
What happens to gas stations when the world goes electric? | Emily Grubert
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Published: Tue Mar 21 2023

When the world goes fully electric, what happens to the cars, tools and livelihoods that rely on fossil fuels? Civil engineer and environmental sociologist Emily Grubert visualizes what a clean energy future will look like, outlining the considerations everyone needs to undertake now as the critical, decades-long transition begins.

In her 2022 talk from the TED countdown London Dilemma session, civil engineer Emily Gruber explores the topic of infrastructure retirement and takes us through planning for the energy transition so that it doesn't disrupt lives and livelihoods.
00:00 - 01:25 (01:25)
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Energy Transition

In her 2022 talk from the TED countdown London Dilemma session, civil engineer Emily Gruber explores the topic of infrastructure retirement and takes us through planning for the energy transition so that it doesn't disrupt lives and livelihoods.

What happens to gas stations when the world goes electric? | Emily Grubert
TED Talks Daily
The transition from fossil fuel infrastructure to clean energy has its challenges as both systems are currently too small to meet energy demands and must operate while constraining each other.
01:25 - 08:57 (07:32)
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Clean Energy Transition

The transition from fossil fuel infrastructure to clean energy has its challenges as both systems are currently too small to meet energy demands and must operate while constraining each other. Trust in the transition is also fragile when it is required for decades and climate impacts are making everything scarier.

What happens to gas stations when the world goes electric? | Emily Grubert
TED Talks Daily
The TED Radio Hour from NPR presents a three-part series exploring the link between mental, physical, and spiritual health, highlighting breakthroughs in combining them all.
08:57 - 09:40 (00:42)
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The TED Radio Hour from NPR presents a three-part series exploring the link between mental, physical, and spiritual health, highlighting breakthroughs in combining them all.

What happens to gas stations when the world goes electric? | Emily Grubert
TED Talks Daily