
737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
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Published: Wed Dec 26 2018

LIVE WITHOUT REGRET. I am going to die. You are going to die. It’s a fact that we can’t escape. Even though it can be hard to talk about, it will help you live a better life if you have the courage to accept it. You might spend more time with the people you love, say how you were actually feeling, or go after that dream. In the end, the key to life might actually be death. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the power of accepting death with an inspiring woman who spent 8 years working with the dying: Bronnie Ware. Bronnie Ware is a teacher of courage and regret-free living. Having sat by the bedsides of the terminally ill for several years, she knows the pain of dying with regret. She has written three books: The Top Five Regrets of Dying, Your Year for Change, and Bloom. Bronnie says that the way to have more inner peace is to be kinder to yourself. We have to be willing to let more joy in. If you’re doing your best, you’re doing enough. So get ready to learn about the top regrets of the dying and how you can live a more fulfilling life on Episode 737. Some Questions I Ask: Why don’t we allow ourselves to be happy? (16:00) If there were a sixth regret of the dying, what would it be? (18:00) How can you learn how to receive? (20:00) Why did you want to write a new book? (28:00) How do you handle having an autoimmune disease? (32:00) Who were the most courageous people you worked with? (38:00) In This Episode You Will Learn: The top five regrets of the dying (8:15) Why it’s important to use death as a tool for life (12:30) Bronnie’s journey through depression (23:00) The importance of leaving space (30:00) How to allow more joy in your life (36:00) How to find inner peace (39:00)

In this episode, host Louis Howes talks with Brawny Ware about seizing opportunities when they're right in front of you and how to defy regret by breaking through the limits that hold us back in life.
00:00 - 00:58 (00:58)
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In this episode, host Louis Howes talks with Brawny Ware about seizing opportunities when they're right in front of you and how to defy regret by breaking through the limits that hold us back in life.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, host Rachel Hollis interviews Brawny about powerful lessons including the importance of vulnerability and unplanned space and time, and stresses the importance of reflection and going for your dreams in order to move your life forward.
00:58 - 04:30 (03:32)
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In this podcast, host Rachel Hollis interviews Brawny about powerful lessons including the importance of vulnerability and unplanned space and time, and stresses the importance of reflection and going for your dreams in order to move your life forward.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
A discussion about realizing a career path you don't want to pursue and not sacrificing your passion, and the choice of some people who were in hospital to receive home care in their final days.
04:30 - 09:45 (05:15)
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Career, Passion, Home Care

A discussion about realizing a career path you don't want to pursue and not sacrificing your passion, and the choice of some people who were in hospital to receive home care in their final days.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
When we use death as a tool for living, we find the courage to prioritize what's really important, realizing that people we love will eventually die as will we.
09:45 - 14:48 (05:03)
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When we use death as a tool for living, we find the courage to prioritize what's really important, realizing that people we love will eventually die as will we. Dying people want to live as long as they can and want to have meaningful conversations, laughter and reminisce about good old times which cannot be substituted by virtual connection.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on regret and how it is important to dream and not be too serious all the time.
14:48 - 17:05 (02:17)
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The speaker reflects on regret and how it is important to dream and not be too serious all the time.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
The importance of receiving love and kindness is often overlooked, as many people struggle with accepting compliments, acknowledgments, or love.
17:05 - 19:33 (02:28)
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The importance of receiving love and kindness is often overlooked, as many people struggle with accepting compliments, acknowledgments, or love. By learning to accept these qualities, it can help us connect with our inner divinity and allow for growth and happiness in our lives.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares her experience of burning out after giving too much, and the criticism received from the Financial Times for advocating for self-love.
19:33 - 24:13 (04:40)
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The speaker shares her experience of burning out after giving too much, and the criticism received from the Financial Times for advocating for self-love. She also discusses the importance of receiving self-love.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares her life journey from photography to writing to starting a family, and how a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis impacted her work and perspective on life.
24:13 - 29:05 (04:52)
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Chronic Illness

The speaker shares her life journey from photography to writing to starting a family, and how a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis impacted her work and perspective on life. She discusses the importance of giving oneself space to heal and grow.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
Creating space can lead to unforeseen insights and opportunities, like random conversations with people who can answer questions or connect you with important contacts.
29:05 - 32:52 (03:47)
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Creating space can lead to unforeseen insights and opportunities, like random conversations with people who can answer questions or connect you with important contacts. Being true to yourself and doing the inner work is enough to make progress without worrying about meeting society's expectations.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
This podcast discusses the idea of embracing the inevitability of death and using it as motivation to live life without regret.
32:52 - 39:40 (06:48)
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This podcast discusses the idea of embracing the inevitability of death and using it as motivation to live life without regret. It also explores the benefits of societal and personal conversations about death.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
Learning to be vulnerable is a gift that becomes better with practice, and teaches surrender, trust, and letting go - qualities that are valuable in life
39:40 - 44:56 (05:16)
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Learning to be vulnerable is a gift that becomes better with practice, and teaches surrender, trust, and letting go - qualities that are valuable in life

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
The speaker highlights the importance of being present and authentic rather than conforming to societal expectations on social media.
44:56 - 47:27 (02:31)
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The speaker highlights the importance of being present and authentic rather than conforming to societal expectations on social media. They also offer tools for creating a regret-free life, such as spending more time in nature to gain clarity.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness
The host announces an upcoming solo episode where he will discuss his greatest lessons and regrets of 2018, as well as his plans for the upcoming year.
47:27 - 50:42 (03:15)
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The host announces an upcoming solo episode where he will discuss his greatest lessons and regrets of 2018, as well as his plans for the upcoming year. He acknowledges a guest for their difficult work and influence, and promises to share insights on business, life, health, and relationships.

737 Defy Regret and Break Your Limits with Bronnie Ware
The School of Greatness