They express their hesitance to speak on certain topics as a cisgender straight man.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses depression and how it is like a numbness, grayness, and the loss of interest in everything.
24:25 - 31:06 (06:41)
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Mental Health

The podcast discusses depression and how it is like a numbness, grayness, and the loss of interest in everything. Also, it touches on the fact that having enough money makes it easier to do the things you want to do, like buying a bike, but it doesn't necessarily mean happiness.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
A person discusses the pressure of staying relevant in the art industry, referring to the subjective nature of success and the fear of declining after reaching the top.
31:06 - 34:41 (03:35)
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Art Industry

A person discusses the pressure of staying relevant in the art industry, referring to the subjective nature of success and the fear of declining after reaching the top.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on how a lot of great art comes from emotional pain or suffering and relates the experience of being stuck in an elevator with the idea that everyone responds to pain differently.
34:41 - 38:06 (03:24)
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The speaker reflects on how a lot of great art comes from emotional pain or suffering and relates the experience of being stuck in an elevator with the idea that everyone responds to pain differently.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
In this podcast episode, the speaker reflects on their views on belief systems and loss, sharing how it can be difficult to navigate the unknown of death and how some people's certainty in their beliefs can be frustrating.
38:06 - 42:54 (04:47)
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Belief Systems

In this podcast episode, the speaker reflects on their views on belief systems and loss, sharing how it can be difficult to navigate the unknown of death and how some people's certainty in their beliefs can be frustrating.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
The AS diagnosis campaign encourages people to take a three-minute quiz and find out if they have AS, a mysterious condition that affects the immune system and causes severe pain.
42:54 - 45:55 (03:01)
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AS diagnosis

The AS diagnosis campaign encourages people to take a three-minute quiz and find out if they have AS, a mysterious condition that affects the immune system and causes severe pain. It aims to help those who have been struggling with unknown health issues and have not found solutions from medical professionals.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
A conversation about pursuing dreams and lessons learned in the past decade, including the importance of listening and having productive conversations, as well as the simple yet powerful message of loving completely.
45:55 - 49:37 (03:42)
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Pursuing Dreams, Love

A conversation about pursuing dreams and lessons learned in the past decade, including the importance of listening and having productive conversations, as well as the simple yet powerful message of loving completely.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker encourages listeners to do more of what makes them genuinely happy and to not be afraid to serve others, which may also bring happiness.
49:37 - 52:21 (02:44)
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In this podcast, the speaker encourages listeners to do more of what makes them genuinely happy and to not be afraid to serve others, which may also bring happiness. They also discuss vulnerability and the importance of sharing this message, even from a position of influence.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness
The episode features a discussion on true humility and finding inspiration with a successful performer who has faced various challenges and successes in his life.
52:21 - 56:02 (03:41)
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The episode features a discussion on true humility and finding inspiration with a successful performer who has faced various challenges and successes in his life. However, an ad for a peer-to-peer lending platform and NetSuite.com is included.

890 Finding Happiness Through Fame with Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons
The School of Greatness