

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
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Published: Mon Mar 01 2021

After Mark Lundy was convicted of viciously slaying his wife and daughter, another story started to emerge, leading many people in New Zealand to wonder…was the wrong man behind bars? For current Fan Club membership options and policies, please visit Source materials for this episode cannot be listed here due to character limitations. For a full list of sources, please visit 

Mark Lundy is found guilty of the murder of his wife Christine and daughter Amber, and is sentenced to 20 years in prison, the longest non-parole period on a life sentence in New Zealand's history.
00:00 - 03:22 (03:22)
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Mark Lundy

Mark Lundy is found guilty of the murder of his wife Christine and daughter Amber, and is sentenced to 20 years in prison, the longest non-parole period on a life sentence in New Zealand's history. As new evidence emerges, experts, journalists, and Mark's defense team continue to fight for his innocence.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
Experts question the accuracy of using stomach contents as a way to determine time of death in the case of the Lundy murders that occurred in New Zealand in 2000.
03:22 - 10:44 (07:21)
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Lundy Murders

Experts question the accuracy of using stomach contents as a way to determine time of death in the case of the Lundy murders that occurred in New Zealand in 2000. Journalists and neutrals are unsatisfied with the current accounts of the story.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
The timeline of events presented by Mike White in relation to the Amber-Lee Cruickshank murder case shows that the owners of the store locked up and left the store at 6:37 PM, making the timeline of events given by Margaret in relation to her murder case disputable.
10:44 - 17:14 (06:29)
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Amber-Lee Cruickshank

The timeline of events presented by Mike White in relation to the Amber-Lee Cruickshank murder case shows that the owners of the store locked up and left the store at 6:37 PM, making the timeline of events given by Margaret in relation to her murder case disputable.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
A woman recounts the night she and her boyfriend were almost killed in their home by a man they had befriended, who they now suspect of murder.
17:14 - 24:44 (07:30)
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A woman recounts the night she and her boyfriend were almost killed in their home by a man they had befriended, who they now suspect of murder.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
The Crown prosecution in the Mark Lundy case relied heavily on forensic evidence such as paint chips found on the victims' bodies and a piece of tissue that was believed to come from one of the victim's brain or spinal cord to prove Mark's guilt, in the absence of the murder weapon.
24:44 - 30:55 (06:11)
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Forensic evidence

The Crown prosecution in the Mark Lundy case relied heavily on forensic evidence such as paint chips found on the victims' bodies and a piece of tissue that was believed to come from one of the victim's brain or spinal cord to prove Mark's guilt, in the absence of the murder weapon.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
The integrity of evidence used to convict Mark Lundy of murder is being questioned due to discrepancies in the DNA samples found on his shirt and the original evidence, including stomach contents and brain tissue, that may have degraded quickly.
30:55 - 36:21 (05:26)
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Mark Lundy

The integrity of evidence used to convict Mark Lundy of murder is being questioned due to discrepancies in the DNA samples found on his shirt and the original evidence, including stomach contents and brain tissue, that may have degraded quickly.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
The prosecution's case against Mark is full of holes, as they argue that he was the one who killed his wife, but inconsistencies in the testimonies suggest otherwise.
36:21 - 40:43 (04:21)
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Murder Case

The prosecution's case against Mark is full of holes, as they argue that he was the one who killed his wife, but inconsistencies in the testimonies suggest otherwise. The defense argues that Mark is not doing himself any favors, leaving the case hanging in balance.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
Testimonies from Glenn's old roommate and her partner revealed that blood was found in Glenn's bathroom, he had unexplained injuries, and his house and car tested positive for blood, all pointing towards his involvement in the murders of Amber and Christine.
40:43 - 44:49 (04:06)
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Testimonies from Glenn's old roommate and her partner revealed that blood was found in Glenn's bathroom, he had unexplained injuries, and his house and car tested positive for blood, all pointing towards his involvement in the murders of Amber and Christine.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
The advances in science can alter how evidence is examined and perceived, which was seen in other cases that span over the years.
44:50 - 49:00 (04:09)
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Wrongful Conviction

The advances in science can alter how evidence is examined and perceived, which was seen in other cases that span over the years. A wrongful conviction case is planning to apply to the Criminal Case Review Commission, which looks into wrongful convictions, due to unanswered questions about forensic and physical evidence.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie
The conclusion to the Mark Lundy case where the evidence against him is analyzed, and the theories of his supporters are presented.
49:00 - 50:58 (01:57)
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The conclusion to the Mark Lundy case where the evidence against him is analyzed, and the theories of his supporters are presented. Even though the killer's identity remains unknown, two innocent people lost their lives in a cruel way and justice still needs to be served.

MURDERED: The Lundys Part 2
Crime Junkie