
#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
Michael Girdley is an entrepreneur. He's the owner of 10+ businesses (including fireworks, software, school, and coffee chain) totaling more than $100,000,000. And this conversation is unlike anything Michael has published publicly. We spoke about generational differences, what it's like to raise children, why he's loving Spanish, why he lacked courage when he was younger, common mistakes people make in their 20s, replacing companies with religion, and much more. - Michael's Links Twitter: https://twitter.com/girdley Linktree: https://linktr.ee/girdley - Resources Mentioned • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values by Robert Pirsig – https://www.amazon.com/Zen-Art-Motorcycle-Maintenance-Inquiry/dp/0060589469 • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki – https://www.amazon.com/Zen-Mind-Beginners-50th-Anniversary/dp/1611808413 • Michael Girdley Thread on Effectuation: https://twitter.com/girdley/status/1517850790148263936 - SPONSOR: This episode is brought to you by My First Million. This is the podcast that I listen to and recommend whenever I want to learn more about business, technology, or the future. Sam Parr and Shaan Puri are hilarious, informative, and interesting. Check it out! – My Links ✉️ Newsletter: https://dannymiranda.substack.com 🎙 Podcast: https://anchor.fm/dannymiranda 🎥 YouTube: https://youtube.com/dannymiranda 🐣 Twitter: https://twitter.com/heydannymiranda 📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/heydannymiranda 🕺 TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@heydannymiranda
The My First Million podcast features Michael Gurdley discussing entrepreneurship and business in a new light, showcasing Michael in a different form than his previous appearances on other podcasts.
00:00 - 04:03 (04:03)
The My First Million podcast features Michael Gurdley discussing entrepreneurship and business in a new light, showcasing Michael in a different form than his previous appearances on other podcasts.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The feedback loop in a seasonal business like fireworks, where sales happen only once or twice a year, cannot be shortened.
04:03 - 10:27 (06:23)
The feedback loop in a seasonal business like fireworks, where sales happen only once or twice a year, cannot be shortened. However, these types of businesses provide valuable experience in learning how to operate under challenging circumstances.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker discusses the phenomenon of spotlight bias and societal pressure, and how it can affect individuals, especially when it comes to making mistakes and pursuing their interests.
10:27 - 20:56 (10:28)
The speaker discusses the phenomenon of spotlight bias and societal pressure, and how it can affect individuals, especially when it comes to making mistakes and pursuing their interests.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker reflects on the difference in perspective between middle-aged people and younger generations when it comes to receiving life advice.
20:56 - 24:05 (03:08)
The speaker reflects on the difference in perspective between middle-aged people and younger generations when it comes to receiving life advice.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker shares his personal journey of learning to lead and transitioning from needing to control to focusing on helping others be their best.
24:05 - 28:26 (04:21)
The speaker shares his personal journey of learning to lead and transitioning from needing to control to focusing on helping others be their best.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker emphasizes the importance of identifying one's core values by thinking of the things that make them angry when accused.
28:26 - 33:50 (05:23)
The speaker emphasizes the importance of identifying one's core values by thinking of the things that make them angry when accused. It takes time to understand one's "why" but it's essential for knowing what drives a person.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker reflects on the challenge of navigating social scenarios and the value of time and experience in finding enjoyment in creative pursuits.
33:50 - 39:02 (05:12)
The speaker reflects on the challenge of navigating social scenarios and the value of time and experience in finding enjoyment in creative pursuits.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The importance of acknowledging and managing your emotions rather than letting them control you, as illustrated by feeling intimidated by those in positions of power.
39:02 - 44:54 (05:51)
The importance of acknowledging and managing your emotions rather than letting them control you, as illustrated by feeling intimidated by those in positions of power.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The fragmentation of religion has caused some to turn to Berkshire Hathaway with a religious-like fervor and trust in Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger, as they speak about their experiences with the company at an annual meeting.
44:54 - 50:49 (05:54)
The fragmentation of religion has caused some to turn to Berkshire Hathaway with a religious-like fervor and trust in Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger, as they speak about their experiences with the company at an annual meeting.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The importance of being your true self on podcasts such as Joe Rogan's as well as the challenges of modern media authenticity.
50:49 - 55:53 (05:03)
The importance of being your true self on podcasts such as Joe Rogan's as well as the challenges of modern media authenticity.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The value of Twitter lies in the way it helps people develop a community, build relationships, and share information that they might not otherwise have access to.
55:53 - 1:01:01 (05:08)
The value of Twitter lies in the way it helps people develop a community, build relationships, and share information that they might not otherwise have access to. It serves as a karma bank where every time one shares something useful, they get much more in return.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The English language tends to be indirect and lacks clarity in certain situations, which can lead to confusion and miscommunications.
1:01:01 - 1:04:34 (03:32)
The English language tends to be indirect and lacks clarity in certain situations, which can lead to confusion and miscommunications. Examples include not saying what you really mean, using vague phrases, and beating around the bush.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
EOS is a system that simplifies business operations by providing worksheets, rules, and forms that help businesses fill out systems, follow rules, and stop worrying about the meetings, thus leading to an effective strategic plan.
1:04:34 - 1:08:39 (04:05)
EOS is a system that simplifies business operations by providing worksheets, rules, and forms that help businesses fill out systems, follow rules, and stop worrying about the meetings, thus leading to an effective strategic plan.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker discusses the idea of wandering aimlessly to discover oneself, and argues against the notion that this can lead to significant personal growth or fulfilment.
1:08:39 - 1:12:18 (03:38)
The speaker discusses the idea of wandering aimlessly to discover oneself, and argues against the notion that this can lead to significant personal growth or fulfilment.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker reflects on the fragility of human life and the appreciation for their parents' sacrifice in light of the transformative power of music and the different perspectives people have in adverse situations.
1:12:18 - 1:18:26 (06:08)
The speaker reflects on the fragility of human life and the appreciation for their parents' sacrifice in light of the transformative power of music and the different perspectives people have in adverse situations.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The podcast host reflects on the idea of controlling thoughts and emotions in the presence of the Dalai Lama, acknowledging the popularity of the Dalai Lama in the late 90s.
1:18:26 - 1:21:38 (03:11)
The podcast host reflects on the idea of controlling thoughts and emotions in the presence of the Dalai Lama, acknowledging the popularity of the Dalai Lama in the late 90s.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker discusses how he and his wife strive to be respectful tourists and learn from locals when traveling, including learning new languages and cultural practices.
1:21:38 - 1:25:57 (04:19)
The speaker discusses how he and his wife strive to be respectful tourists and learn from locals when traveling, including learning new languages and cultural practices.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The podcast discusses the differences in business culture between Latin countries and America, including how meetings are conducted and expectations in conversations.
1:25:57 - 1:29:20 (03:22)
The podcast discusses the differences in business culture between Latin countries and America, including how meetings are conducted and expectations in conversations.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker talks about how living in close proximity with politicians changed her view of having a friendship group, and how she realized the difference in lifestyle between them and regular people during trick or treat time.
1:29:20 - 1:35:28 (06:08)
The speaker talks about how living in close proximity with politicians changed her view of having a friendship group, and how she realized the difference in lifestyle between them and regular people during trick or treat time.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The key to making connections with similar people is finding shared activities and creating friendships around those interests, rather than allowing our monkey mind to create snap judgments based on appearances or assumptions.
1:35:28 - 1:39:36 (04:08)
The key to making connections with similar people is finding shared activities and creating friendships around those interests, rather than allowing our monkey mind to create snap judgments based on appearances or assumptions.
Episode#294: Michael Girdley – $100M CEO On Common Mistakes People Make In Their 20s
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker gives advice for people who are starting their first business or are running multiple businesses.
1:39:36 - 1:43:29 (03:52)
The speaker gives advice for people who are starting their first business or are running multiple businesses. He recommends a different startup methodology called effectuation and emphasizes the importance of productive meetings.