

Bringing Entertainment to the Airline Business
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28:37 - 38:20 (09:43)

Richard Branson explains how he brought entertainment skills to the airline industry by using humor and fun on Virgin Atlantic's first flight, and how most airlines do not focus on customer service and satisfaction.

Richard Branson shares how he got into the airline business after being stranded in Porto Rico due to a cancelled flight.
28:37 - 31:09 (02:32)
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Richard Branson

Richard Branson shares how he got into the airline business after being stranded in Porto Rico due to a cancelled flight. He rented a plane and filled it up with bumped passengers, which got him thinking about the poor service provided by most airlines and the need to improve it.

Bringing Entertainment to the Airline Business
#272: Sir Richard Branson — The Billionaire Maverick of the Virgin Empire
The Tim Ferriss Show
Richard Branson argues that entertainment is an important aspect of the airline business, much to the chagrin of his record company team who fear he is wasting his time on a new venture.
31:09 - 34:58 (03:48)
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Richard Branson

Richard Branson argues that entertainment is an important aspect of the airline business, much to the chagrin of his record company team who fear he is wasting his time on a new venture. However, Branson sees the potential to differentiate his airline and provide competition to British Airways.

Bringing Entertainment to the Airline Business
#272: Sir Richard Branson — The Billionaire Maverick of the Virgin Empire
The Tim Ferriss Show
Richard Branson talks about his decision to enter the airline business and how he believed he could bring entertainment skills to the industry to better serve passengers.
34:58 - 38:20 (03:22)
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Richard Branson

Richard Branson talks about his decision to enter the airline business and how he believed he could bring entertainment skills to the industry to better serve passengers. Branson discusses the humorous stunts and cutting-edge innovations that helped make his airlines successful.

Bringing Entertainment to the Airline Business
#272: Sir Richard Branson — The Billionaire Maverick of the Virgin Empire
The Tim Ferriss Show