

The Cannibal Cafe? Murder or Volunteer?
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Published: Sun Oct 31 2021

Hi Friends! Hope your day is off to a good start. Today I wanted to talk about Armin Meiwes and what the hell was going on over there, I mean he was trying to cook sausage and eat it, I mean, yep he did that.  Did he REALLY deserve the sentencing he got if someone WILLINGLY participated? Weird case right? Least he’s vegan now, that’s good.  Hope you have a wonderful day today, make good choices and let me know who you want me to talk about next week! Love and appreciate you guys so much!! Please be safe out there.  x o Bailey Sarian

Bailey Sarian discusses a true crime story involving cannibalism in this episode of Murder Mystery and Makeup Monday.
00:00 - 01:38 (01:38)
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True Crime

Bailey Sarian discusses a true crime story involving cannibalism in this episode of Murder Mystery and Makeup Monday. Viewers should be warned that the content is intense.

The Cannibal Cafe? Murder or Volunteer?
Murder, Mystery & Makeup
The podcast delves into the world of sexual orientation and self-identity, trying to understand if it’s something you’re born with.
01:38 - 07:19 (05:41)
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Sexual Orientation, Self-Identity

The podcast delves into the world of sexual orientation and self-identity, trying to understand if it’s something you’re born with. Through listening to stories of others, the host strives to find patterns and a deeper understanding.

The Cannibal Cafe? Murder or Volunteer?
Murder, Mystery & Makeup
The true story of a former NYPD officer who used online forums to share his fantasies of torture, cannibalism, and murder.
07:19 - 12:33 (05:14)
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The true story of a former NYPD officer who used online forums to share his fantasies of torture, cannibalism, and murder. He would even post fake photos, garnering a cult following, until he was eventually caught.

The Cannibal Cafe? Murder or Volunteer?
Murder, Mystery & Makeup
Armin Meiwes agrees to kill and eat Bernd Jürgen Brandes, filming the process to relive the experience repeatedly.
12:33 - 18:56 (06:22)
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Armin Meiwes agrees to kill and eat Bernd Jürgen Brandes, filming the process to relive the experience repeatedly.

The Cannibal Cafe? Murder or Volunteer?
Murder, Mystery & Makeup
Armin Meiwes never denies what he had done and even handed over the physical evidences to the police, still he tried to lie that it was wild pig meat.
18:56 - 24:19 (05:22)
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Armin Meiwes

Armin Meiwes never denies what he had done and even handed over the physical evidences to the police, still he tried to lie that it was wild pig meat. It is being suspected that he might have enjoyed the attention he got after committing the crime.

The Cannibal Cafe? Murder or Volunteer?
Murder, Mystery & Makeup
The host advises people not to judge others by their appearance as anyone could potentially be a murderer.
24:19 - 24:49 (00:30)
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The host advises people not to judge others by their appearance as anyone could potentially be a murderer.

The Cannibal Cafe? Murder or Volunteer?
Murder, Mystery & Makeup