
UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
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Published: Mon Mar 11 2019

Captain Kevin Smith of the Indiana State Police granted us an interview to discuss the arrest of April Tinsley's killer who was apprehended in July of 2018 using new genealogy methods. He tells us what it was like finally catching John Miller after 30 years, how they decided to use this method to find him and what this new technology means for the future of law enforcement.    For current Fan Club membership options and policies, please visit https://crimejunkieapp.com/library/. Source materials for this episode cannot be listed here due to character limitations. For a full list of sources, please visit 

Captain Smith discusses the breakthrough in the 30-year-old cold case of April Tinsley’s murder, which was solved using genealogy.
00:00 - 02:57 (02:57)
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Captain Smith discusses the breakthrough in the 30-year-old cold case of April Tinsley’s murder, which was solved using genealogy. He highlights how the technology could be useful for the future of law enforcement.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The Fort Wayne news media had extensive coverage of the April Tinsley case, spanning over 30 years.
02:57 - 09:11 (06:13)
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True Crime

The Fort Wayne news media had extensive coverage of the April Tinsley case, spanning over 30 years. The police took a ton of DNA samples, made multiple appeals for public help and got various leads, although some pieces of information were withheld from the public.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
A former detective discusses his interest in cold cases and the challenges involved in working them, including the need to constantly review and analyze evidence.
09:11 - 15:34 (06:23)
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Cold Cases

A former detective discusses his interest in cold cases and the challenges involved in working them, including the need to constantly review and analyze evidence.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The use of DNA evidence is essential in criminal investigations to help limit, identify, and eliminate suspects.
15:35 - 19:21 (03:46)
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DNA Evidence

The use of DNA evidence is essential in criminal investigations to help limit, identify, and eliminate suspects. The speaker explains the importance of DNA evidence, particularly in relation to a case that occurred in November 1963.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
A woman shares her experience of trying to locate her missing mother using investigative reports and city directories to piece together her whereabouts.
19:21 - 21:33 (02:11)
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Missing Persons

A woman shares her experience of trying to locate her missing mother using investigative reports and city directories to piece together her whereabouts.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
Genealogy websites such as 23andme allow users to provide a sample of their DNA to produce a SNP profile, looking at small pieces of the human genome to get family groups out of it.
21:35 - 24:57 (03:21)
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DNA, genealogy

Genealogy websites such as 23andme allow users to provide a sample of their DNA to produce a SNP profile, looking at small pieces of the human genome to get family groups out of it.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The Golden State Killer name came from a book written about the Easter Rapist, linking various crimes together.
24:57 - 30:56 (05:59)
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Golden State Killer

The Golden State Killer name came from a book written about the Easter Rapist, linking various crimes together. The murders, rape, and burglary were unearthed in 2016 and garnered national attention before the killer was caught in 2018.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
A discussion about an unsolved case and the confidence of a detective in solving it.
30:56 - 37:36 (06:39)
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Crime Investigation

A discussion about an unsolved case and the confidence of a detective in solving it.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The hosts discuss their approach to interviewing a cooperative guest who lives at the center of a crime diagram, which creates a good feeling during the initial interaction.
37:37 - 43:09 (05:32)
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Interview Techniques

The hosts discuss their approach to interviewing a cooperative guest who lives at the center of a crime diagram, which creates a good feeling during the initial interaction.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The speaker discusses the Joseph D'Angelo case and how his team at Angola handled the situation.
43:09 - 49:23 (06:14)
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Joseph D'Angelo

The speaker discusses the Joseph D'Angelo case and how his team at Angola handled the situation.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The transcript discusses how law enforcement can conduct their investigations with limited intrusion on the privacy of others involved, even when receiving a request to investigate from someone.
49:23 - 53:38 (04:15)
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Law enforcement

The transcript discusses how law enforcement can conduct their investigations with limited intrusion on the privacy of others involved, even when receiving a request to investigate from someone.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
Obtaining DNA samples through genealogy information can limit the opportunity for a court challenge for law enforcement.
53:38 - 57:33 (03:55)
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Genealogy, Law Enforcement

Obtaining DNA samples through genealogy information can limit the opportunity for a court challenge for law enforcement. This method is seen as legal by the courts and can be more reliable than other search warrant methods.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The idea of public DNA donation to aid law enforcement has been proposed, with potentially millions of people offering their information to help solve crimes.
57:33 - 1:00:15 (02:42)
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DNA donation

The idea of public DNA donation to aid law enforcement has been proposed, with potentially millions of people offering their information to help solve crimes.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The use of DNA evidence in criminal investigations requires careful consideration, especially when dealing with limited samples.
1:00:15 - 1:04:34 (04:18)
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DNA Evidence

The use of DNA evidence in criminal investigations requires careful consideration, especially when dealing with limited samples. It is important to thoroughly research and cross-reference all available records to ensure the correct person is identified.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie
The speaker discusses the potential benefits and impact of new technology that aids law enforcement on a much larger scale than before, and expresses gratitude towards Captain Smith for sharing his insights.
1:04:34 - 1:06:10 (01:36)
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Law Enforcement

The speaker discusses the potential benefits and impact of new technology that aids law enforcement on a much larger scale than before, and expresses gratitude towards Captain Smith for sharing his insights.

UPDATE: April Tinsley & The Monster in Ft. Wayne
Crime Junkie