
#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
Max Dickins is a comedian, writer and a mental health advocate. Loneliness is as dangerous as smoking. And men are suffering worse than ever. This is bad for them, it's bad for their partners, it's bad for their employers, their children and society at large. Men are struggling to toe the line between manning up and opening up and many of them are doing neither. Expect to learn what Max learned from having no best man to choose for his wedding, how men's loneliness differs from female loneliness, the evolutionary explanation for shallower male friendships, how being in a shed can help you bond, why contributing to a project and doing things is crucial for bonding amongst men, whether the manosphere is helping and much more... Sponsors: Get the Whoop 4.0 for free and get your first month for free at http://join.whoop.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get 10% discount on all Optimal Carnivore’s products at www.amazon.com/optimalcarnivore (use code: WISDOMSAVE10) Get 83% discount & 3 months free from Surfshark VPN at https://surfshark.deals/MODERNWISDOM (use code MODERNWISDOM) Extra Stuff: Buy Billy No-Mates - https://amzn.to/3PZV38i Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/
Max Fosh discusses men's loneliness, the evolutionary explanation for shallow male friendships, and how contributing to a project is crucial for bonding amongst men.
00:00 - 01:30 (01:30)
Max Fosh discusses men's loneliness, the evolutionary explanation for shallow male friendships, and how contributing to a project is crucial for bonding amongst men.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The conversation revolves around two approaches to manhood, one emphasizing the importance of traditional masculine roles and archetypes, while the other focuses on doing things that reconnect men with their masculine purpose.
01:30 - 08:19 (06:48)
The conversation revolves around two approaches to manhood, one emphasizing the importance of traditional masculine roles and archetypes, while the other focuses on doing things that reconnect men with their masculine purpose. Additionally, an ad for a 10% discount on the Optimal Carnivore lifestyle products was featured during the podcast.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Studies have shown that men have less close friends and social support networks than women, leading to worse mental and physical health outcomes during major life transitions such as bereavement, retirement, and divorce.
08:19 - 17:07 (08:48)
Studies have shown that men have less close friends and social support networks than women, leading to worse mental and physical health outcomes during major life transitions such as bereavement, retirement, and divorce.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast host explores the challenges of forming and maintaining male friendships, speaking with psychologists and gender experts to better understand common obstacles, such as the tendency towards casual brutality and difficulty expressing emotions.
17:07 - 23:00 (05:53)
The podcast host explores the challenges of forming and maintaining male friendships, speaking with psychologists and gender experts to better understand common obstacles, such as the tendency towards casual brutality and difficulty expressing emotions.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Male and female roommates tend to share with respective genders, but some second-year students opt to live with opposite genders.
23:00 - 27:05 (04:04)
Male and female roommates tend to share with respective genders, but some second-year students opt to live with opposite genders. Research suggests that women are better at handling close friendships, and historically, women relied on friendships to help bring up children.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Men's groups are becoming an increasingly effective way to address male loneliness and mental health, surpassing traditional therapy methods.
27:05 - 31:49 (04:44)
Men's groups are becoming an increasingly effective way to address male loneliness and mental health, surpassing traditional therapy methods. It is important for society to recognize and accept men's different social preferences in order to better address these issues.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Men often do not recognize they have mental health problems, and traditional female-centered approaches to depression may not work for them.
31:49 - 35:22 (03:33)
Men often do not recognize they have mental health problems, and traditional female-centered approaches to depression may not work for them. A sense of purpose and achievement may be key to improving men's mental health, as seen in the success of the men's shed movement.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Turning 30, being in a serious relationship and having a family are turning points that affect men's social lives.
35:22 - 39:57 (04:34)
Turning 30, being in a serious relationship and having a family are turning points that affect men's social lives. Spending more time on social media and with family is taking away from friendships and activities men wouldn't do in the past like working men's clubs.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The lack of intimacy in male friendships is often due to the fear of being perceived as gay.
39:57 - 45:13 (05:15)
The lack of intimacy in male friendships is often due to the fear of being perceived as gay. However, many men long for the shared sense of purpose and adventure often found in close male relationships.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The key to finding good friends is to find those who allow you to be unapologetically yourself, according to this speaker.
45:13 - 56:01 (10:47)
The key to finding good friends is to find those who allow you to be unapologetically yourself, according to this speaker. Finding individuals who share your intellectual interests can help in pursuing this aim.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The gendered division of emotional labor and the prevalence of same-gender friendships are discussed in this episode, with a focus on the impacts on women and men's social lives.
56:01 - 1:03:16 (07:15)
The gendered division of emotional labor and the prevalence of same-gender friendships are discussed in this episode, with a focus on the impacts on women and men's social lives.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The Disneyfication of relationships and friendships has made them appear more like bonds between souls, but in reality, they are a risk and have stakes involved in them.
1:03:16 - 1:14:57 (11:41)
The Disneyfication of relationships and friendships has made them appear more like bonds between souls, but in reality, they are a risk and have stakes involved in them. Friendship grows on you like a suntan- it takes time and effort.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this podcast, the speaker discusses how unconventional communities like real doll makers and ideology groups can serve as bridges for those who are struggling or fail in connecting with others through traditional means.
1:14:57 - 1:19:52 (04:54)
In this podcast, the speaker discusses how unconventional communities like real doll makers and ideology groups can serve as bridges for those who are struggling or fail in connecting with others through traditional means.
Episode#511 - Max Dickins - Does Anyone Care About Male Loneliness?
PodcastModern Wisdom
This podcast discusses the importance of addressing emotional labor in male friendships and providing support to help fix this problem.
1:19:52 - 1:23:33 (03:40)
This podcast discusses the importance of addressing emotional labor in male friendships and providing support to help fix this problem. The discussion also highlights the challenges of maintaining friendships with men who struggle with emotional labor and the need for continued effort to overcome these issues.