

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
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Published: Mon Dec 19 2022

Margaret talks with Garrison Davis about how the Church tried, and largely failed, to stop the wild revelry of the winter solstice.See for privacy information.

Three radio journalists are assassinated in Miami, and the mastermind behind it all has yet to be caught.
00:00 - 00:43 (00:43)
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True Crime

Three radio journalists are assassinated in Miami, and the mastermind behind it all has yet to be caught. In Silenced, the radio murders podcast, host Osvaldo Oshin delves into the conspiracy and darkness surrounding the case.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
Cool People Do Cool Stuff is taking a break, but in this episode, the host talks about rebels in history and discusses the "Wheel of Death."
00:43 - 03:39 (02:55)
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Cool People Do Cool Stuff is taking a break, but in this episode, the host talks about rebels in history and discusses the "Wheel of Death."

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The commercialization of Christmas has been criticized by some traditional Christian groups, who feel that it distracts from the true meaning of the holiday.
03:39 - 07:54 (04:15)
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Christmas, commercialization, Christianity

The commercialization of Christmas has been criticized by some traditional Christian groups, who feel that it distracts from the true meaning of the holiday. However, there is also a history of Christians being oppressed in the past, before they gained more mainstream acceptance.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
Many Christmas traditions have their roots in pagan celebrations, and people just kept doing those rituals with a Christian twist.
07:54 - 12:06 (04:11)
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Christmas traditions

Many Christmas traditions have their roots in pagan celebrations, and people just kept doing those rituals with a Christian twist. Solstice celebrations in Scandinavia were particularly tied to the holiday.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
This transcript discusses the intermingling of mysticism and paganism in early Christianity, and how stories about spiritual development were created in a world under threat of empire.
12:06 - 18:11 (06:05)
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This transcript discusses the intermingling of mysticism and paganism in early Christianity, and how stories about spiritual development were created in a world under threat of empire. It also delves into the history of December 25th and how it was chosen as the date of Christmas.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The celebration of Sol Invictus was not limited to just one specific holiday, but was a conflation of different pagan rituals celebrated for a long time.
18:11 - 23:59 (05:47)
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The celebration of Sol Invictus was not limited to just one specific holiday, but was a conflation of different pagan rituals celebrated for a long time. There is no specific pamphlet found in history, but many believe it was adapted and celebrated by different people at different times.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The speaker discusses how the use of the letter "V" instead of "U" in ancient Roman inscriptions feels like halfway cheating in terms of human sacrifice, as Gladiators often survived and lived long lives.
23:59 - 29:58 (05:59)
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Ancient Rome

The speaker discusses how the use of the letter "V" instead of "U" in ancient Roman inscriptions feels like halfway cheating in terms of human sacrifice, as Gladiators often survived and lived long lives.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The celebration of Yule in Germanic paganism is shrouded in mystery since most of the information we have is from Christian observers.
29:58 - 33:42 (03:44)
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Germanic paganism

The celebration of Yule in Germanic paganism is shrouded in mystery since most of the information we have is from Christian observers. The Germanic pagan style of sacrifice called 'blot' involved cutting the throat of the sacrificial animal and sometimes, human sacrifice at various points.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
Discussing the origins of holiday traditions, this episode touches on the history of Christmas trees and the origins of dressing up for Halloween.
33:42 - 37:20 (03:37)
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Holiday Traditions

Discussing the origins of holiday traditions, this episode touches on the history of Christmas trees and the origins of dressing up for Halloween. The hosts also touch upon the possibility of finding websites resembling GeoCities with themed animation and design.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The episode delves into the pagan roots of Christmas traditions, including the Wild Hunt and the fertility symbol of mistletoe.
37:20 - 41:01 (03:41)
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The episode delves into the pagan roots of Christmas traditions, including the Wild Hunt and the fertility symbol of mistletoe.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The Finnish pagan culture has its own traditions separate from Germanic and Slavic traditions.
41:01 - 45:29 (04:27)
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Finnish Pagan Tradition

The Finnish pagan culture has its own traditions separate from Germanic and Slavic traditions. The idea of the Wild Hunt is present in Finnish stories and people have reported hearing it.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The idea of being taken to other places appears throughout folklore, from wild hunts to forest alien abductions and biblical stories like Enoch and Elijah being carried to heaven in a chariot of fire.
45:29 - 50:08 (04:39)
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The idea of being taken to other places appears throughout folklore, from wild hunts to forest alien abductions and biblical stories like Enoch and Elijah being carried to heaven in a chariot of fire.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
In this podcast, investigative journalist Osvaldo Oshin dives deep into the unsolved case of three radio journalists assassinated in Miami and explores the darker realms of drugs and conspiracies surrounding the case.
50:08 - 51:09 (01:01)
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In this podcast, investigative journalist Osvaldo Oshin dives deep into the unsolved case of three radio journalists assassinated in Miami and explores the darker realms of drugs and conspiracies surrounding the case.

Part One: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards