

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
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Published: Tue May 12 2020

Robert is joined again by Katy Stoll and Cody Johnston to continue reading Ben Shapiro's book. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.

In this special episode, the hosts of the podcasts, Death Island and Behind the Bastards, introduce their shows and delve into a true crime investigation into the series of mysterious deaths of tourists on the island of Koh Tao.
00:00 - 01:23 (01:23)
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True Crime

In this special episode, the hosts of the podcasts, Death Island and Behind the Bastards, introduce their shows and delve into a true crime investigation into the series of mysterious deaths of tourists on the island of Koh Tao. They also reviewed True Allegiance, the debut fictional novel of Benethan Shapiro.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
In this podcast episode, the speaker praises Ben Shapiro's authoritative voice when discussing serious issues like the war in Afghanistan and the crack trade in Detroit.
01:23 - 05:08 (03:44)
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Ben Shapiro

In this podcast episode, the speaker praises Ben Shapiro's authoritative voice when discussing serious issues like the war in Afghanistan and the crack trade in Detroit. The speaker believes that Shapiro's personal understanding and authority on these topics make him a trustworthy source.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
This episode discusses the rise and fall of crack cocaine and the reasons why it fell out of style in the mid 90s, such as the federal crackdown and the toxicity of the drug.
05:09 - 08:34 (03:25)
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This episode discusses the rise and fall of crack cocaine and the reasons why it fell out of style in the mid 90s, such as the federal crackdown and the toxicity of the drug. It also mentions the difference in the treatment of crack dealers vs. powder cocaine dealers and how black politicians advocated for a change in policy.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The chapter of a book being discussed does not seem to follow the standard of taking the perspective of a different character in each chapter, leading to confusion about the quality of the writing versus the formatting.
08:35 - 10:49 (02:14)
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Writing, Formatting

The chapter of a book being discussed does not seem to follow the standard of taking the perspective of a different character in each chapter, leading to confusion about the quality of the writing versus the formatting.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The police in Portland, Oregon regularly use excessive force on protestors and a significant number of them do not actually live within the city limits.
10:52 - 14:51 (03:58)
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Portland, Oregon, police brutality, inequitable policing, protests

The police in Portland, Oregon regularly use excessive force on protestors and a significant number of them do not actually live within the city limits. The transcript also alludes to the pressures and challenges of living in the city as a person of color.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The speaker criticizes the fear-mongering around unaccompanied minors, particularly those who are of gang age, arguing that the issue is much more complicated than such scare tactics would suggest.
14:51 - 18:23 (03:32)
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The speaker criticizes the fear-mongering around unaccompanied minors, particularly those who are of gang age, arguing that the issue is much more complicated than such scare tactics would suggest.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
Journalist Richard Barrow discusses the dark history of Koh Tao, a picturesque island in Thailand that has seen a high number of tourist deaths and controversial investigations.
18:23 - 21:12 (02:48)
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Koh Tao

Journalist Richard Barrow discusses the dark history of Koh Tao, a picturesque island in Thailand that has seen a high number of tourist deaths and controversial investigations.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
After the president refused to take the governor's calls about the issue of kids getting murdered on the U.S.-Mexican border, Bubba Davis was left without help.
21:12 - 23:41 (02:29)
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U.S.-Mexican Border

After the president refused to take the governor's calls about the issue of kids getting murdered on the U.S.-Mexican border, Bubba Davis was left without help. Later, Bubba Davis appears to be kidnapped by men with guns.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
Brett Hawthorne has a gunshot wound, and is keeping himself conscious by jamming the butt of his handgun into the wound.
23:42 - 27:00 (03:18)
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Brett Hawthorne has a gunshot wound, and is keeping himself conscious by jamming the butt of his handgun into the wound.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The claim that the Taliban has destroyed all power to Kabul is false as part of their strategy in winning an insurgency involves not intentionally angering civilians.
27:00 - 30:05 (03:04)
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The claim that the Taliban has destroyed all power to Kabul is false as part of their strategy in winning an insurgency involves not intentionally angering civilians. The use of derogatory terms such as "primitive" to describe the Taliban is unwarranted.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The Taliban allegedly tortured people before killing them however, in the past they kept a U.S. soldier captive for 5 years before being ransomed.
30:05 - 32:51 (02:46)
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Taliban, Torture, Captivity

The Taliban allegedly tortured people before killing them however, in the past they kept a U.S. soldier captive for 5 years before being ransomed.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan helped smuggle Saddam's weapons into Iran through a locked briefcase and the Taliban apparently left the rich man's briefcase unopened despite stealing everything else.
32:51 - 39:23 (06:31)
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Iraqi War

The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan helped smuggle Saddam's weapons into Iran through a locked briefcase and the Taliban apparently left the rich man's briefcase unopened despite stealing everything else. Ben emphasizes the irony of how U.S. intelligence agencies were right about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, but failed to locate where any of them were buried in the intervening decade.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
President Prescott speaks to an analyst about an upcoming recession that doesn't make sense because the airlines have been doing well.
39:23 - 43:35 (04:12)
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President Prescott, recession, terrorist attack

President Prescott speaks to an analyst about an upcoming recession that doesn't make sense because the airlines have been doing well. The analyst suggests that a foreigner is shorting the U.S. market in anticipation of a 9/11 style attack.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The speaker discusses the concept of war and how it is affected by the involvement of governments or lack thereof, citing examples from history such as mafia executions of politicians.
43:35 - 47:30 (03:55)
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Foreign policy/war

The speaker discusses the concept of war and how it is affected by the involvement of governments or lack thereof, citing examples from history such as mafia executions of politicians. They also touch upon the differing perspectives of Obama's foreign policies.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The governor of Texas gets a call from the kidnappers of his daughter who demand a ransom of two million dollars, while the ambassador who was also abducted gets murdered for no reason.
47:30 - 52:22 (04:51)
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The governor of Texas gets a call from the kidnappers of his daughter who demand a ransom of two million dollars, while the ambassador who was also abducted gets murdered for no reason. Meanwhile, the governor threatens to charge the kidnappers with breaking federal law and hangs up on the governor of Texas after threatening him with jail time.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
Ellen's husband is kidnapped and the President refuses to take action, while Ben shows extreme support for guns.
52:22 - 55:31 (03:08)
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Current Events

Ellen's husband is kidnapped and the President refuses to take action, while Ben shows extreme support for guns. Ellen meets former presidential candidate and governor Bova Davis.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The speaker reveals that all terrorists are classified as short in the media and that short people are often negatively portrayed in society.
55:31 - 57:59 (02:28)
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The speaker reveals that all terrorists are classified as short in the media and that short people are often negatively portrayed in society.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The way Ben Shapiro perceives the environment as a toxic subject is highlighted in his obsession with how environmentalists are corrupt and part of a scam, ultimately affecting the real world, like El Paso.
57:59 - 1:02:03 (04:03)
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The way Ben Shapiro perceives the environment as a toxic subject is highlighted in his obsession with how environmentalists are corrupt and part of a scam, ultimately affecting the real world, like El Paso.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
The absence of a stand-in for Ben Shapiro in a book may suggest that he despises himself and his work and may have preferred to join the military but he feels inadequate.
1:02:03 - 1:09:45 (07:42)
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Ben Shapiro

The absence of a stand-in for Ben Shapiro in a book may suggest that he despises himself and his work and may have preferred to join the military but he feels inadequate. In discussing his chat with the President, a governor acknowledges that although the President denies that it's a war, he is aware that the events at the border represent a war. The governor concludes that the only way to manage the challenge is to request assistance from the federal government.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards
Learn about how to make the world a better place and how a fundraiser is making a difference for poor families in Portland.
1:09:45 - 1:11:37 (01:51)
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Social Change

Learn about how to make the world a better place and how a fundraiser is making a difference for poor families in Portland. The episode also includes a discussion about the influence of people like Ben Shapiro.

We Continued Reading Ben Shapiro's Terrible Racist Novel
Behind the Bastards