

Building a Rocket Ship on the Back of a Rocket Ship
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46:19 - 50:40 (04:21)

This episode discusses the importance of building an escape velocity when utilizing platforms for growth, as relying solely on them can lead to failure. The guest speaker emphasizes the need to collect customer data outside of the platform for long-term success.

The growth of businesses on platforms such as Google AdWords can be good initially, but it is important to build a strong brand and escape from them quickly to ensure survival in the long run.
46:19 - 48:42 (02:22)
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Business Growth

The growth of businesses on platforms such as Google AdWords can be good initially, but it is important to build a strong brand and escape from them quickly to ensure survival in the long run. Examples such as Amazon, Movement Watches, Blue Apron, and Plated are given as successful companies who built a brand on top of the platform they grew on.

Building a Rocket Ship on the Back of a Rocket Ship
#29 - Powder Diets, Instagrammable Experiences & Distribution First
My First Million
The speaker discusses the low price of companies being sold and the success of Facebook groups as an alternative to paid advertisement.
48:42 - 50:40 (01:58)
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The speaker discusses the low price of companies being sold and the success of Facebook groups as an alternative to paid advertisement.

Building a Rocket Ship on the Back of a Rocket Ship
#29 - Powder Diets, Instagrammable Experiences & Distribution First
My First Million