
1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
“It’s exhausting having to pretend to be this Barbie Doll who has no brain all day long, when in the back of my mind I know exactly what’s happening.”We all might think we know Paris Hilton, but for the first time ever, she's peeling back the layers from her carefully crafted persona. In the new documentary, "This Is Paris," she reveals that she was physically, verbally, and emotionally abused at a boarding school in her teens. And in this conversation with Lewis, she delves into the dark secrets from her past, explaining how the trauma affected her, why she kept it hidden for so long, and what she's done to start to heal.They also discuss how Paris became the "OG influencer" and her thoughts on fame today, as well as the growth of her business empire.Kobe Bryant on Mamba Mentality, NBA Titles, and Oscars: https://link.chtbl.com/691-podKevin Hart Breaks Down His Secrets to Success: https://link.chtbl.com/956-podKatherine Schwarzenegger Pratt on the Power of Forgiveness: https://link.chtbl.com/925-pod
In a candid interview, Paris Hilton reveals the lasting impact of her experience being sent to a disciplinary institution as a teenager, including trust issues, the creation of her public "persona," and her desire for financial success.
00:00 - 05:11 (05:11)
In a candid interview, Paris Hilton reveals the lasting impact of her experience being sent to a disciplinary institution as a teenager, including trust issues, the creation of her public "persona," and her desire for financial success. Despite opening up about her trauma, Hilton admits that she still struggles with the emotional impact of her experiences.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
A podcast host discusses with a guest about the walls and masks they built up as a defense mechanism to avoid confronting their past traumas and always staying ahead one step of the game.
05:11 - 08:51 (03:40)
A podcast host discusses with a guest about the walls and masks they built up as a defense mechanism to avoid confronting their past traumas and always staying ahead one step of the game.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
In this episode, the guest talks about how he built his personal brand before social media and shares some advice for those trying to build their brand today.
08:51 - 12:30 (03:39)
In this episode, the guest talks about how he built his personal brand before social media and shares some advice for those trying to build their brand today.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker talks about the challenges of fame and how she has dealt with people inventing stories and lies about her.
12:30 - 17:00 (04:30)
The speaker talks about the challenges of fame and how she has dealt with people inventing stories and lies about her. She also shares her regrets of being too open and letting the wrong people into her life.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The pressures of social media can be overwhelming for teenagers, with the need for approval and perfect appearances leading to stress, anxiety, and trolls.
17:00 - 21:10 (04:10)
The pressures of social media can be overwhelming for teenagers, with the need for approval and perfect appearances leading to stress, anxiety, and trolls. Prioritizing self-care and recognizing that social media validation is not necessary is crucial for mental health.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Paris Hilton shares how she practices self-love by focusing on the positive and not doubting herself.
21:10 - 25:14 (04:03)
Paris Hilton shares how she practices self-love by focusing on the positive and not doubting herself. She encourages others to celebrate the amazing things in life instead of only focusing on the negative.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on their experience of overcoming challenges and advises their younger self to avoid negative influences while staying positive about the future.
25:14 - 31:08 (05:53)
The speaker reflects on their experience of overcoming challenges and advises their younger self to avoid negative influences while staying positive about the future.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
A speaker speaks about the outpour with apologies, messages and letters of people who doubted her before along with the love and support.
31:08 - 35:03 (03:55)
A speaker speaks about the outpour with apologies, messages and letters of people who doubted her before along with the love and support. In addition, they discussed how people rise to fame and fall out of it, alluding to a documentary on the topic.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The guest on the podcast discusses how playing a bubbly character had people assuming she had no idea what was going on, and addresses the stereotypes associated with privileged individuals having not worked hard enough to achieve their success.
35:03 - 39:17 (04:14)
The guest on the podcast discusses how playing a bubbly character had people assuming she had no idea what was going on, and addresses the stereotypes associated with privileged individuals having not worked hard enough to achieve their success.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The importance of prioritizing daily non-negotiables -whether it's spending time with loved ones, taking care of financial health, or just being playful and present- is highlighted in this conversation with a successful entrepreneur.
39:17 - 42:29 (03:12)
The importance of prioritizing daily non-negotiables -whether it's spending time with loved ones, taking care of financial health, or just being playful and present- is highlighted in this conversation with a successful entrepreneur.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on how watching a documentary helped her understand her mother's hesitation towards her pursuing a career in the entertainment industry, and why it is important for teenagers to watch it.
42:29 - 47:54 (05:25)
The speaker reflects on how watching a documentary helped her understand her mother's hesitation towards her pursuing a career in the entertainment industry, and why it is important for teenagers to watch it. She also mentions an interesting question she has been asked before.
Episode1012 Paris Hilton: Dangers of Fame, Building an Empire & Healing Trauma
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker talks about the importance of being open with friends and family while also recommending finding a therapist to share in a safe environment.
47:54 - 51:01 (03:07)
The speaker talks about the importance of being open with friends and family while also recommending finding a therapist to share in a safe environment. The speaker also promotes receiving weekly inspirational messages via text and sharing a link to their website with friends.