

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
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Published: Wed Dec 21 2022

In part two of this week's episode, Margaret continues her conversation with Garrison Davis about how the Church tried, and largely failed, to stop the wild revelry of the winter solstice.See for privacy information.

The 12th day of Christmas, also known as Epiphany, held more importance than Christmas day in medieval times.
00:00 - 02:19 (02:19)
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Christmas traditions

The 12th day of Christmas, also known as Epiphany, held more importance than Christmas day in medieval times. While some people attended church, many pagans still held onto their beliefs and practices.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The podcast discusses how pagan celebrations and rituals were incorporated into Christian traditions and how certain practices were viewed as sacrilegious by the church.
02:19 - 08:29 (06:10)
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The podcast discusses how pagan celebrations and rituals were incorporated into Christian traditions and how certain practices were viewed as sacrilegious by the church.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The Feast of the Innocence and a game of hide and seek played by children are discussed with their relation to Saturnalia and the possibility of parents not actively searching for their children during the game.
08:29 - 11:23 (02:53)
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The Feast of the Innocence and a game of hide and seek played by children are discussed with their relation to Saturnalia and the possibility of parents not actively searching for their children during the game.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The speaker discusses the Scandinavian tradition of elders throwing themselves off of cliffs to not take up resources from the community and compares it to being ruled by the English king and Catholic church in the name of God.
11:23 - 16:32 (05:08)
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Scandinavian culture

The speaker discusses the Scandinavian tradition of elders throwing themselves off of cliffs to not take up resources from the community and compares it to being ruled by the English king and Catholic church in the name of God.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The hosts discuss the symbolism behind Simple Rick's Freedom Wafers from Rick and Morty, and how they represent the idea of true freedom and rebellion against societal norms.
16:32 - 21:11 (04:39)
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Rick and Morty

The hosts discuss the symbolism behind Simple Rick's Freedom Wafers from Rick and Morty, and how they represent the idea of true freedom and rebellion against societal norms. They also touch on the negative interpretation of such revelry.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The idea of a single radio conglomerate controlling half of podcasting raises questions about power structures and their influence on society.
21:11 - 24:47 (03:36)
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Podcasting, Power Structures

The idea of a single radio conglomerate controlling half of podcasting raises questions about power structures and their influence on society. Rather than fearing hypothetical youth gangs, individuals within a power structure may use it to their advantage.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The condemnation of cross-dressing is not a new concept and has been occurring for centuries, as seen in the condemnation of transvestism during the popular New Year's holiday in the six and seven century synods.
24:49 - 29:07 (04:18)
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The condemnation of cross-dressing is not a new concept and has been occurring for centuries, as seen in the condemnation of transvestism during the popular New Year's holiday in the six and seven century synods. However, the recent attacks on Christmas-themed drag shows, which align more with traditional Christmas values than those attacking them, show that the concept of cross-dressing remains contentious today.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
Learn about traditional orchard celebrations in England where people would march from orchard to orchard and drink to the health of the trees and scare away evil spirits for a good harvest.
29:07 - 33:27 (04:19)
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Learn about traditional orchard celebrations in England where people would march from orchard to orchard and drink to the health of the trees and scare away evil spirits for a good harvest. Also, discover the island of Koh Tao that resembles a paradise with its beautiful beaches and clear waters.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The speaker explains their thoughts on Christmas and how family togetherness and tradition is an important part of the holiday, even for those who don't agree with consumerism.
33:27 - 40:55 (07:28)
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The speaker explains their thoughts on Christmas and how family togetherness and tradition is an important part of the holiday, even for those who don't agree with consumerism.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The podcast host discusses how people want midwinter celebrations and even though it is secular, it can still feel religious to people.
40:56 - 45:13 (04:16)
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The podcast host discusses how people want midwinter celebrations and even though it is secular, it can still feel religious to people. He also talks about the religious freedom and the history of Puritans.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards
The hosts discuss the concept of "cool people" and also the traditional British Christmas Pudding which is essentially a fruitcake with figs and alcohol.
45:13 - 48:51 (03:38)
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The hosts discuss the concept of "cool people" and also the traditional British Christmas Pudding which is essentially a fruitcake with figs and alcohol.

Part Two: Keep the Yuletide Gay: Saturnalia & the Puritan War on Christmas
Behind the Bastards