
The Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
We finally checked our voicemail and hereby present our first ever mailbag episode. Jon is joined by Chelsea, Jay, and Robby to engage with your questions, comments, and criticism about the show and Jon’s increasingly fragile appearance.Want to be featured in our next mailbag episode? Call in to ask a question or just bully Jon. The number is 1-212-634-7222.CREDITSHosted by: Jon StewartFeaturing, in order of appearance: Chelsea Devantez, Robby Slowik, Jay JurdenExecutive Produced by Jon Stewart, Brinda Adhikari, James Dixon, Chris McShane, and Richard PleplerLead Producer: Sophie EricksonProducers: Caity Gray, Robby SlowikAssoc. Producer: Andrea Betanzos, Zach Silberberg Sound Designer & Audio Engineer: Miguel Carrascal Senior Digital Producer: Kwame OpamDigital Coordinator: Norma HernandezSupervising Producer: Lorrie Baranek Head Writer: Chelsea DevantezElements: Kenneth Hull, Daniella Philipson Talent: Brittany Mehmedovic, Haley Denzak Research: Susan Helvenston, Andy Crystal Theme Music by: Gary Clark Jr.The Problem With Jon Stewart podcast is an Apple TV+ podcast produced by Busboy Productions.https://apple.co/-JonStewart
The hosts of the "Come At Me, Bro" podcast are joined by their colleagues to answer feedback from their audience, who left their opinions on a hotline.
00:00 - 01:35 (01:35)
The hosts of the "Come At Me, Bro" podcast are joined by their colleagues to answer feedback from their audience, who left their opinions on a hotline. Robbie curated the feedback, while John, Jay, and Chelsea answer them blindly.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
After Jon Stewart's new show premiered, a woman went to conservative subreddits to criticize the show and called the host a corporate shill.
01:35 - 06:17 (04:41)
After Jon Stewart's new show premiered, a woman went to conservative subreddits to criticize the show and called the host a corporate shill. The thread, however, received dozens of comments of people who were touched by the first episode and over 300 voice messages thanking the host for all that he does.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
Comedian Adam Conover confesses that despite his love for Chicago, he just can't find it in himself to appreciate deep dish pizza and likens it to a casserole and an above ground swimming pool for rats.
06:17 - 11:18 (05:01)
Comedian Adam Conover confesses that despite his love for Chicago, he just can't find it in himself to appreciate deep dish pizza and likens it to a casserole and an above ground swimming pool for rats.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
The concern raised is not just on domestic veterans but also on the recklessness or malevolence behind the aftermath of the burn pits left by the United States.
11:18 - 14:40 (03:22)
The concern raised is not just on domestic veterans but also on the recklessness or malevolence behind the aftermath of the burn pits left by the United States. The discussion reflects on the ethical and moral obligations of the country towards its impacts on the environment and the people affected.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
The rise of personalized advertisements has made online shopping more convenient, but it's also made decision-making more overwhelming, as consumers are bombarded with endless options for products they didn't even know they needed.
14:40 - 18:46 (04:06)
The rise of personalized advertisements has made online shopping more convenient, but it's also made decision-making more overwhelming, as consumers are bombarded with endless options for products they didn't even know they needed.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
A discussion about the ethical dilemmas that come with utilizing technology that is often made through exploitative and unethical means, and how to reconcile these issues.
18:46 - 21:48 (03:02)
A discussion about the ethical dilemmas that come with utilizing technology that is often made through exploitative and unethical means, and how to reconcile these issues.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
The speaker believes that racism is frequently viewed as an active prejudice, but it is often a passive action that is taken by individuals in their everyday lives.
21:48 - 25:09 (03:20)
The speaker believes that racism is frequently viewed as an active prejudice, but it is often a passive action that is taken by individuals in their everyday lives. The act of not caring or not considering the impact of one's actions can be seen as a form of racism.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
The speaker discusses their perspective on how voting for Trump relates to racism and personal responsibility in participating in political systems.
25:09 - 28:26 (03:17)
The speaker discusses their perspective on how voting for Trump relates to racism and personal responsibility in participating in political systems.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
The speaker sounds like a coach urging his team to act like they've been there before.
28:26 - 30:33 (02:07)
The speaker sounds like a coach urging his team to act like they've been there before.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
A discussion about the controversy surrounding Caprese salad and the disagreement amongst some salad purists on what should be included in the recipe.
30:33 - 32:45 (02:11)
A discussion about the controversy surrounding Caprese salad and the disagreement amongst some salad purists on what should be included in the recipe.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
Two comedians discuss their experiences as fathers and share humorous anecdotes about their children.
32:45 - 36:27 (03:42)
Two comedians discuss their experiences as fathers and share humorous anecdotes about their children.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
The real art of interviewing lies in having the intention to steer the conversation and knowing how to respond strategically to unexpected comments or answers.
36:27 - 40:34 (04:07)
The real art of interviewing lies in having the intention to steer the conversation and knowing how to respond strategically to unexpected comments or answers.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
The host talks about how it feels to be complimented in the midst of a struggle and how some people can be harmful in the way they bring up certain points.
40:34 - 42:47 (02:12)
The host talks about how it feels to be complimented in the midst of a struggle and how some people can be harmful in the way they bring up certain points.
EpisodeThe Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
PodcastThe Problem With Jon Stewart
The Problem with Jon Stewart Podcast recommends using the break to catch up on their TV show or spend time with family.
42:47 - 45:51 (03:03)
The Problem with Jon Stewart Podcast recommends using the break to catch up on their TV show or spend time with family. They also explain what a newsletter is.