A former trader reminisces about the old days of trading and compares it to the non-stop, 24/7 nature of the crypto market today.
The speaker tweeted a thread on his advice about trading during global events, adding that having an edge trading against headlines from major media outlets is unlikely.
Traders who hacked into companies to steal press releases made millions of dollars in profits by making trades based on the information they obtained, as seen in the case of Caterpillar in 2012. However, this illegal activity eventually caught up to them and led to their downfall.
Understanding the brain's functions during trading can help optimize performance. Specific nutrients can aid brain function, including the firing of particular neurons needed for successful decision making.
The ease of access to options trading and leverage trading on the Robinhood app has resulted in inexperienced traders driving bankrupt companies like Hertz to new highs, leading to significant losses for some users.