

Is there a role for carbon credits in the transition to a fair, net-zero future? | TED Countdown
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Published: Fri Nov 04 2022

In June 2022, TED's climate initiative, Countdown, launched its Dilemma Series: events designed to look at some of the "knots" in the climate change space, where diverging positions have stalled progress and solidified into an inability to collaborate across differences. The event focused on the question: Is there a role for carbon credits in the transition to a fair, net-zero future? Through TED Talks and conversations featuring scientists, CEOs, activists, politicians, artists, frontline community leaders, investors and more, this film offers a 360-degree view of carbon credits -- a contentious subject that prompted some discomfort, disagreement and, ultimately, a renewed sense of possibility. It's an invitation to listen deeply, keep an open mind and get a little wiser on a complex topic. (Featuring, in order of appearance: Tamara Toles O'Laughlin, John Kilani, Nat Keohane, Julio Friedmann, Donnel Baird, Nili Gilbert, Al Gore, Inés Yábar, James Dyke, Tom Rivett-Carnac, Lindsay Levin, David Biello, Gilles Dufrasne, Kavita Prakash-Mani, Susan Chomba, Gabrielle Walker, Derik Broekhoff, Annette Nazareth)

TED Countdown brings together climate leaders and sustainability experts to emphasize the need for collaborative solutions in tackling interconnected global issues.
00:00 - 02:01 (02:01)
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Climate Change

TED Countdown brings together climate leaders and sustainability experts to emphasize the need for collaborative solutions in tackling interconnected global issues.

Is there a role for carbon credits in the transition to a fair, net-zero future? | TED Countdown
TED Talks Daily
The introduction of carbon removals in climate policies is seductive, as it provides an excuse to delay rapid decarbonization in favor of relying on carbon offsetting and net zero emissions in the future.
02:01 - 09:54 (07:53)
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Carbon Offsetting

The introduction of carbon removals in climate policies is seductive, as it provides an excuse to delay rapid decarbonization in favor of relying on carbon offsetting and net zero emissions in the future. Many companies make carbon neutrality claims that cover only a percentage of their total emissions.

Is there a role for carbon credits in the transition to a fair, net-zero future? | TED Countdown
TED Talks Daily
The value of carbon is not just about reducing emissions, but also involves protecting biodiversity and supporting local communities.
09:54 - 21:48 (11:54)
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Carbon Markets

The value of carbon is not just about reducing emissions, but also involves protecting biodiversity and supporting local communities. There are many elements to carbon markets that are not directly related to carbon itself.

Is there a role for carbon credits in the transition to a fair, net-zero future? | TED Countdown
TED Talks Daily
Instead of just aiming to achieve net zero for themselves, companies should prioritize taking actions that help to achieve a global net zero outcome, such as prioritizing emission reductions over removals in the near term, according to this podcast.
21:48 - 30:32 (08:44)
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Net Zero

Instead of just aiming to achieve net zero for themselves, companies should prioritize taking actions that help to achieve a global net zero outcome, such as prioritizing emission reductions over removals in the near term, according to this podcast. Carbon credits will only count if used as a complementary tool within a legitimate net zero pathway.

Is there a role for carbon credits in the transition to a fair, net-zero future? | TED Countdown
TED Talks Daily