
#124 - James Lindsay - Social Justice Explained: The Foundations Of Wokeness
James Lindsay is an author & researcher. I've been exposed the words Social Justice Warrior, Wokeness and Post Modernism a lot over the last year, but I don't really have a strong grasp on their origins or where they came from. Thankfully James is the perfect man to explain them to us as he's spent much of his recent career diving head first into the academic literature which underpins these movements. Enjoy. #socialjusticewarrior #woke #postmodernism Extra Stuff: Follow James on Twitter - https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames Buy James' Book - https://amzn.to/2DKeiz5 Check out everything I recommend from books to products and help support the podcast at no extra cost to you by shopping through this link - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
The speaker speaks about their desire to understand postmodernism and social justice accurately in order to communicate its essence in an understandable language and to avoid getting bored with the usual discussions involving Sam Harris and social justice warriors.
00:00 - 03:19 (03:19)
The speaker speaks about their desire to understand postmodernism and social justice accurately in order to communicate its essence in an understandable language and to avoid getting bored with the usual discussions involving Sam Harris and social justice warriors.
Episode#124 - James Lindsay - Social Justice Explained: The Foundations Of Wokeness
PodcastModern Wisdom
Critical theory is a lens used for examining the power structures that exist within society and exposing hidden assumptions and biases.
03:19 - 19:40 (16:21)
Critical theory is a lens used for examining the power structures that exist within society and exposing hidden assumptions and biases. It seeks to analyze systems of power that benefit a select few and exclude those who do not fit within the system's parameters.
Episode#124 - James Lindsay - Social Justice Explained: The Foundations Of Wokeness
PodcastModern Wisdom
The desire for everyone to have a normal life is being interpreted as a wish for the abnormal not to exist leading to accusations of a will to genocide against certain communities, such as the deaf, by some extremists.
19:40 - 27:31 (07:50)
The desire for everyone to have a normal life is being interpreted as a wish for the abnormal not to exist leading to accusations of a will to genocide against certain communities, such as the deaf, by some extremists.
Episode#124 - James Lindsay - Social Justice Explained: The Foundations Of Wokeness
PodcastModern Wisdom
The culture war within academia, particularly in the fields of analytic and moral philosophy, ultimately comes down to a battle between the sciences and the humanities that has been raging since the thirties, with the science side having ultimately won the battle but perhaps lost the war.
27:31 - 35:42 (08:11)
The culture war within academia, particularly in the fields of analytic and moral philosophy, ultimately comes down to a battle between the sciences and the humanities that has been raging since the thirties, with the science side having ultimately won the battle but perhaps lost the war.
Episode#124 - James Lindsay - Social Justice Explained: The Foundations Of Wokeness
PodcastModern Wisdom
The far left interprets the extreme reactions of the far right as proof that society is corrupt and protects its vested interests.
35:42 - 51:04 (15:21)
The far left interprets the extreme reactions of the far right as proof that society is corrupt and protects its vested interests. The far right sees the rising extremism of the left as an existential threat to the planet, their way of life, civilization, and society as a whole.
Episode#124 - James Lindsay - Social Justice Explained: The Foundations Of Wokeness
PodcastModern Wisdom
The collapse of the woke movement will result in a lot of damage to various institutions and companies that are choosing to go woke.
51:04 - 56:52 (05:47)
The collapse of the woke movement will result in a lot of damage to various institutions and companies that are choosing to go woke. The left sees the right as choosing against their own interests, and this will likely result in more organizations becoming woke, leading to their eventual downfall.
Episode#124 - James Lindsay - Social Justice Explained: The Foundations Of Wokeness
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker aims to resurrect proper liberal principles for social justice and discourage the spread of malignant social justice ideals.
56:53 - 1:03:28 (06:35)
The speaker aims to resurrect proper liberal principles for social justice and discourage the spread of malignant social justice ideals. While there may be challenges, he believes that Andrew Yang's candidacy demonstrates the potential for a broad, open-minded coalition.
Episode#124 - James Lindsay - Social Justice Explained: The Foundations Of Wokeness
PodcastModern Wisdom
The guest recommends following him on Twitter and mentions that there are some big things coming up in the next few months.
1:03:28 - 1:04:10 (00:41)
The guest recommends following him on Twitter and mentions that there are some big things coming up in the next few months.