The speaker talks about her experience of burnout and how self-love and healing helped her overcome it, leading to great professional success.
19:33 - 21:36 (02:03)
The speaker talks about her experience of burnout and how self-love and healing helped her overcome it, leading to great professional success.
ChapterBurnout and Self-Love
Episode737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
PodcastThe School of Greatness
An article that went unnoticed for six months about a nurse's experience with dying patients suddenly went viral, leading to author Bronnie Ware being signed by an agent in America to write the book, "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying."
21:36 - 23:04 (01:28)
An article that went unnoticed for six months about a nurse's experience with dying patients suddenly went viral, leading to author Bronnie Ware being signed by an agent in America to write the book, "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying."
ChapterBurnout and Self-Love
Episode737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The author shares how her book took off unexpectedly and became a self-publishing success after a viral article and positive review from The Guardian.
23:04 - 24:13 (01:08)
The author shares how her book took off unexpectedly and became a self-publishing success after a viral article and positive review from The Guardian. She also talks about getting interview and foreign rights inquiries while in labor at the hospital.