

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
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Published: Mon Mar 21 2022

I hit 350k Subscribers on YouTube!! Technically I also hit 300k but we hit 350k before I had time to record anything so here we are. To celebrate, I asked for questions and got more than 1000 across all platforms so here's 90 minutes of me trying to answer as many as possible. There are legitimately some world-class questions here which I wish I'd come up with, including some really tough ones about my goals, fears and motivations, Expect to learn whether I think calling everyone cult members is a clever idea, how a beef-fuelled Jordan Peterson annihilated me at Top Golf, my biggest internal challenges, why I haven't gone vegan, my best advice for incels, whether I believe in NoFap superpowers, why I don't use AirPods to podcast with, my thoughts on pegging and much more... Sponsors: Join the Modern Wisdom Community to connect with me & other listeners - Get 15% discount on the amazing 6 Minute Diary at (use code MW15) Get $150 on everything from The Cold Plunge at (use code MW150) (international shipping enquiries - [email protected]) Get 83% discount & 3 months free from Surfshark VPN at (use code MODERNWISDOM) Extra Stuff: Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → To support me on Patreon (thank you): - Get in touch. Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Email: 

The podcast episode touches on a variety of topics, including personal challenges, Jordan Peterson, incels, gratitude journal, and more.
00:00 - 02:34 (02:34)
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The podcast episode touches on a variety of topics, including personal challenges, Jordan Peterson, incels, gratitude journal, and more. The host aims to find and interview the most interesting people from different backgrounds.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
Plunge’s cold plunge technology offers a superior alternative to an ice bath or a chest freezer using powerful cooling, filtration, and sanitation to provide you with cold, clean water whenever you want it.
02:34 - 08:44 (06:09)
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Cold exposure

Plunge’s cold plunge technology offers a superior alternative to an ice bath or a chest freezer using powerful cooling, filtration, and sanitation to provide you with cold, clean water whenever you want it. It's great for cold exposure and freeing up valuable time for other activities.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The currently toxic and immature manosphere scene could evolve into a more healthy and culturally accepted men's movement, similar to second wave feminism in its day, by removing toxic elements and focusing on benefiting both men and women.
08:44 - 15:09 (06:25)
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The currently toxic and immature manosphere scene could evolve into a more healthy and culturally accepted men's movement, similar to second wave feminism in its day, by removing toxic elements and focusing on benefiting both men and women.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The speaker believes that MGTOW, Pigtow or the pink pill is a tool used by people to cope in the aftermath of relationship trauma and creating an inner citadel to avoid being hurt.
15:09 - 19:41 (04:31)
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Relationship Trauma

The speaker believes that MGTOW, Pigtow or the pink pill is a tool used by people to cope in the aftermath of relationship trauma and creating an inner citadel to avoid being hurt. He also disagrees with the saying "things happen for a reason" as it diminishes the effort put in by individuals to make things better.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
Discovering a gym routine and career path that you genuinely enjoy will eliminate any hesitation in committing time and effort towards them.
19:41 - 27:36 (07:55)
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Fitness/Career Tips

Discovering a gym routine and career path that you genuinely enjoy will eliminate any hesitation in committing time and effort towards them. This may lead to changes in your social circle and hobbies, but ultimately lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The host talks about facing criticism towards some of the guests he's had on the show and how he's learned to take input less seriously as his platform continues to grow.
27:36 - 34:33 (06:57)
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The host talks about facing criticism towards some of the guests he's had on the show and how he's learned to take input less seriously as his platform continues to grow.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The speaker prefers using old-style wired headphones for recording podcasts to avoid technical glitches that wireless headphones may cause.
34:33 - 38:59 (04:25)
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The speaker prefers using old-style wired headphones for recording podcasts to avoid technical glitches that wireless headphones may cause.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The podcast host talks about the importance of pushback in conversations and how it can help in avoiding conflicts, using Joe Rogan as an example.
38:59 - 51:20 (12:20)
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The podcast host talks about the importance of pushback in conversations and how it can help in avoiding conflicts, using Joe Rogan as an example. He also shares his opinion on how partners should avoid getting in between each other's goals.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
Improving mental health includes prioritizing sleep and spending time with others, as discussed by Jake and James O'Keefe.
51:20 - 1:03:09 (11:48)
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Mental Health

Improving mental health includes prioritizing sleep and spending time with others, as discussed by Jake and James O'Keefe. Jake addresses critiques of his show and shares how his approach to conducting interviews has developed over time.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The speaker shares how he copes with the ambient anxiety that comes with social media growth by reading fantasy books, and discusses his experience of becoming a "nano influencer" in a specific niche.
1:03:09 - 1:08:42 (05:33)
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Social Media

The speaker shares how he copes with the ambient anxiety that comes with social media growth by reading fantasy books, and discusses his experience of becoming a "nano influencer" in a specific niche.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The use of cult-like terminology can create a feeling of belonging and increased buy-in from individuals.
1:08:42 - 1:12:56 (04:13)
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Cult Psychology

The use of cult-like terminology can create a feeling of belonging and increased buy-in from individuals. Consistent and understandable language can also aid in the learning and development of skills.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
In a world where the internet has made it possible to garner the attention of hundreds of thousands of people, being famous online comes at a cost.
1:12:56 - 1:18:06 (05:10)
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Internet Fame

In a world where the internet has made it possible to garner the attention of hundreds of thousands of people, being famous online comes at a cost. The dehumanization of those who gain internet fame through scrutiny and attention is a unique and unsettling phenomenon that is becoming increasingly commonplace.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The speaker is concerned about the messages that reality TV such as Love Island teaches young people about success and the implications of being picked out of obscurity to achieve fame in a short period of time.
1:18:06 - 1:25:14 (07:07)
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Reality TV

The speaker is concerned about the messages that reality TV such as Love Island teaches young people about success and the implications of being picked out of obscurity to achieve fame in a short period of time.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The democratization of controlling one's own life has led to a greater sense of openness about personal issues, and though it may make one more open to critique, it inspires others and provides hope.
1:25:14 - 1:30:37 (05:22)
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Personal Development

The democratization of controlling one's own life has led to a greater sense of openness about personal issues, and though it may make one more open to critique, it inspires others and provides hope.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The key to reinventing yourself is to change your environment and routine, find people who share similar goals and values, and step out of your comfort zone.
1:30:37 - 1:36:39 (06:01)
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The key to reinventing yourself is to change your environment and routine, find people who share similar goals and values, and step out of your comfort zone. This includes joining a gym with group classes and a supportive community, as well as seeking out new experiences in a different location.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
The transcript touches on the importance of hard work, marketing, and brand creation.
1:36:39 - 1:39:43 (03:04)
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Personal Growth

The transcript touches on the importance of hard work, marketing, and brand creation. It also discusses personal goals such as starting a family and leaving behind a legacy of impactful work.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom
An advertisement for Surfshark offering a discount and guarantee, followed by the host mentioning the Six Minute Diary and offering a discount.
1:39:44 - 1:42:32 (02:48)
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An advertisement for Surfshark offering a discount and guarantee, followed by the host mentioning the Six Minute Diary and offering a discount.

#450 - 350k Q&A - Dating Advice, Jordan Peterson & Internal Fears
Modern Wisdom