

The billion-dollar pollution solution humanity needs right now | Stacy Kauk
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Published: Mon Dec 12 2022

Could the same mechanism used to accelerate vaccine development work for spurring solutions to the climate crisis? Sustainability innovator Stacy Kauk introduces the billion-dollar fund to supercharge the carbon removal market, which would help build a new industry aimed at drawing down carbon pollution from the air and storing it safely.

The Advanced Market Commitment (AMC) is designed to guarantee a future market for carbon removal by de-risking R&D investments and capital expenditures necessary to scale carbon removal and grow the industry.
00:00 - 05:30 (05:30)
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Carbon Removal

The Advanced Market Commitment (AMC) is designed to guarantee a future market for carbon removal by de-risking R&D investments and capital expenditures necessary to scale carbon removal and grow the industry. The world needs to build capacity to pull 1 million tons of CO2 out of the air every year, with thousands of facilities necessary to achieve this goal by 2050.

The billion-dollar pollution solution humanity needs right now | Stacy Kauk
TED Talks Daily
The carbon removal ecosystem is not developed enough to scale carbon removal, and a robust management system is needed to ensure that the new carbon removal solutions capture more carbon dioxide than they emit.
05:29 - 13:33 (08:03)
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Carbon Removal

The carbon removal ecosystem is not developed enough to scale carbon removal, and a robust management system is needed to ensure that the new carbon removal solutions capture more carbon dioxide than they emit. New climate companies and companies with transferable skills from existing industries are needed to develop carbon removal technologies.

The billion-dollar pollution solution humanity needs right now | Stacy Kauk
TED Talks Daily