

Peer Pressure
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Published: Mon Mar 06 2023

Dan tracks down Juror Number Six: Ramon Aviles. Ramon remembers the moment when the 84-year-old eyewitness, Dorothy Canady, pointed him out as the shooter. He says he was shocked and that people were laughing. The juror breaks down what he remembers from the deliberation room and ultimately admits he might have made a mistake in voting to convict JJ.Dan starts to wonder if other jurors from JJ’s trial would feel the same way. He meets up with a different juror and when she sees Dan, she immediately starts to cry. She says she felt pressured by some of the other jurors to convict JJ because they were sequestered and wanted to go home. More than decade later, she believes she ruined JJ’s life.Dan is stunned. He’s building a compelling case for JJ’s innocence, but there’s still one more person he needs to talk to: JJ’s alleged accomplice, the man with the duct tape, Derry Daniels. Dan visits Daniels, who refuses to talk to him, but Dan is now certain that JJ did not get a fair trial. He sits down with Barry Scheck, co-founder of the Innocence Project, to talk through the case. Barry explains how eyewitness accounts can be unreliable. 

Jurors deliberated for three full days on the innocence or guilt of JJ, discussing inconsistencies in witness testimonies and the potential impact on their personal schedules.
00:00 - 02:34 (02:34)
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JJ trial

Jurors deliberated for three full days on the innocence or guilt of JJ, discussing inconsistencies in witness testimonies and the potential impact on their personal schedules.

Peer Pressure
Letters from Sing Sing
A juror shares the experience of feeling exhausted and pressured while trying to make sense of information during a trial, and the toll it can take on jurors, especially older ones.
02:34 - 05:39 (03:04)
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Jury Duty

A juror shares the experience of feeling exhausted and pressured while trying to make sense of information during a trial, and the toll it can take on jurors, especially older ones.

Peer Pressure
Letters from Sing Sing
The speaker discusses her experience with potential racial bias in the criminal justice system and how some individuals in a courtroom may have been racist.
05:39 - 09:53 (04:14)
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Criminal Justice

The speaker discusses her experience with potential racial bias in the criminal justice system and how some individuals in a courtroom may have been racist.

Peer Pressure
Letters from Sing Sing
This episode explores a murder case that took place in an illegal numbers parlor in Harlem and the accuracy of eyewitness testimonies in identifying suspects.
09:57 - 19:12 (09:15)
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This episode explores a murder case that took place in an illegal numbers parlor in Harlem and the accuracy of eyewitness testimonies in identifying suspects.

Peer Pressure
Letters from Sing Sing
Unpacking the investigation into the Jam Master Jay murder case and the flaws in the theories presented by authorities, including the wrongful conviction of two men accused of the killing.
19:12 - 26:21 (07:08)
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Jam Master Jay

Unpacking the investigation into the Jam Master Jay murder case and the flaws in the theories presented by authorities, including the wrongful conviction of two men accused of the killing.

Peer Pressure
Letters from Sing Sing
The speaker discusses how not having a father figure growing up can impact a person's life, including feeling left out when other kids have their fathers present or trying to emulate a father's behavior even when it is not desirable.
26:21 - 31:39 (05:18)
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The speaker discusses how not having a father figure growing up can impact a person's life, including feeling left out when other kids have their fathers present or trying to emulate a father's behavior even when it is not desirable.

Peer Pressure
Letters from Sing Sing
Advice for young people coping with having a parent in prison, including not assuming that they will also end up in prison and finding ways to deal with the situation together.
31:40 - 34:45 (03:05)
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Incarceration, Family

Advice for young people coping with having a parent in prison, including not assuming that they will also end up in prison and finding ways to deal with the situation together.

Peer Pressure
Letters from Sing Sing
After being convicted for murder and spending almost half his life in prison, Jay Jay fights to overturn his conviction.
34:45 - 36:41 (01:56)
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After being convicted for murder and spending almost half his life in prison, Jay Jay fights to overturn his conviction.

Peer Pressure
Letters from Sing Sing