
#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
Martin Schmalz is a professor of Finance at Oxford University and an author. We're receiving constant warnings about the advent of Artificial Intelligence. And big data. And China. But how do all of these fit together? Expect to learn why your phone's GPS data on a night time is affecting your credit score, how the speed which you complete an online form in could change the price, where the REAL computing power behind AI is being deployed at the moment, and much more. Extra Stuff: Follow Martin on Twitter - https://twitter.com/martincschmalz Buy The Business Of Big Data - https://amzn.to/2HHg2Li Thank you to The Browser - https://thebrowser.com/ Take a break from alcohol and upgrade your life - https://6monthssober.com/podcast Check out everything I recommend from books to products - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
This podcast discusses the implications of utilizing big data and artificial intelligence on predicting human behavior, including how it can be used to infer whether someone is in a relationship or not.
00:00 - 02:24 (02:24)
This podcast discusses the implications of utilizing big data and artificial intelligence on predicting human behavior, including how it can be used to infer whether someone is in a relationship or not. The guest also discusses the discrepancies between the demands of graduates in industry and what is being taught in universities.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
The machine prediction technologies of AI allow for faster, better, and cheaper analysis of data than ever before, providing businesses and investors with valuable insights into which technologies can be turned into profitable business models.
02:24 - 10:47 (08:22)
The machine prediction technologies of AI allow for faster, better, and cheaper analysis of data than ever before, providing businesses and investors with valuable insights into which technologies can be turned into profitable business models.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speed of filling out online forms is becoming a highly important variable in determining the ability and willingness of people to repay loans as well as their insurance risk.
10:47 - 18:18 (07:31)
The speed of filling out online forms is becoming a highly important variable in determining the ability and willingness of people to repay loans as well as their insurance risk. Companies can now gather data from people's social networks, their health and mental health status to make these determinations.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
The data we generate while using different products and services can be analyzed and used to make predictions about our future behavior, including our purchasing patterns and even the likelihood of divorce.
18:18 - 27:02 (08:43)
The data we generate while using different products and services can be analyzed and used to make predictions about our future behavior, including our purchasing patterns and even the likelihood of divorce.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
The Chinese tend to prioritize convenience over privacy concerns, however, the use of automatic passport scanners may be infringing upon our personal information.
27:02 - 35:29 (08:27)
The Chinese tend to prioritize convenience over privacy concerns, however, the use of automatic passport scanners may be infringing upon our personal information.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
A potential alternative to Facebook that prioritizes privacy could attract users away from the current social media giant.
35:29 - 41:01 (05:32)
A potential alternative to Facebook that prioritizes privacy could attract users away from the current social media giant. The competition enforced by European regulators may pose a challenge to business models that seek to profit by exploiting user data.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker shares anecdotes of Bill Gates' phone hacking days and his own fears of privacy concerns.
41:01 - 46:45 (05:43)
The speaker shares anecdotes of Bill Gates' phone hacking days and his own fears of privacy concerns. He also discusses the implications of dynamic pricing and how willingly sharing personal information could potentially lead to lower prices.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
Intelligence in data science goes beyond coding and algorithms; humans are needed to creatively and ethically analyze data and understand user behavior.
46:45 - 52:24 (05:39)
Intelligence in data science goes beyond coding and algorithms; humans are needed to creatively and ethically analyze data and understand user behavior. This includes theorizing about data generation and understanding the impact of company policy and incentives on user behavior.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
The rise of big data analysis through econometric and economic modeling shouldn't be conflated with the development of artificial general intelligence.
52:24 - 57:33 (05:08)
The rise of big data analysis through econometric and economic modeling shouldn't be conflated with the development of artificial general intelligence. Amazon has hired hundreds of PhD economists to analyze big data, but this has nothing to do with AGI development.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
In the age of data, the value of a business model is its ability to collect, store, analyze, and sell data, rather than the product itself.
57:33 - 1:02:54 (05:20)
In the age of data, the value of a business model is its ability to collect, store, analyze, and sell data, rather than the product itself. Data aggregators buy data from whoever first came up with the idea of measuring how fast people buy stuff online, regardless of the product, and then sell it to companies like Facebook or Google for targeted ads.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
The tension between data access and privacy is discussed, with some people wanting more data to be shared while others worry about data misuse and having their personal information sold to third parties.
1:02:54 - 1:08:28 (05:33)
The tension between data access and privacy is discussed, with some people wanting more data to be shared while others worry about data misuse and having their personal information sold to third parties.
Episode#144 - Martin Schmalz - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & China
PodcastModern Wisdom
The browser's daily emails offer curated articles and a synopsis at the end of the week, providing interesting topics to discuss.
1:08:28 - 1:09:51 (01:23)
The browser's daily emails offer curated articles and a synopsis at the end of the week, providing interesting topics to discuss. The service was introduced by David Perala and continues to provide valuable content.