
82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
Grab your climbing gear and protest signs because this week we are heading to Humboldt County California to fight to save the redwood forest. We are following the journey of Julia Butterfly Hill as she tree-sits in one of the tallest and oldest redwood trees that has been marked to be clearcut, along with the redwood forest surrounding it. She is harassed, threatened, and almost loses her life more than once, but she's in this fight for the long haul. Book Recommendation : The Legacy of Luna by Julia Butterfly Hill We love our National Parks and we know you do too but when you're out there, remember to enjoy the view but watch your back. Please take a moment to rate and subscribe from wherever you’re listening to NPAD! Become part of our Outsider family on Patreon to gain access to ad-free episode, bonus content and more. Follow our socials Instagram, Facebook , and Twitter. To share a Trail Tale, suggest a story, access merch and browse our book recommendations - head over to our website. Thank you so much to our partners, check them out! Xanterra Travel Collection: Become and employee and get FREE shared onsite housing. Feals: Use our link and become a member to get 50% off your first order plus free shipping. Hello Fresh: Use our link and code NPAD16 for up to 16 free meals plus 3 free gifts. Prose: Use our link for a free in-depth hair consultation and 15% off your first order. Sources: The Legacy of Luna by Julia Butterfly Hill https://www.juliabutterflyhill.com/julia/luna/ https://sanctuaryforest.org/programs/land-conservation/luna/ https://www.sfgate.com/green/article/Vandals-Slash-Giant-Redwood-Tree-sitter-Julia-3302945.php http://www.forestecologynetwork.org/julia.htm
The speaker shares their desire for happy stories that can uplift people despite the discouragement of needing major changes in the world.
00:00 - 02:13 (02:13)
The speaker shares their desire for happy stories that can uplift people despite the discouragement of needing major changes in the world.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
The podcast hosts express their gratitude towards their listeners for the overwhelming kindness shown towards them during their journey.
02:13 - 06:42 (04:28)
The podcast hosts express their gratitude towards their listeners for the overwhelming kindness shown towards them during their journey. The hosts also mention the creation of Redwoods National Park, which is geographically related to their current location.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
A discussion about the consequences of clear cutting, including a real-life example of a massive landslide that destroyed seven houses.
06:42 - 11:33 (04:51)
A discussion about the consequences of clear cutting, including a real-life example of a massive landslide that destroyed seven houses.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
Julia takes a moment to reflect on her life’s purpose while visiting an area filled with centuries-old redwood trees.
11:33 - 16:19 (04:45)
Julia takes a moment to reflect on her life’s purpose while visiting an area filled with centuries-old redwood trees. Despite the awe-inspiring scenery, her group opts for a short walk to view the redwoods from a distance.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
The experience of traveling to certain places has a way of making one realize how small they are and how the world does not revolve around them; such experiences can help individuals grow and appreciate their surroundings.
16:19 - 21:42 (05:23)
The experience of traveling to certain places has a way of making one realize how small they are and how the world does not revolve around them; such experiences can help individuals grow and appreciate their surroundings. The podcast talks about how tree-sitting has become an option to protest against the removal of trees when all other options fail.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
Environmental activists would sit in trees to protest deforestation and other destructive projects.
21:42 - 30:49 (09:07)
Environmental activists would sit in trees to protest deforestation and other destructive projects. They often had to use ropes and harnesses to get to platforms built in trees, and sometimes had to come down early due to poor weather conditions.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
A climber who wanted to chop down a tree decided to cut a traverse line that another climber was standing on instead of climbing across the line to get to him.
30:49 - 35:16 (04:26)
A climber who wanted to chop down a tree decided to cut a traverse line that another climber was standing on instead of climbing across the line to get to him. The climber encountered a logging climber on the tree across.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
A woman who lived on a tree platform in California had to resort to urinating in a jar while living 180 feet in the air, but had to be cautious not to damage plants with her waste.
35:16 - 40:30 (05:14)
A woman who lived on a tree platform in California had to resort to urinating in a jar while living 180 feet in the air, but had to be cautious not to damage plants with her waste. She also faced danger with inadequate safety equipment and disruptive interactions with loggers trying to cut down trees around her.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
Julia sat alone in a tree for weeks to protest, meanwhile keeping herself warm with a DIY snow burrito.
40:30 - 46:43 (06:12)
Julia sat alone in a tree for weeks to protest, meanwhile keeping herself warm with a DIY snow burrito.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
Julia, a tree sitter in a redwood forest, prefers to feel the grooves of the tree with her bare feet while maneuvering around, leading to weeks-long recovery after an injury, till she narrowly avoided being captured while receiving supplies from a group of activists.
46:43 - 50:35 (03:52)
Julia, a tree sitter in a redwood forest, prefers to feel the grooves of the tree with her bare feet while maneuvering around, leading to weeks-long recovery after an injury, till she narrowly avoided being captured while receiving supplies from a group of activists.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
Julia Butterfly Hill's fight against logging companies came with a lot of scrutiny but she kept pushing to save the environment and combat ignorance with knowledge.
50:35 - 54:06 (03:31)
Julia Butterfly Hill's fight against logging companies came with a lot of scrutiny but she kept pushing to save the environment and combat ignorance with knowledge.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
Julia Butterfly Hill fought against the destruction of Redwoods without any prior knowledge or experience, but her passion for the environment drove her through.
54:06 - 1:05:44 (11:37)
Julia Butterfly Hill fought against the destruction of Redwoods without any prior knowledge or experience, but her passion for the environment drove her through. Despite having lawyers review the agreement made to save the trees, she refused to praise the corporations for being environmentally-friendly and continued to educate herself about the cause.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
The story of a lone redwood, named Luna, became the center of attention when a group of activists saved it from being taken down by loggers.
1:05:44 - 1:12:42 (06:57)
The story of a lone redwood, named Luna, became the center of attention when a group of activists saved it from being taken down by loggers. Efforts are ongoing to ensure Luna's well-being through the Sanctuary Forest Conservation Easement Endowment Fund.
Episode82: She Speaks for the Trees. Headwaters Forest Reserve.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
In this week's episode wrap-up, the hosts thank listeners for joining, invite people to share their trail tales via email, encourage people to follow them on social media, and promote their Patreon membership.
1:12:42 - 1:13:55 (01:13)
In this week's episode wrap-up, the hosts thank listeners for joining, invite people to share their trail tales via email, encourage people to follow them on social media, and promote their Patreon membership. They also ask people to support their partners and visit their website for exclusive content and show-related information.