
121: Trail Tales 20
Today’s stories include hunting with wolves, lessons learned, good boys, heartwarming homecomings, fake moose and real cryptids. Bonus stories available for Outsiders on Patreon. We love our National Parks and we know you do too but when you're out there, remember to enjoy the view but watch your back. Please take a moment to rate and subscribe from wherever you’re listening to NPAD! Become part of our Outsider family on Patreon to gain access to ad-free episodes, bonus content, and more. Follow our socials Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. To share a Trail Tale, suggest a story, access merch, and browse our book recommendations - head over to our website. Thank you so much to our partners, check them out! Earth Breeze: Use our link to subscribe and save 40%.
Trail Tales features stories from people who are passionate about the outdoors and their experiences exploring and adventuring in nature.
00:00 - 02:07 (02:07)
Trail Tales features stories from people who are passionate about the outdoors and their experiences exploring and adventuring in nature.
Episode121: Trail Tales 20
PodcastNational Park After Dark
The speaker shares about identifying scat and tracking wildlife on a hiking trail, and how it differs from what is seen on trail cams during deer hunting season.
02:07 - 07:07 (05:00)
The speaker shares about identifying scat and tracking wildlife on a hiking trail, and how it differs from what is seen on trail cams during deer hunting season.
Episode121: Trail Tales 20
PodcastNational Park After Dark
The speaker embarked on a 28-day trip to nine national parks, including a challenging backcountry backpacking trip with a stranger-turned-boyfriend.
07:07 - 12:16 (05:09)
The speaker embarked on a 28-day trip to nine national parks, including a challenging backcountry backpacking trip with a stranger-turned-boyfriend. The trip was full of unexpected challenges such as snow and cold weather, but ultimately provided an unforgettable experience.
Episode121: Trail Tales 20
PodcastNational Park After Dark
Hiking the trail can be difficult, especially in harsh weather conditions, but the perseverance and determination to the finish line makes the journey well worth it.
12:16 - 16:24 (04:07)
Hiking the trail can be difficult, especially in harsh weather conditions, but the perseverance and determination to the finish line makes the journey well worth it. Sometimes, it includes randomly crying on the trail.
Episode121: Trail Tales 20
PodcastNational Park After Dark
A woman recounts the strange experience of her dog growling and hearing small rocks being thrown outside her door on New Year's Eve, only to learn later that it may have been a Sasquatch.
16:24 - 23:22 (06:57)
A woman recounts the strange experience of her dog growling and hearing small rocks being thrown outside her door on New Year's Eve, only to learn later that it may have been a Sasquatch.
Episode121: Trail Tales 20
PodcastNational Park After Dark
A man shares how his dog's protective instincts saved him from a potential intruder at his front door late at night.
23:22 - 27:49 (04:27)
A man shares how his dog's protective instincts saved him from a potential intruder at his front door late at night.
Episode121: Trail Tales 20
PodcastNational Park After Dark
A woman is alone in her house when a man approaches her front door at midnight and asks to come inside.
27:49 - 32:09 (04:20)
A woman is alone in her house when a man approaches her front door at midnight and asks to come inside. Her rescue dog, who may have been a bait dog, starts growling at the man. It's strange and unsettling for a full-grown man to approach a woman alone in the middle of the night.
Episode121: Trail Tales 20
PodcastNational Park After Dark
One woman's quest to see a moose in Maine, even if it means driving on dangerous roads at dusk, and the disappointment that ensues when others don't see the elusive animal.
32:09 - 35:49 (03:39)
One woman's quest to see a moose in Maine, even if it means driving on dangerous roads at dusk, and the disappointment that ensues when others don't see the elusive animal.
Episode121: Trail Tales 20
PodcastNational Park After Dark
The storyteller shares their experience on the remote Afognak Island in Alaska, describing the densely forested area and the lack of marked trails.
35:49 - 41:24 (05:34)
The storyteller shares their experience on the remote Afognak Island in Alaska, describing the densely forested area and the lack of marked trails. They express their love for the podcast.