
Bestie Chats with Soph
Hi besties - I am so happy to have you here!! We are going to be chatting about all things girlie from health, wellness, relationships, and social media all the way to hormones, birth control, and mental health. This is a safe place for everyone, free of judgement - thank you for being here🤍
Published: Mon May 01 2023
Let's take a deep dive into my health and fitness journey from where I started to where I am at now. It may come as a surprise, but I too did start from SQUARE ONE! I used to have the worst gym anxiety and had the hardest time transitioning from playing sports my whole life to having to figure it out on my own. We will be chatting about all the highs and lows in my journey that hopefully some of you can relate to. I do want to warn you that we will be chatting about disordered eating habits, body dysmorphia, and an unhealthy relationship with food and movement. If that is not something you want to hear or are not ready to hear yet, no worries bestie - meet me back here next week!
PodcastBestie Chats with Soph
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
I felt inspired to deep dive into communication in relationships and how that may look different for many people. We've all heard the saying "communication is key," but what does that REALLY mean? We will cover long distance communication, communicating when you first move in with your partner, and how the five love languages play a massive role in communication. I also call "BS" on the saying "if he wanted to he would," which may ruffle some feathers.Please remember that there is no one way or perfect way of communicating in relationships. It is going to look so different for everyone!
PodcastBestie Chats with Soph
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
We are going to be taking a deep dive into my experience with hormonal birth control!! I am going to take you all the way back to the start on why I decided to get on originally, to switching birth controls, to all the health issues I was experiencing and eventually why I decided to get off and what I do now. I want you to know that I am by no means encouraging anyone to get off of hormonal birth control and I am not against the use of it. I am not a doctor or certified in anything we are speaking about today - I am simply just sharing my very personal experience and journey with birth control. Ps dad, don’t listen to this one LOL!!
PodcastBestie Chats with Soph
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
Hi besties!! Welcome to my podcast Bestie Chats with Soph. In today's episode we are doing a little introduction of the pod and a whole get to know me. I know I share a lot of my life on social media, but I feel like I only share the present and future. We are going to take a deep dive into my past so y'all can get to know me a little more!!