

How Face Blindness Works
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Published: Tue Dec 06 2022

It’s not that the person who can never remember meeting you is snobby or even absent-minded; they may have a fascinating – and often difficult – neurological condition called prosopagnosia, known more commonly as face blindness.See for privacy information.

Join Chuck, Jerry, and Josh in Stuff You Should Know podcast as they discuss the story of a Russian astronaut stuck in space with no country to bring him down amidst the collapse of the Soviet Union.
00:00 - 01:30 (01:30)
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Join Chuck, Jerry, and Josh in Stuff You Should Know podcast as they discuss the story of a Russian astronaut stuck in space with no country to bring him down amidst the collapse of the Soviet Union.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
Face blindness, also known as prosopagnosia, exists on a spectrum from difficulty in remembering faces to the inability to recognize faces at all.
01:30 - 06:32 (05:01)
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face blindness

Face blindness, also known as prosopagnosia, exists on a spectrum from difficulty in remembering faces to the inability to recognize faces at all. The condition can make day-to-day interactions difficult for those who have severe forms of it.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
This podcast episode delves into the neurological disorders called agnosias, in particular, prosopagnosia or face blindness.
06:32 - 10:46 (04:14)
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This podcast episode delves into the neurological disorders called agnosias, in particular, prosopagnosia or face blindness. The hosts discuss the symptoms of the disorder and the differences between it and other agnosias.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
The speaker describes how perceiving things under a strobe light is similar to seeing a car approaching you, explaining how it could affect simple tasks such as turning off an oven or recognizing objects in a room.
10:46 - 16:25 (05:39)
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The speaker describes how perceiving things under a strobe light is similar to seeing a car approaching you, explaining how it could affect simple tasks such as turning off an oven or recognizing objects in a room.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
Individuals with prosopagnosia not only struggle recognizing faces, they also have difficulty retaining biographical information as it is associated with a person's face.
16:25 - 21:02 (04:36)
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Individuals with prosopagnosia not only struggle recognizing faces, they also have difficulty retaining biographical information as it is associated with a person's face. The development of a functional system to overcome this obstacle is crucial.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
The inability to recognize faces, known as prosopagnosia, can be mitigated by focusing on other cues such as mannerisms, scars, and tattoos; individuals with prosopagnosia can choose to study select people to recognize them better.
21:02 - 29:10 (08:07)
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The inability to recognize faces, known as prosopagnosia, can be mitigated by focusing on other cues such as mannerisms, scars, and tattoos; individuals with prosopagnosia can choose to study select people to recognize them better.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
The speaker shares a strategy for handling awkward situations of not recognizing someone in life which includes asking the person to remind you of where you met, instead of asking out loud, which can be offensive.
29:10 - 33:57 (04:47)
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Social Skills

The speaker shares a strategy for handling awkward situations of not recognizing someone in life which includes asking the person to remind you of where you met, instead of asking out loud, which can be offensive.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
Approximately one in 50 people have difficulty recognizing faces, a condition known as prosopagnosia.
33:57 - 39:29 (05:32)
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Approximately one in 50 people have difficulty recognizing faces, a condition known as prosopagnosia. The more severe cases are rare, but even mild cases can be challenging.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
The fusiform gyrus is responsible for facial recognition and any damage to it can lead to difficulty in recognizing faces.
39:29 - 47:59 (08:29)
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Facial Recognition

The fusiform gyrus is responsible for facial recognition and any damage to it can lead to difficulty in recognizing faces. A thinner fusiform gyrus is more efficient at recognizing faces than a thicker one.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know
The host shares his story and tells about a Russian astronaut who was stuck in space with no country to bring him down, along with a mention of how the Boeing plant in Seattle used a fake town on the roof to camouflage their factory.
47:59 - 50:51 (02:52)
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Space Exploration

The host shares his story and tells about a Russian astronaut who was stuck in space with no country to bring him down, along with a mention of how the Boeing plant in Seattle used a fake town on the roof to camouflage their factory.

How Face Blindness Works
Stuff You Should Know