
#243 - Sevan Matossian - A Growth-Minded Guide To Raising Superhuman Kids
Sevan Matossian is a filmmaker and a parent. 90% of people will have children at some point in life, yet we're never given the same insights for raising kids that we learn for our own personal growth. Expect to learn the key principles that Sevan focusses on when parenting 3 young boys, how to keep your relationship stable when having children, why a home birth might be your best option and much more. Sponsor: Get 20% discount on the best coffee in Britain with Uncommon Coffee’s entire range at http://uncommoncoffee.co.uk/ (use code MW20) Extra Stuff: Follow Sevan on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sevanmatossian/ Follow 3 Playing Brothers on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/3playingbrothers/ Get my free Ultimate Life Hacks List to 10x your daily productivity → https://chriswillx.com/lifehacks/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
The podcast discusses a unique and growth-minded parenting approach taken by a father towards raising their children by discussing their diet, exercise, discipline and structure to match with personal development and progress.
00:00 - 06:42 (06:42)
The podcast discusses a unique and growth-minded parenting approach taken by a father towards raising their children by discussing their diet, exercise, discipline and structure to match with personal development and progress. However, the podcast also features an advertisement for Uncommon Coffee offering a 20% discount on all products with the code MW20.
Episode#243 - Sevan Matossian - A Growth-Minded Guide To Raising Superhuman Kids
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker talks about raising his kids using the CrossFit methodology and Taoist principles of creating space and journey to enlightenment.
06:42 - 32:09 (25:27)
The speaker talks about raising his kids using the CrossFit methodology and Taoist principles of creating space and journey to enlightenment. He believes in training his kids physically and making the best decisions for their well-being.
Episode#243 - Sevan Matossian - A Growth-Minded Guide To Raising Superhuman Kids
PodcastModern Wisdom
The foundation of discipline for children is built upon the parent's self-discipline.
32:10 - 44:33 (12:22)
The foundation of discipline for children is built upon the parent's self-discipline. Without a strong foundation, the boundaries set for children will inevitably be subject to the parent's desires.
Episode#243 - Sevan Matossian - A Growth-Minded Guide To Raising Superhuman Kids
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this episode, the importance of setting boundaries with your children is discussed.
44:33 - 1:03:44 (19:10)
In this episode, the importance of setting boundaries with your children is discussed. Having strong boundaries and being consistent with saying "no" can lead to a better relationship and more love in the long run.
Episode#243 - Sevan Matossian - A Growth-Minded Guide To Raising Superhuman Kids
PodcastModern Wisdom
The hosts discuss the importance of setting a likable culture in both your home and business in order to find success, as well as acknowledging the concept of "personality privilege" and the benefits of teaching your children to be likable early on in life.
1:03:44 - 1:22:41 (18:56)
The hosts discuss the importance of setting a likable culture in both your home and business in order to find success, as well as acknowledging the concept of "personality privilege" and the benefits of teaching your children to be likable early on in life.
Episode#243 - Sevan Matossian - A Growth-Minded Guide To Raising Superhuman Kids
PodcastModern Wisdom
Math and logical thinking have a strong correlation, as those who understand math tend to think less emotionally and make fewer logical mistakes.
1:22:41 - 1:30:53 (08:12)
Math and logical thinking have a strong correlation, as those who understand math tend to think less emotionally and make fewer logical mistakes. According to Eric Weinstein, people should not be afraid of direct messaging others, as this can lead to interesting conversations and connections.