
9: Young and Dumb
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Published: Sat Feb 01 2020

In this episode of Real Life Real Crime, Woody and Jim tell of a bank robbery case in Livingston Parish where the criminal's IQ has to be questioned. Woody and Jim give shout outs to: Buddy's BBQ in Denham Springs, LA  https://www.facebook.com/buddysbbqcentral/ LPLTC ( LIvingston Parish Literacy & Technology Center https://lpltc.org/ Southeastern University and KSLU Radio  Kim Albin, Kelly Jennings, Krystal Hardison, and Todd Delaney were instrumental in the success of RLRC's first ever live shows.  We have teamed up with Kelly Jennings and her Criminal Justice students to reach 2000 registered organ donors for LOPA before the Krewe Bash on February 15.  You can help save a life by becoming an organ donor.  Sign Up Now!  Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/real-life-real-crime/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

In this episode of Real Life, Real Crime, host Woody Overton introduces the podcast, its warning about explicit content, and co-host Jim "The Hitman" Rathman.
00:00 - 02:07 (02:07)
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True Crime

In this episode of Real Life, Real Crime, host Woody Overton introduces the podcast, its warning about explicit content, and co-host Jim "The Hitman" Rathman.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
Jim and the host will be discussing the final episode of season 3, which is about the crew bash.
02:07 - 05:55 (03:48)
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True Crime

Jim and the host will be discussing the final episode of season 3, which is about the crew bash. They express their love and gratitude for their listeners before diving in.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
The speaker describes a small town in America where there is only one bank and everyone knows each other, making it a great place to raise a family.
05:55 - 11:49 (05:53)
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Small town

The speaker describes a small town in America where there is only one bank and everyone knows each other, making it a great place to raise a family. They also mention practicing muscle memory late at night in the bank parking lot.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
The process of applying for a loan at a bank is time-consuming due to the paperwork and discussions required.
11:49 - 17:33 (05:44)
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Bank loans

The process of applying for a loan at a bank is time-consuming due to the paperwork and discussions required. This podcast episode discusses how common death scenes are and the role of the police in investigating them.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
A former criminal discusses his friend's advice that bank robbery is the easiest crime to get away with, and shares tips on how to pull off the perfect heist without getting caught.
17:33 - 27:34 (10:01)
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A former criminal discusses his friend's advice that bank robbery is the easiest crime to get away with, and shares tips on how to pull off the perfect heist without getting caught.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
The speaker shares his experience being in close proximity with the bomb squad for the state police while giving information about a suspect who had potentially robbed a bank, highlighting the challenges of dealing with suspicious packages and determining whether they are real or fake.
27:35 - 36:24 (08:48)
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Bomb Disposal

The speaker shares his experience being in close proximity with the bomb squad for the state police while giving information about a suspect who had potentially robbed a bank, highlighting the challenges of dealing with suspicious packages and determining whether they are real or fake.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
A bank robbery is caught on surveillance video, along with the police chief across the street who witnessed the robbery.
36:24 - 39:51 (03:27)
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A bank robbery is caught on surveillance video, along with the police chief across the street who witnessed the robbery. The police were able to retrieve the note used in the robbery and are investigating how much money was stolen.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
A bank robber chooses a bank located across from a police station, overlooking the potential consequences of his actions, and is caught as a result.
39:51 - 44:07 (04:16)
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A bank robber chooses a bank located across from a police station, overlooking the potential consequences of his actions, and is caught as a result.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
A bank robber with a photographic memory plans his heist to perfection, but is ultimately caught due to police surveillance.
44:07 - 49:06 (04:59)
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A bank robber with a photographic memory plans his heist to perfection, but is ultimately caught due to police surveillance.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
The host and Woody talk about a convenience store robbery that took place in a small town and the lack of planning by the suspect who was eventually caught.
49:07 - 57:17 (08:09)
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The host and Woody talk about a convenience store robbery that took place in a small town and the lack of planning by the suspect who was eventually caught.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
The podcast hosts are planning to improve their audio quality and produce studio-like episodes for Season Four, thanks to patron support and the need to generate income from commercials.
57:17 - 1:03:48 (06:31)
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The podcast hosts are planning to improve their audio quality and produce studio-like episodes for Season Four, thanks to patron support and the need to generate income from commercials.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
A tattoo artist goes on tour with a band and tattoos fans on their bus, with one fan even getting a 3D butterfly tattooed by the artist.
1:03:49 - 1:06:42 (02:52)
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Tattoo Artist

A tattoo artist goes on tour with a band and tattoos fans on their bus, with one fan even getting a 3D butterfly tattooed by the artist.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
A promotion was discussed on a top rated morning talk radio show where individuals could come out and sign up at a table for a four hour event.
1:06:42 - 1:10:27 (03:45)
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Radio Promotion

A promotion was discussed on a top rated morning talk radio show where individuals could come out and sign up at a table for a four hour event. The promotion was mentioned in an article and the hosts thanked those who supported their show.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
The speaker highlights the benefit of learning a trade skill at a young age, offering immediate career opportunities upon graduation.
1:10:29 - 1:16:39 (06:10)
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Career, Skill Development

The speaker highlights the benefit of learning a trade skill at a young age, offering immediate career opportunities upon graduation.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
A listener from Australia finds comfort in listening to the podcast Real Life Real Crime while dealing with the devastating wildfires that are currently raging in her country.
1:16:40 - 1:23:27 (06:46)
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Podcast, Real Life Real Crime, Australia, Wildfires

A listener from Australia finds comfort in listening to the podcast Real Life Real Crime while dealing with the devastating wildfires that are currently raging in her country.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime
The podcast hosts express their gratitude towards their fans, encouraging them to join the Patreon community.
1:23:27 - 1:24:16 (00:48)
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The podcast hosts express their gratitude towards their fans, encouraging them to join the Patreon community. In addition, they give a shoutout to Jim Raffman.

9: Young and Dumb
Real Life Real Crime