

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
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Published: Tue Aug 31 2021

There's nothing like a super death speed roller coaster, internet tea, and talking to the dead with a few emotional breakdowns in between that says Howie Mandel Does Stuff. Amie Balesky, psychic medium, joins Howie and Jackie on a spiritual journey and you wouldn't believe who they communicate with! Follow Amie's Tik Tok - Visit Aime's Website -  See for privacy information.

Correspondent Jacqueline Schultz has been hired by People magazine to report on behind-the-scenes happenings at America's Got Talent.
00:00 - 02:35 (02:35)
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Correspondent Jacqueline Schultz has been hired by People magazine to report on behind-the-scenes happenings at America's Got Talent. She previously worked as a correspondent for a company on the red carpet at AGT and added content to Talk on CBS.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
A roller coaster in Japan is being shut down after 20 years of people breaking their neck and backs on it.
02:36 - 06:41 (04:04)
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Roller Coaster

A roller coaster in Japan is being shut down after 20 years of people breaking their neck and backs on it. Despite numerous injuries, it took this long for them to decide to slow it down.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The speaker shares their tip for staying safe on roller coasters by making sure to sit with their back against the backrest and head touching the headrest to avoid any potential jerky movements.
06:41 - 09:19 (02:37)
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Roller Coasters

The speaker shares their tip for staying safe on roller coasters by making sure to sit with their back against the backrest and head touching the headrest to avoid any potential jerky movements. They also make a playful comparison to the sound of bells ringing whenever someone breaks their neck on a roller coaster.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
A humorous exchange between the hosts about a comment on Caroline's looks in the podcast comments section and how masks affect their voices during recording.
09:19 - 11:05 (01:46)
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A humorous exchange between the hosts about a comment on Caroline's looks in the podcast comments section and how masks affect their voices during recording.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the recent viral trend of climbing milk crates, the origin of milk crates, and the dangers of attempting the challenge.
11:05 - 14:53 (03:48)
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Milk Crates

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the recent viral trend of climbing milk crates, the origin of milk crates, and the dangers of attempting the challenge. They also mention the planning involved in events and the survival of people who ate Tide Pods in the past, compared to those climbing milk crates now.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
Social media users are becoming experts at analyzing subtle cues to identify changes in people's lives, such as pregnancy, before they are announced.
14:53 - 17:22 (02:28)
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Social Media

Social media users are becoming experts at analyzing subtle cues to identify changes in people's lives, such as pregnancy, before they are announced. In some cases, users can spot clues from months-old posts to pinpoint the exact moment when something changed.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The speaker describes how her brother can get her into packed spas by clearing chairs and pushing people out of the way.
17:22 - 21:08 (03:46)
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The speaker describes how her brother can get her into packed spas by clearing chairs and pushing people out of the way. She also mentions getting hydrating pedicures with friends.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
A discussion about skepticism towards individuals claiming to be mediums and profit from it, with an example of a person who can hear dead, but not live people.
21:09 - 23:24 (02:15)
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A discussion about skepticism towards individuals claiming to be mediums and profit from it, with an example of a person who can hear dead, but not live people.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The podcast speaker discusses meeting a psychic who communicated with the spirit of someone who died due to suspicious circumstances, and shares another experience with a psychic who channeled the spirit of a murdered woman.
23:24 - 28:12 (04:47)
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Psychic communication

The podcast speaker discusses meeting a psychic who communicated with the spirit of someone who died due to suspicious circumstances, and shares another experience with a psychic who channeled the spirit of a murdered woman.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
In this podcast episode, a psychic describes her vision of a person's dog who has passed away.
28:12 - 33:18 (05:06)
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In this podcast episode, a psychic describes her vision of a person's dog who has passed away. The psychic mentions the dog's attachment to the person and its nervousness towards traveling.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The speaker discusses the dynamics of a past relationship and the potential issues therein.
33:18 - 37:03 (03:44)
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The speaker discusses the dynamics of a past relationship and the potential issues therein. They also mention wearing their ex-partner's clothes.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The speaker describes feeling the presence of a deceased loved one through channeling, or communicating with the deceased through a medium, and emphasizes the strong connection possible through channeling.
37:03 - 40:01 (02:58)
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The speaker describes feeling the presence of a deceased loved one through channeling, or communicating with the deceased through a medium, and emphasizes the strong connection possible through channeling.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The speaker expresses skepticism about the idea that pets can be reincarnated, but also acknowledges the emotional attachment people have with their animals.
40:01 - 43:08 (03:06)
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The speaker expresses skepticism about the idea that pets can be reincarnated, but also acknowledges the emotional attachment people have with their animals.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The importance of specificity while conversing has been noted, be it in daily conversations about sweaters or while traveling with a sick dog.
43:08 - 46:03 (02:55)
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The importance of specificity while conversing has been noted, be it in daily conversations about sweaters or while traveling with a sick dog. Such specificity is crucial to understand the essence of the conversation.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast
The podcast host shares a personal story about using a medium to connect with her deceased dog and how she chose to cremate the dog's remains herself, having a private funeral in the backyard.
46:03 - 47:44 (01:40)
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The podcast host shares a personal story about using a medium to connect with her deceased dog and how she chose to cremate the dog's remains herself, having a private funeral in the backyard.

Jeffrey Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast