
#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
Kathryn Paige Harden is a psychologist and behavioural geneticist, Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas and an author. The goal of social equality is to give everyone a fair opportunity to achieve in life. But even if advantages and disadvantages in the environment are equalised, all of us are starting at different positions genetically because we get far more than just environment from our parents. Paige is trying to work out how DNA can be integrated into social equality. Expect to learn why people are so uncomfortable talking about behavioural genetics, why your failures might be less of your fault than you think, why hitting puberty early makes girls bad at maths, whether genetic markers for working hard should be accounted for when evening out the playing field and much more... Sponsors: Join the Modern Wisdom Community to connect with me & other listeners - https://modernwisdom.locals.com/ Get over 37% discount on all products site-wide from MyProtein at http://bit.ly/modernwisdom (use code: MODERNWISDOM) Get 5 days unlimited access to Shortform for free at https://www.shortform.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Buy The Genetic Lottery - https://amzn.to/3FKqazM Follow Paige on Twitter - https://twitter.com/kph3k Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/
This episode explores the influence of behavioural genetics on social equality, discussing topics such as why people avoid talking about it, the impact of genetic markers on work ethic, and how puberty affects mathematical ability in girls.
00:00 - 02:16 (02:16)
This episode explores the influence of behavioural genetics on social equality, discussing topics such as why people avoid talking about it, the impact of genetic markers on work ethic, and how puberty affects mathematical ability in girls.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Shortform provides detailed book summaries and analysis of nonfiction books for readers who are short on time and want to quickly grasp the key ideas before investing in the full book.
02:16 - 06:14 (03:58)
Shortform provides detailed book summaries and analysis of nonfiction books for readers who are short on time and want to quickly grasp the key ideas before investing in the full book. Additionally, Shortform is promoted along with a health product for increasing protein in your diet.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The idea of constraint is often resisted by modern people who believe that they have an infinite potential to choose any future for themselves.
06:16 - 15:15 (08:59)
The idea of constraint is often resisted by modern people who believe that they have an infinite potential to choose any future for themselves. However, constraint is actually important because it offers us a new space to stretch conversation and change the way we think.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The narratives around essential workers highlight the lack of financial stability, healthcare access and material security which is an obstacle in starting families and owning homes.
15:15 - 22:10 (06:54)
The narratives around essential workers highlight the lack of financial stability, healthcare access and material security which is an obstacle in starting families and owning homes.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The correlation between a child's polygenic score and their success in education is not significant, but it is enough to be used in studies aimed at creating more effective policies and interventions for student success.
22:10 - 31:50 (09:39)
The correlation between a child's polygenic score and their success in education is not significant, but it is enough to be used in studies aimed at creating more effective policies and interventions for student success.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The idea of justifying inequality based on what people deserve or earn is bound to fail as there is no way to separate effort from luck.
31:50 - 39:32 (07:42)
The idea of justifying inequality based on what people deserve or earn is bound to fail as there is no way to separate effort from luck. It may be better if the wealthy have less money but live in a society with more political stability and less supply chain issues, while those at the poverty line prioritize secure housing, food, and education for their children.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
A discussion on how most parenting books cater to a specific demographic and do not account for other factors like family conflict, teenage pregnancy and children's personalities.
39:32 - 45:11 (05:39)
A discussion on how most parenting books cater to a specific demographic and do not account for other factors like family conflict, teenage pregnancy and children's personalities.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The American political landscape tends to view contribution as a defining feature for personal value, creating social inequalities between occupations.
45:11 - 51:49 (06:38)
The American political landscape tends to view contribution as a defining feature for personal value, creating social inequalities between occupations. The de-institutionalization movement of getting people out of hospitals and shutting down inpatient wards made an impact on society as well.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Research suggests that even though freeloaders bother us, putting administrative machinery in place to punish them can end up hurting ourselves and people who actually need help more.
51:51 - 57:05 (05:14)
Research suggests that even though freeloaders bother us, putting administrative machinery in place to punish them can end up hurting ourselves and people who actually need help more.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The debate over inequality and the distribution of wealth is a fundamental one, and there is no clear answer to whether inequality is inherently bad or if we should focus on addressing minimum standards.
57:05 - 1:04:01 (06:56)
The debate over inequality and the distribution of wealth is a fundamental one, and there is no clear answer to whether inequality is inherently bad or if we should focus on addressing minimum standards. Additionally, the comparison between work and leisure and the monoculture effect in agriculture shed light on the issue.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The idea that certain genetics can make certain racial groups inherently better or worse at certain sports is flawed, as more sustained scrutiny reveals it to be an oversimplification.
1:04:01 - 1:12:13 (08:11)
The idea that certain genetics can make certain racial groups inherently better or worse at certain sports is flawed, as more sustained scrutiny reveals it to be an oversimplification.
Episode#387 - Paige Harden - Are Human Genetics An Unfair Lottery?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast discusses how DNA plays a role in social inequality with regards to the genetic lottery.
1:12:13 - 1:13:35 (01:22)
The podcast discusses how DNA plays a role in social inequality with regards to the genetic lottery. The episode also promotes social media accounts and offers discounts on products.