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The importance of starting to invest at a young age is discussed, referencing a successful businessman who started at 21 years old and saw impressive growth over time through a simple strategy.
27:40 - 29:14 (01:34)
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The importance of starting to invest at a young age is discussed, referencing a successful businessman who started at 21 years old and saw impressive growth over time through a simple strategy.

Discussing the Valuation of Social Networks
"Sara's List" Update: 12 Startups Where Stock Grants Will Make You A Millionaire
My First Million
LDL cholesterol below 30 or an APO-B below 40 mg/dL for a long time means the risk of suffering ASCVD is low.
56:12 - 1:00:02 (03:50)
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LDL cholesterol below 30 or an APO-B below 40 mg/dL for a long time means the risk of suffering ASCVD is low. By late 30s or early 40s, APO-B should be lowered to below the 20th percentile, especially for patients with significant genetic abnormalities like familial hypercholesterolemia.

Evidence-Based Optimal Levels of APOB for Cardiovascular Health
#599: New Insights from Sam Harris, Dr. Peter Attia, Ramit Sethi, and Elizabeth Gilbert
The Tim Ferriss Show
Even if a search engine can generate a list of documents with the right answer, there is still the challenge of determining where the answer is located within those documents.
1:08:32 - 1:10:43 (02:10)
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Search Engines

Even if a search engine can generate a list of documents with the right answer, there is still the challenge of determining where the answer is located within those documents.

The Challenge of Finding Answers in a Sea of Information
David Ferrucci: IBM Watson, Jeopardy & Deep Conversations with AI
Lex Fridman Podcast
The likelihood of having a severe reaction to the SARS coronavirus is higher (10 to 15 times) for people over 65 and those who smoke a pack a day (at least 3500 cigarettes per year).
31:34 - 33:09 (01:34)
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Coronavirus Risk Factors

The likelihood of having a severe reaction to the SARS coronavirus is higher (10 to 15 times) for people over 65 and those who smoke a pack a day (at least 3500 cigarettes per year). Three potential risk factors for coronavirus have been identified.

The Severity of COVID-19 and its Impact on Specific Demographics
E0: COVID-19 Political, Economic & Social Ramifications featuring The Production Board's David Friedberg (frmly Founder/CEO, The Climate Corporation)
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The likelihood of a global catastrophic event, such as a pandemic or nuclear war, is higher than most of us would like to believe, with a 20% risk of causing hundreds of millions of deaths.
1:11:36 - 1:13:36 (02:00)
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Catastrophic Event

The likelihood of a global catastrophic event, such as a pandemic or nuclear war, is higher than most of us would like to believe, with a 20% risk of causing hundreds of millions of deaths.

The Slow Pace of Change in Technology
#512 - Will MacAskill - How Long Could Humanity Continue For?
Modern Wisdom
The speaker discusses managing wealth and the risks involved in investing in individual stocks.
55:06 - 56:42 (01:36)
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Wealth Management
Asset allocation might not matter much for your investment unless there are exceptional scenarios like the current drop in the tech stocks or Bitcoin.
17:21 - 19:35 (02:14)
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Asset allocation might not matter much for your investment unless there are exceptional scenarios like the current drop in the tech stocks or Bitcoin.

Practicality of Savings and Investing During Bitcoin Volatility
#462 - Nick Maggiulli - The Best Way To Build Your Personal Wealth
Modern Wisdom
The likelihood of changing fundamental beliefs is discussed, with a range of probabilities from 8% to 20%.
1:18:05 - 1:18:56 (00:50)
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Social media use has a correlation of 0.15 which can potentially explain the mental health epidemic affecting millions of children, according to Jonathan Haidt.
29:51 - 30:35 (00:43)
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Social Media

Social media use has a correlation of 0.15 which can potentially explain the mental health epidemic affecting millions of children, according to Jonathan Haidt.

Social Media Use and Mental Health in Kids
#291 – Jonathan Haidt: The Case Against Social Media
Lex Fridman Podcast
This podcast discusses the idea of the government replacing all the medians in America with turf instead of grass as a solution to save 20-30% of water allocation to watering lawns.
21:23 - 22:51 (01:28)
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Turfing, Water Conservation

This podcast discusses the idea of the government replacing all the medians in America with turf instead of grass as a solution to save 20-30% of water allocation to watering lawns.

Scrappy Entrepreneurs
#85 - Why Privacy is Big Business and the Multi-Million Dollar Ideas Hidden in Plain Sight
My First Million
A large portion of differences observed among individuals are due to inherited DNA differences.
08:17 - 11:29 (03:11)
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Inherited DNA Differences

A large portion of differences observed among individuals are due to inherited DNA differences. Recent DNA technology advancements are allowing for predictions to be made at the individual level based on these differences.

Behavioral Genetics and Differences in Inherited DNA
#353 - Robert Plomin - How Do Genes Influence Our Behaviour?
Modern Wisdom
The heritability of certain traits may be high when comparing parents and children, but in reality, a complex mathematical model will predict the actual percentage of heritability to be low.
43:25 - 45:48 (02:23)
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The heritability of certain traits may be high when comparing parents and children, but in reality, a complex mathematical model will predict the actual percentage of heritability to be low.

The Power of Morphic Resonance with Rupert Sheldrake
#379 - Rupert Sheldrake - Does Nature Have A Hidden Memory?
Modern Wisdom
Learn how to filter your clients to focus on those who fit your ideal profile and minimize maintenance, while avoiding burning bridges or damaging relationships with those you need to let go.
35:46 - 38:15 (02:28)
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Client Management

Learn how to filter your clients to focus on those who fit your ideal profile and minimize maintenance, while avoiding burning bridges or damaging relationships with those you need to let go.

Tips for Small Business Operators
#548: The Lost Presentation That Launched The 4-Hour Workweek — “Secrets of Doing More with Less in a Digital World” from SXSW 2007
The Tim Ferriss Show
In 1979, famous logo designer Saul Bass created an updated trefoil version of the original Girl Scout cookie logo, which has remained the basis of the design to this day.
38:24 - 41:10 (02:46)
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Girl Scout Cookies

In 1979, famous logo designer Saul Bass created an updated trefoil version of the original Girl Scout cookie logo, which has remained the basis of the design to this day.

The Tale of Samoas, or Caramel Delights
Girl Scouts: More than cookie sellers
Stuff You Should Know
The speaker raises concern about the justice system and suggests looking into the sentences of other incarcerated individuals.
1:58:35 - 1:59:59 (01:24)
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Justice system

The speaker raises concern about the justice system and suggests looking into the sentences of other incarcerated individuals. The speaker believes that it is a flawed system when people receive lengthy sentences of 20, 30, or even 40 years.

Examining a Potential Legal Defense: Insanity Caused by Prescription Medication
E109: 2022 Bestie Awards Live from Twitter HQ
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The podcast discusses how small projects can eventually become quite significant and how Steve Jobs had thoughts about the future popularity of certain products.
06:22 - 07:56 (01:34)
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The podcast discusses how small projects can eventually become quite significant and how Steve Jobs had thoughts about the future popularity of certain products. However, they also discuss the potential for messages to come off as creepy when reaching out to younger individuals to discuss their work.

Building Relationships Online for Business
The World's Richest Fashion Billionaire, A New D2C Biz Idea, And Working With People You've Never Met
My First Million
The birthdate of this left-wing pro-labor politician is unknown but sources speculate he was born between 1842 and the mid-1800s.
13:42 - 14:30 (00:47)
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The birthdate of this left-wing pro-labor politician is unknown but sources speculate he was born between 1842 and the mid-1800s. He started politics in the 1880s or at the age of 25.

The Political Career of an Enigmatic Figure
Part One: Ragnar Redbeard: The Patron Saint of Toxic Masculinity
Behind the Bastards
This podcast episode discusses the racial bias in the Dewey Decimal System, particularly in the allocation of categories related to non-Christian religions.
28:06 - 28:52 (00:45)
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This podcast episode discusses the racial bias in the Dewey Decimal System, particularly in the allocation of categories related to non-Christian religions.

Colonialism, Prejudice, and the Consequences of Classification
The Man Who Pioneered Libraries and Sexual Harassment
Behind the Bastards
The speaker discusses their strategy for making a comfortable income in tech, without having to rely on a traditional salary job.
49:06 - 50:58 (01:52)
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Tech Careers

The speaker discusses their strategy for making a comfortable income in tech, without having to rely on a traditional salary job. They suggest reading tech news and keeping up to date on new platform launches to find opportunities to make money.

Bootstrapping Product Hunt with Ryan Hoover
Greatest Hits #4 - How To Sell Your Company for $750M - Meet Vungle's Jack Smith
My First Million
In this episode, the hosts discuss the lab leak hypothesis for the pandemic and the possible origins of Bitcoin.
08:41 - 09:50 (01:09)
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Lab Leak, Bitcoin

In this episode, the hosts discuss the lab leak hypothesis for the pandemic and the possible origins of Bitcoin. They explore the idea of an individual designing Bitcoin and the likelihood of external influences, such as the NSA, being involved.

The Evolution of the Bitcoin Community
#196 with Dan Held - Who Really Created Bitcoin & Other Crypto Startup Ideas
My First Million