

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
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Published: Wed Feb 26 2020

You can always be healed.So many people struggle with chronic illness or pain. Whether it's back trouble, ringing in the ears, or headaches, we've almost all been in a situation when we know that something is wrong but we don't know what to do and how to fix it.Thankfully, we have doctors and health professionals to diagnose us, and they're often right! But happens when the doctors aren't sure what's wrong or how to fix the problem?What if I were to tell you that there was someone who could "read" your medical condition, like a person reads a book. He could sit down with you right now and tell you what's wrong, without even looking at your charts or medical history. You'd say I'm crazy right?My guest today is committed to helping people around the world understand and improve their health. He doesn't go about it traditionally — he has a conversation with a spiritual medium about each person's individual health concerns and how to heal them.A lot of you are probably skeptical, but when it comes to Anthony William, the results speak for themselves.Anthony William, also known as The Medical Medium, is the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of several books, including Medical Medium Liver Rescue, Medical Medium Celery Juice, and several others. His newest book, Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal, is coming out this month! Anthony was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that's far ahead of its time. Since age four, Anthony has been using his gift to “read” people's conditions and tell them how to recover their health.His unprecedented accuracy and success rate as the Medical Medium have earned him the trust and love of millions worldwide. Movie stars, rock stars, billionaires, professional athletes, and countless other people from all walks of life could not find a way to heal until Anthony provided them with insights from above. Anthony has also become an invaluable resource to doctors who need help solving their most difficult cases. When they aren't sure what's going on, Anthony is there to listen, channel the Spirit of Compassion, and provide his counsel. Intriguing, right!? Want to learn more about how compassion can help heal your body and cleanse your mind? Then tune into Episode 920 and get ready to be blown away by Anthony William, the Medical Medium.What’s the difference between listening to a voice and channelling? (3:43)What’s the relationship you have with compassion? (6:06)What is the secret to ending disease and chronic pain? (15:40)What is the biggest disease in America right now? (19:50)How do we prevent all these symptoms from affecting us physically? (25:53)What does more water do for you? (28:50)What should we do on a daily basis to combat this? (35:02)What are the foods we should never eat? (36:16)What foods should you eat? (42:10)What would the spirit of compassion say to you when you see someone with a really bad disease? (49:32)What’s it like to be in an intimate relationship with you? (1:00:20)Why the Spirit of Compassion gives answers where traditional diagnoses do not (11:27)Why disease and chronic pain all lead to pathogens (15:54)The key to winning in disease (17:10)The surprising reason to stay off of dairy and gluten (29:44)We need to learn about the food that feeds pathogens (35:44)Why celery juice is such a great daily antidote (46:30)Why you don’t create your own symptoms or create your own illness (104:40)Plus much more...If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at

In this podcast episode, the hosts interview Anthony William, the Medical Medium and number one New York Times bestselling author, where they discuss his ability to intuitively diagnose people's health conditions from a young age, the importance of detoxing, and how his followers have seen transformation from his teachings and work.
00:00 - 02:49 (02:49)
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Anthony William, Medical Medium, detoxing, health information

In this podcast episode, the hosts interview Anthony William, the Medical Medium and number one New York Times bestselling author, where they discuss his ability to intuitively diagnose people's health conditions from a young age, the importance of detoxing, and how his followers have seen transformation from his teachings and work.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares their experience of hearing Spirit voices that come through clearly and in real time, like being spoken to by a best friend, and which he can partially block out like a person talking to him in a classroom.
02:49 - 06:58 (04:09)
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The speaker shares their experience of hearing Spirit voices that come through clearly and in real time, like being spoken to by a best friend, and which he can partially block out like a person talking to him in a classroom.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on needing a masculine voice during their early experiences with channeling and explains that the act is about connecting with one's spiritual source beyond oneself.
06:59 - 09:28 (02:29)
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The speaker reflects on needing a masculine voice during their early experiences with channeling and explains that the act is about connecting with one's spiritual source beyond oneself.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The Medical Medium talks about the pressure he feels from the Spirit of Compassion to constantly diagnose and heal others, despite wanting a normal life like his scientist friends.
09:28 - 15:53 (06:24)
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Medical Medium

The Medical Medium talks about the pressure he feels from the Spirit of Compassion to constantly diagnose and heal others, despite wanting a normal life like his scientist friends.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
Understanding what's wrong with yourself can be the key to fixing it, just like understanding the discrepancies between dietary lifestyles.
15:54 - 20:48 (04:54)
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Understanding what's wrong with yourself can be the key to fixing it, just like understanding the discrepancies between dietary lifestyles. A fun show may help bring attention to the issue.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
Emotional stress can trigger the release of dermatoxins that can worsen skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
20:48 - 24:38 (03:50)
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Skin Conditions

Emotional stress can trigger the release of dermatoxins that can worsen skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Copper in the liver can also become a food source for viruses like Epstein bar, exacerbating skin conditions.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker talks about the faulty belief that the body is attacking itself when someone is diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder.
24:38 - 30:22 (05:44)
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Autoimmune Disorders

In this podcast, the speaker talks about the faulty belief that the body is attacking itself when someone is diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. They discuss the need for more research and understanding of these disorders.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The science behind chronic illnesses is a complicated topic that is often debated by alternative science communities.
30:22 - 35:40 (05:18)
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Chronic Illnesses

The science behind chronic illnesses is a complicated topic that is often debated by alternative science communities. While increasing water intake and lemon water can help flush out the liver, it may not be the solution for complex symptoms.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The speaker believes that studies, research, and science have failed women's health leading to many women suffering with brain fog, migraines, and debilitating pain without answers or appropriate treatment.
35:40 - 38:58 (03:18)
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Women's Health

The speaker believes that studies, research, and science have failed women's health leading to many women suffering with brain fog, migraines, and debilitating pain without answers or appropriate treatment.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The Shingles virus can be contracted through consuming eggs that have been infected with the virus and raised for laboratory use.
38:58 - 41:54 (02:56)
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Shingles Virus

The Shingles virus can be contracted through consuming eggs that have been infected with the virus and raised for laboratory use. Removing gluten from diets without understanding the underlying reasons can also lead to confusion and potential re-consumption.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses how paid-for studies are used to portray foods as either good or bad for you based on who commissioned the research instead of focusing on the actual health benefits of certain foods.
41:54 - 43:40 (01:46)
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The podcast discusses how paid-for studies are used to portray foods as either good or bad for you based on who commissioned the research instead of focusing on the actual health benefits of certain foods.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses the debate between animal protein and plant-based diets and how they affect our health and wellbeing.
43:40 - 46:18 (02:38)
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The podcast discusses the debate between animal protein and plant-based diets and how they affect our health and wellbeing.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
An expert suggests that a plant-based diet can help combat chronic illnesses like Hashimoto's and fibromyalgia by avoiding dairy products.
46:18 - 49:34 (03:16)
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Plant-Based Diet

An expert suggests that a plant-based diet can help combat chronic illnesses like Hashimoto's and fibromyalgia by avoiding dairy products. She argues that consuming meat fuels viruses and infections in the body.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
Celery juice can help flush out metals when combined with the Heavy Metal Detox smoothie, and it can also break down sepsis due to its sodium cluster salt composition.
49:34 - 53:07 (03:33)
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Celery Juice

Celery juice can help flush out metals when combined with the Heavy Metal Detox smoothie, and it can also break down sepsis due to its sodium cluster salt composition.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The hosts discuss how it's rare to come across someone who doesn't know they have an aneurysm and the difficulty in diagnosing them when someone is unaware.
53:07 - 56:02 (02:55)
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The hosts discuss how it's rare to come across someone who doesn't know they have an aneurysm and the difficulty in diagnosing them when someone is unaware.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on the difficulty of writing a medical book and the extensive amount of time and effort it requires to create original and impactful content for the readers' benefit.
56:02 - 1:00:37 (04:35)
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Medical Book

The speaker reflects on the difficulty of writing a medical book and the extensive amount of time and effort it requires to create original and impactful content for the readers' benefit.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The speaker emphasizes the importance of having someone to turn to for compassion during difficult times, acknowledging that it's not always about getting answers, but having someone who understands what you are going through.
1:00:37 - 1:06:04 (05:27)
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The speaker emphasizes the importance of having someone to turn to for compassion during difficult times, acknowledging that it's not always about getting answers, but having someone who understands what you are going through.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The people who have suffered and struggled are often the most spiritual because they have been through it when they are down on their hands and knees, praying to God.
1:06:04 - 1:10:03 (03:58)
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The people who have suffered and struggled are often the most spiritual because they have been through it when they are down on their hands and knees, praying to God. However, there is a danger in assuming that one's spiritual connection is responsible for their physical health or illness.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
This podcast episode discusses the role of compassion in inspiring individuals to leave behind a legacy, such as writing a book or leaving a message to help others.
1:10:03 - 1:12:42 (02:38)
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This podcast episode discusses the role of compassion in inspiring individuals to leave behind a legacy, such as writing a book or leaving a message to help others.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
A discussion on finding the time to improve oneself while aiding others.
1:12:42 - 1:14:34 (01:52)
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Personal Development
The speaker promotes their new book, "Cleanse the Heal", which is available on Amazon and focuses on using cleanses and a mono-eating diet to improve health.
1:14:34 - 1:17:19 (02:45)
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The speaker promotes their new book, "Cleanse the Heal", which is available on Amazon and focuses on using cleanses and a mono-eating diet to improve health.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses the impact of suffering and struggling on people, highlighting the need for empathy and understanding towards those going through hardships.
1:17:20 - 1:20:13 (02:53)
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The podcast discusses the impact of suffering and struggling on people, highlighting the need for empathy and understanding towards those going through hardships.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The satisfaction of knowing millions of people have been impacted by health information such as celery juice and medical medium is immeasurable.
1:20:13 - 1:23:41 (03:28)
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Health Information

The satisfaction of knowing millions of people have been impacted by health information such as celery juice and medical medium is immeasurable. The publication of success stories continues to change lives and bring about a sense of purpose.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The podcast episode acknowledges Anthony William's ability to help people know the truth about themselves, despite facing criticism from the medical, research, and science community.
1:23:44 - 1:27:34 (03:49)
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The podcast episode acknowledges Anthony William's ability to help people know the truth about themselves, despite facing criticism from the medical, research, and science community.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness
The podcast encourages listeners to subscribe and leave a review on Apple podcast and Spotify to help spread the message of greatness and change lives.
1:27:34 - 1:30:45 (03:11)
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The podcast encourages listeners to subscribe and leave a review on Apple podcast and Spotify to help spread the message of greatness and change lives. They also urge listeners to share the podcast with friends to transform and inspire others.

920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness