
#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is a former Data Scientist at Google and a writer. There are things which you write into Google which you have never told another person. Our search history is a window into the deepest recesses of our mind which has never before been available. Time for the big data analysts like Seth to step in and look at what we can discover from these information. Why do people commit suicide? How many Americans are racist? What is the most popular type of pornography in India? And what is the biggest determining factor in a child's development? Extra Stuff: Buy Everybody Lies - https://amzn.to/2QZqHH0 Follow Stephen on Twitter - https://twitter.com/SethS_D Take a break from alcohol and upgrade your life - https://6monthssober.com/podcast Check out everything I recommend from books to products - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
Jon Ronson discusses how our internet search habits reveal another side of ourselves different from the presentable front we put on, and why men are particularly hesitant to explore this truth.
00:00 - 05:06 (05:06)
Jon Ronson discusses how our internet search habits reveal another side of ourselves different from the presentable front we put on, and why men are particularly hesitant to explore this truth. He also delves into capturing data anonymously and the ethical concerns surrounding it.
Episode#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Data scientist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz discusses his analysis of Pornhub searches and the revolutionary window into people's minds that it provides.
05:06 - 10:00 (04:54)
Data scientist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz discusses his analysis of Pornhub searches and the revolutionary window into people's minds that it provides.
Episode#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the challenges of finding insights among a lot of data and shares some findings from her work with porn data and sexual fantasies, including how it doesn't seem to impact how women think about themselves despite being a universal design.
10:00 - 17:46 (07:45)
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the challenges of finding insights among a lot of data and shares some findings from her work with porn data and sexual fantasies, including how it doesn't seem to impact how women think about themselves despite being a universal design.
Episode#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Childhood imprinting is a key factor in developing adult sexuality, and people are more attracted to those they grew up around or people like them, which may be caused by their environment.
17:46 - 28:57 (11:10)
Childhood imprinting is a key factor in developing adult sexuality, and people are more attracted to those they grew up around or people like them, which may be caused by their environment. This is evident in the search results for "gay porn" and "gay test", highlighting the difficulty for some gay men in places where it is hard to be gay.
Episode#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Research shows that using supportive language increases the probability of someone liking a person in a dating situation, while using hedge words decreases it.
28:57 - 36:53 (07:55)
Research shows that using supportive language increases the probability of someone liking a person in a dating situation, while using hedge words decreases it. Additionally, the more a woman talks about herself, the more likely the man is to like her.
Episode#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The podcast briefly discusses how having a few drinks can make getting dressed easier and make for a more enjoyable night out, as well as how data has shown that the household you're in doesn't have a huge effect on your overall life outcome.
36:53 - 44:41 (07:47)
The podcast briefly discusses how having a few drinks can make getting dressed easier and make for a more enjoyable night out, as well as how data has shown that the household you're in doesn't have a huge effect on your overall life outcome.
Episode#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The parent-child relationship is complicated and often leads to rebellion from the child.
44:41 - 53:57 (09:15)
The parent-child relationship is complicated and often leads to rebellion from the child. Lecturing children might not be the best way to make them follow the rules.
Episode#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
PodcastModern Wisdom
Despite the historical belief that white players get a boost in fandom, it seems like teams may be missing out on building a fanbase among African Americans who are more likely to support a black player who is equally as good as a white player.
53:57 - 1:00:20 (06:22)
Despite the historical belief that white players get a boost in fandom, it seems like teams may be missing out on building a fanbase among African Americans who are more likely to support a black player who is equally as good as a white player.
Episode#134 - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - How Much Does Google Know About Me?
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the possibility of finishing the first draft of their next book at the start of the year and mentions the plan to publish during the upcoming election.
1:00:20 - 1:01:59 (01:39)
The speaker discusses the possibility of finishing the first draft of their next book at the start of the year and mentions the plan to publish during the upcoming election.