

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
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Published: Fri Dec 02 2022

Today’s Masterclass episode is all about redefining our relationship with money and learning how to cultivate a sense of abundance and fulfillment around it. Five experts offer their knowledge on how we can approach money more effectively and begin to attract more success and increase our sources of income.In this episode,Bob Proctor, entrepreneur and best-selling author, explains how to reframe our mindset in order to manifest more money and offers various strategies to increase our income.Joe Dispenza, researcher and best-selling author, describes how we can break away from ineffective dynamics with money and create a new relationship that reflects fulfillment and attracts more success.Kyle Cease, actor, comedian and speaker, breaks down the ways in which money comes to those who have already found abundance within themselves and shares how we can become more conscious of money and create new ways of finding it.Jaspreet Singh, finance creator, investor, and entrepreneur, explains why the psychology that goes into investing and making money is just as important as the actual processes of investing itself. Additionally he shares his journey of becoming an entrepreneur.Ken Honda, entrepreneur and author, describes the essential aspect of gratitude and appreciation in the exchange of money and services and how complaining about money will keep us from attracting it.For more, go to Episodes:Bob Proctor: Dispenza: Cease: Singh: Honda:

The income one can earn is determined by the need for what they do, their ability to do it, and how difficult it is to replace them.
00:00 - 02:48 (02:48)
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The income one can earn is determined by the need for what they do, their ability to do it, and how difficult it is to replace them. The higher the demand for one's skill, the more money they can potentially make.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The speaker works with staff to help them develop the desire to earn more money and teaches them how to do it, contradicting the belief that you have to work more to earn less.
02:49 - 07:18 (04:29)
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The speaker works with staff to help them develop the desire to earn more money and teaches them how to do it, contradicting the belief that you have to work more to earn less.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The importance of surrounding yourself with successful people and constantly being curious to learn new things in order to break through to a new level is discussed.
07:18 - 12:19 (05:00)
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The importance of surrounding yourself with successful people and constantly being curious to learn new things in order to break through to a new level is discussed. The significance of having multiple sources of income is highlighted as well as the benefits of journaling every day for increased awareness.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The speaker suggests that to earn a million dollars, one must set up multiple sources of income, discipline themselves to think of ideas for 30 to 90 minutes a day, and be interested in new ideas that could be of service to others.
12:19 - 17:04 (04:44)
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The speaker suggests that to earn a million dollars, one must set up multiple sources of income, discipline themselves to think of ideas for 30 to 90 minutes a day, and be interested in new ideas that could be of service to others.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The way we think about and relate to money is influenced by our programming and learned behavior from various aspects of our lives.
17:04 - 21:04 (04:00)
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The way we think about and relate to money is influenced by our programming and learned behavior from various aspects of our lives.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The way we perceive and feel about money is influenced by our past experiences with it, as well as what we have been told.
21:04 - 26:00 (04:56)
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The way we perceive and feel about money is influenced by our past experiences with it, as well as what we have been told. The stronger the emotions associated with those experiences, the more they shape our neurology and chemistry, which impacts our relationship with money.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The process of creating a space for money should start from being conscious about how we think and feel about money.
26:00 - 31:51 (05:50)
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The process of creating a space for money should start from being conscious about how we think and feel about money. By focusing on the future experience and projecting how far we think it's going to take, we can manifest abundance in our lives.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The shift from the traditional factory worker mentality to the entrepreneurial mindset is a conscious shift towards passion and living life to the fullest.
31:51 - 35:46 (03:55)
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The shift from the traditional factory worker mentality to the entrepreneurial mindset is a conscious shift towards passion and living life to the fullest. Money is attracted to passionate individuals who embrace their authenticity and pursue their dreams.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The speaker emphasizes the benefits of investing in real estate, stocks, startups, cryptocurrency and gold in order to diversify investments and mitigate risk.
35:46 - 38:56 (03:10)
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The speaker emphasizes the benefits of investing in real estate, stocks, startups, cryptocurrency and gold in order to diversify investments and mitigate risk.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
Gold is a valuable asset to store wealth as it is a physical commodity that takes effort to mine, unlike cash which is guaranteed to lose value over time.
38:56 - 41:53 (02:57)
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Gold is a valuable asset to store wealth as it is a physical commodity that takes effort to mine, unlike cash which is guaranteed to lose value over time. The S&P 500 may offer investment opportunities, but physical gold is a reliable safe-haven for preserving wealth.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares how the idea of creating a comfortable and functional garment for people to wear in their regular life was born, and how they invested in it after learning from a TV show called Shark Tank.
41:53 - 46:36 (04:42)
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The speaker shares how the idea of creating a comfortable and functional garment for people to wear in their regular life was born, and how they invested in it after learning from a TV show called Shark Tank.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
Minority Mindset started as a YouTube channel to help educate people about finance and investing.
46:36 - 51:08 (04:31)
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Minority Mindset started as a YouTube channel to help educate people about finance and investing. After gaining a following of 600,000 subscribers, founder Jaspreet Singh turned it into a successful business, providing solutions for people who don't fit into the traditional investment banking world.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The speaker had a realization of the impact of their entrepreneurship when they saw their father being shocked by their success.
51:08 - 55:18 (04:10)
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The speaker had a realization of the impact of their entrepreneurship when they saw their father being shocked by their success. They plan to change things within their company in the coming year to improve upon their impact.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The more we appreciate things and money, the more they appreciate in value and come to us.
55:18 - 1:02:29 (07:10)
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Money mindset

The more we appreciate things and money, the more they appreciate in value and come to us. We should also view money like a person and question if it's a fun or harmful presence in our lives.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The obsession with visible assets, such as money and wealth, is a cultural phenomenon in North America that has resulted in the undervaluation of invisible assets, like relationships and emotions, which are key to creating abundance.
1:02:29 - 1:07:44 (05:15)
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Wealth and Relationships

The obsession with visible assets, such as money and wealth, is a cultural phenomenon in North America that has resulted in the undervaluation of invisible assets, like relationships and emotions, which are key to creating abundance.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness
The pursuit of making money can drain motivation and energy, making it challenging to find financial freedom.
1:07:44 - 1:11:08 (03:23)
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The pursuit of making money can drain motivation and energy, making it challenging to find financial freedom. The key to unlocking financial success is to forget about money and prioritize enjoying the journey instead.

5 Signs You Will Become Rich [MASTERCLASS] EP 1356
The School of Greatness