

Raising Resilient Kids with Angela Duckworth
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Published: Tue Jun 08 2021

With unprecedented levels of stress and depression amongst young people, I wanted to know what we, as an older generation can do to help. So I talked to psychologist,  professor at the University of Pennsylvania and author of Grit , Angela Duckworth. This is… A Bit of Optimism.If you want to know more about Angela and her work, check out :

Young people are struggling with stress, which leads to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and even suicide, and this is worsened by over-access to social media and cell phones which can lead to addiction similar to gambling.
00:00 - 02:17 (02:17)
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Young people are struggling with stress, which leads to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and even suicide, and this is worsened by over-access to social media and cell phones which can lead to addiction similar to gambling.

Raising Resilient Kids with Angela Duckworth
A Bit of Optimism
The differences in behavior in people from different generations are affected both by generational differences and by common experiences shared during their childhood, forming worldviews that are distinct from one another.
02:17 - 07:10 (04:53)
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Generational differences

The differences in behavior in people from different generations are affected both by generational differences and by common experiences shared during their childhood, forming worldviews that are distinct from one another.

Raising Resilient Kids with Angela Duckworth
A Bit of Optimism
The more children someone has, the less risk-averse they may become when making decisions related to their children's well-being, according to economist Gary Becker.
07:10 - 14:31 (07:20)
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The more children someone has, the less risk-averse they may become when making decisions related to their children's well-being, according to economist Gary Becker. This may be due to the understanding that investing in one or two children may require more caution, while having more children allows for a more relaxed approach to parenting decisions.

Raising Resilient Kids with Angela Duckworth
A Bit of Optimism
The most successful people are those who find passion in their work, rather than treating it as a chore and not focusing on quality.
14:31 - 19:57 (05:26)
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Career Success

The most successful people are those who find passion in their work, rather than treating it as a chore and not focusing on quality. It is important to embrace one's work as a way to contribute to the greater good, leading to more fulfilling and successful careers.

Raising Resilient Kids with Angela Duckworth
A Bit of Optimism
In this podcast, the speaker talks about how advice-giving can be helpful for the giver as well as the receiver.
19:57 - 23:11 (03:13)
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In this podcast, the speaker talks about how advice-giving can be helpful for the giver as well as the receiver. Additionally, advising younger individuals can help in creating an impact in their lives.

Raising Resilient Kids with Angela Duckworth
A Bit of Optimism
Discussion of the importance of social connections and how they affect human happiness and personal outcomes.
23:11 - 26:50 (03:39)
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Social Connections

Discussion of the importance of social connections and how they affect human happiness and personal outcomes.

Raising Resilient Kids with Angela Duckworth
A Bit of Optimism
The value of being interdependent on other people and having real responsibilities that teach us consequences and difficult lessons is highlighted in this episode with Tim Ferriss.
26:50 - 30:02 (03:12)
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The value of being interdependent on other people and having real responsibilities that teach us consequences and difficult lessons is highlighted in this episode with Tim Ferriss. Service and teaching others to be responsible for one another could be the solution we need in order to foster a sense of community responsibility.

Raising Resilient Kids with Angela Duckworth
A Bit of Optimism