

The internet's accessibility problem -- and how to fix it | Clive Loseby
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Published: Wed Dec 21 2022

The internet provides access to knowledge for billions across the world, but how accessible is it really? Website accessibility advocate Clive Loseby sheds light on why many parts of the web are closed off to those with disabilities -- and lays out some steps to make being online better for everyone.

In his TEDx talk, accessibility expert Clive Loesby explains the significance of accessible websites for blind people who rely on screen readers and keyboards to use the internet.
00:00 - 01:38 (01:38)
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In his TEDx talk, accessibility expert Clive Loesby explains the significance of accessible websites for blind people who rely on screen readers and keyboards to use the internet. He delves into what accessible website design entails and highlights the issues that arise when websites don't cater to people with disabilities.

The internet's accessibility problem -- and how to fix it | Clive Loseby
TED Talks Daily
The first set of guidelines for websites to ensure they met the needs of disabled people were released in 1999, which was just 23 years ago, and therefore it's unfair to expect older websites to cater to their requirements.
01:38 - 06:49 (05:10)
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The first set of guidelines for websites to ensure they met the needs of disabled people were released in 1999, which was just 23 years ago, and therefore it's unfair to expect older websites to cater to their requirements. Over 1 billion people on the planet live with some form of disability, with over 110 million facing severe difficulties in functioning, according to the World Health Organization in 2010.

The internet's accessibility problem -- and how to fix it | Clive Loseby
TED Talks Daily
This podcast discusses the importance of a basic level of accessibility for websites, and how to test if a website meets this standard.
06:49 - 11:54 (05:04)
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Website Accessibility

This podcast discusses the importance of a basic level of accessibility for websites, and how to test if a website meets this standard.

The internet's accessibility problem -- and how to fix it | Clive Loseby
TED Talks Daily