
#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
James Bloodworth is a journalist, podcaster and an author. The modern dating market is a mess. From polyamory to OnlyFans, Tinder to Trad Wives. No one really knows the best approach for navigating these waters, and the lessons from our parents no longer apply. James has dedicated an entire podcast series to the most interesting parts of the dating economy and today we're going through them. Expect to learn whether porn addiction is really a thing, why sexual inequality is the only inequality no one wants to campaign for, James' insights around what Tinder is doing to dating, why 17% of people think that approaching anyone is harassment and much more... Sponsors: Get 40% discount on everything from boohooMAN at https://bit.ly/manwisdom (use code MW40) Get 20% discount on the highest quality CBD Products from Pure Sport at https://puresportcbd.com/modernwisdom (use code: MW20) Extra Stuff: Buy James' book Hired - https://amzn.to/3ySmh7l Follow James on Twitter - https://twitter.com/J_Bloodworth Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/
Pure Sports CBD is offering a discount of 20% on full priced items including its mushroom blend and Unwind Blend using code MW20.
00:00 - 04:00 (04:00)
Pure Sports CBD is offering a discount of 20% on full priced items including its mushroom blend and Unwind Blend using code MW20. The advertisement also mentions the benefits of the brand's sleep remedies and mind and body mushroom blend.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses how dating apps have changed the nature of dating and relationships, and how the tendency to treat dating like an economy can lead to issues such as the labeling of people.
04:00 - 10:01 (06:00)
The speaker discusses how dating apps have changed the nature of dating and relationships, and how the tendency to treat dating like an economy can lead to issues such as the labeling of people.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
The pickup artist community started as socially awkward men treating dating like an engineering problem, but has now moved into self-help and personal development, with a focus on spiritual transformation.
10:01 - 19:25 (09:23)
The pickup artist community started as socially awkward men treating dating like an engineering problem, but has now moved into self-help and personal development, with a focus on spiritual transformation.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast discusses the legitimate fear of regression to socially conservative norms of the past that women have and the fear of being blamed for their choices, women not choosing "nice" men, and the empathy gap where men don't understand the discomfort they can cause women in dating situations.
19:25 - 28:08 (08:42)
This podcast discusses the legitimate fear of regression to socially conservative norms of the past that women have and the fear of being blamed for their choices, women not choosing "nice" men, and the empathy gap where men don't understand the discomfort they can cause women in dating situations.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
Society's focus on disposable relationships and men seeking younger women for higher status can be harmful to women.
28:07 - 34:43 (06:36)
Society's focus on disposable relationships and men seeking younger women for higher status can be harmful to women. As women outperform men, there are fewer high-status men to go around, leaving women to compete or settle for someone they are less attracted to.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
The current dating environment with endless choices can create an aura of insecurity around existing relationships.
34:43 - 42:35 (07:51)
The current dating environment with endless choices can create an aura of insecurity around existing relationships. There is a deeper reason to be with someone beyond just gratification or commodification of people's bodies.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
Men should speak to women more about their experiences on dates to differentiate between reality and what they see in porn.
42:35 - 48:03 (05:28)
Men should speak to women more about their experiences on dates to differentiate between reality and what they see in porn. Porn can set unrealistic expectations and lead to harmful behavior towards women in the bedroom.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
The rise of OnlyFans has sparked a feminist debate on the commodification of women's bodies and perpetuating harmful societal standards, but some argue that women making astronomical amounts of money is taking the wealth away from men, who have been gatekeepers of wealth for far too long.
48:03 - 54:28 (06:24)
The rise of OnlyFans has sparked a feminist debate on the commodification of women's bodies and perpetuating harmful societal standards, but some argue that women making astronomical amounts of money is taking the wealth away from men, who have been gatekeepers of wealth for far too long.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
Men need to be educated on consent and the existence of rape culture, as dating apps and superficial standards can lead some to believe they have a free pass to sexually assault someone.
54:28 - 1:01:01 (06:33)
Men need to be educated on consent and the existence of rape culture, as dating apps and superficial standards can lead some to believe they have a free pass to sexually assault someone.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
The propensity for some individuals to take advantage of others and engage in sexually assaulting behavior will always be present, but socially calibrated individuals who are aware of their surroundings can intervene and stop these situations from occurring.
1:01:01 - 1:07:44 (06:42)
The propensity for some individuals to take advantage of others and engage in sexually assaulting behavior will always be present, but socially calibrated individuals who are aware of their surroundings can intervene and stop these situations from occurring.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker argues that there is a polarity between masculinity and femininity in today's culture that people pretend does not exist.
1:07:44 - 1:18:50 (11:05)
The speaker argues that there is a polarity between masculinity and femininity in today's culture that people pretend does not exist. Younger men are fed a narrative that demonizes masculinity while at the same time celebrating it in celebrities like Jared Leto.
Episode#370 - James Bloodworth - Understanding The Modern Dating Economy
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this episode, James Bloodworth emphasizes the importance of being careful and not oversharing personal information with others especially online.
1:18:50 - 1:20:21 (01:30)
In this episode, James Bloodworth emphasizes the importance of being careful and not oversharing personal information with others especially online.