
#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
Gad Saad is an Evolutionary Psychologist, Professor of Marketing at Concordia University and an author. Bad ideas are infecting every area of society, it's time to discover how to inoculate ourselves. Expect to learn what is the grandaddy of bad ideas, why people are so easily persuaded, whether Gad is bored of spending his time arguing on Twitter, what he thinks of Nassim Taleb, who he predicts will win the 2020 election and much more... Sponsor: Get your Lawnmower 3.0 at https://www.manscaped.com/ (20% off & free shipping with the code MODERNWISDOM) Extra Stuff: Buy The Parasitic Mind - https://amzn.to/3gN3JfD Follow Gad on Twitter - https://twitter.com/GadSaad Subscribe to Gad on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLH7qUqM0PLieCVaHA7RegA Get my free Ultimate Life Hacks List to 10x your daily productivity → https://chriswillx.com/lifehacks/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
Manscaped has released their brand new and improved Lawnmower 3.0, featuring cutting edge ceramic blades technology and a 90 minute battery for a longer shave.
00:00 - 03:48 (03:48)
Manscaped has released their brand new and improved Lawnmower 3.0, featuring cutting edge ceramic blades technology and a 90 minute battery for a longer shave. It is also waterproof and has an LED light for a more precise trim.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
Gad Saad discusses the field of evolutionary consumption and how postmodernism's rejection of objective truth undermines it.
03:48 - 11:27 (07:38)
Gad Saad discusses the field of evolutionary consumption and how postmodernism's rejection of objective truth undermines it. He also explores his interest in neuro parasitology, the study of parasites infecting the brains of hosts.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
Certain parasites infect the brains of insects, causing them to jump into water which they normally avoid, as it is essential for the parasite's reproductive cycle.
11:27 - 21:19 (09:51)
Certain parasites infect the brains of insects, causing them to jump into water which they normally avoid, as it is essential for the parasite's reproductive cycle. Nomological networks of cumulative evidence are critical in convincing others of scientific explanations, as they become unassailable evidence even for skeptics.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
This transcript focuses on the idea of whether gender preferences in toys are influenced by cultural and environmental factors or biological origins.
21:19 - 26:13 (04:54)
This transcript focuses on the idea of whether gender preferences in toys are influenced by cultural and environmental factors or biological origins. It discusses studies conducted on various species including humans and monkeys, to determine whether sex specific toy preferences are innate or taught.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
The debate over the accuracy of evolutionary psychology does not negate its status as legitimate science.
26:13 - 30:40 (04:27)
The debate over the accuracy of evolutionary psychology does not negate its status as legitimate science. Countering common criticisms from academics, this field of study can be compared to chemistry in its validity.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
In a world where people complain about being misgendered, it highlights how well-off we are in the Western world.
30:40 - 39:35 (08:55)
In a world where people complain about being misgendered, it highlights how well-off we are in the Western world. Instead of feasting on gluttony, we are feasting on bullsh*t ideas, while others don't even have access to basic necessities.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker compares properly activated satire to a surgeon's scalpel cutting through warm butter, requiring a sharp mind to quickly identify and understand its meaning.
39:35 - 47:23 (07:47)
The speaker compares properly activated satire to a surgeon's scalpel cutting through warm butter, requiring a sharp mind to quickly identify and understand its meaning. While humor and satire have been studied from an evolutionary perspective, the discussion focuses on the latter.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
The possible win of Donald Trump in the coming US election is a reflection of the failure of current Democrat and left messaging to resonate with normal people.
47:23 - 52:25 (05:02)
The possible win of Donald Trump in the coming US election is a reflection of the failure of current Democrat and left messaging to resonate with normal people. COVID-19 and its effects may have impacted the results, but it still sends a strong message about the current state of the US political landscape.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
The changes in sexual norms and marketplace, such as less monogamy and gender imbalance, have led to the current social unrest among young people.
52:25 - 58:18 (05:53)
The changes in sexual norms and marketplace, such as less monogamy and gender imbalance, have led to the current social unrest among young people. This has resulted in the inability of the older generation to understand them, as they come from a different rarified world.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
Jordan Peterson suggests that if women outnumber men in certain situations, it may be advantageous for multiple men to share one woman, as it is still evolutionarily beneficial for them to extend their genes and ensures certainty of paternity, and that societies with many celibate men are not stable.
58:18 - 1:03:28 (05:09)
Jordan Peterson suggests that if women outnumber men in certain situations, it may be advantageous for multiple men to share one woman, as it is still evolutionarily beneficial for them to extend their genes and ensures certainty of paternity, and that societies with many celibate men are not stable.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker advocates for people to speak up against woke culture and cancel culture that has infiltrated society, and to fight against the indoctrination of children in schools.
1:03:28 - 1:08:57 (05:28)
The speaker advocates for people to speak up against woke culture and cancel culture that has infiltrated society, and to fight against the indoctrination of children in schools. The speaker believes that most people are against this movement, but are afraid to speak up.
Episode#217 - Gad Saad - The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker promotes Manscaped.com with a discount code and emphasizes the importance of grooming during lockdown.
1:08:57 - 1:10:26 (01:29)
The speaker promotes Manscaped.com with a discount code and emphasizes the importance of grooming during lockdown.