

Elon Musk's Take on Social Media
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40:39 - 50:03 (09:24)

One side is saying the solution to disinformation is to let a thousand people speak and have, for free speech, while the other side says the solution is to shut down the free speech of others. Elon Musk has a unique perspective on balancing social media censorship.

The rise of social media led to a centralized platform where users no longer had to bookmark anything and could easily follow their favorite accounts on platforms like Facebook.
40:39 - 41:05 (00:26)
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Social Media

The rise of social media led to a centralized platform where users no longer had to bookmark anything and could easily follow their favorite accounts on platforms like Facebook. This was a game-changing shift from the early days of dial-up internet.

Elon Musk's Take on Social Media
#336 – Ben Shapiro: Politics, Kanye, Trump, Biden, Hitler, Extremism, and War
Lex Fridman Podcast
The issue of disinformation in social media platforms has led to unilateral polarization in politics.
41:05 - 46:40 (05:35)
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social media

The issue of disinformation in social media platforms has led to unilateral polarization in politics. While one side suggests shutting down free speech, the other argues for the importance of balancing perspectives to avoid editorial control.

Elon Musk's Take on Social Media
#336 – Ben Shapiro: Politics, Kanye, Trump, Biden, Hitler, Extremism, and War
Lex Fridman Podcast
Ben Shapiro believes that no political figure should be banned from social media platforms in a coordinated fashion, including those individuals he personally disagrees with, such as Alex Jones, as there are people willing to disagree with their views.
46:40 - 47:31 (00:50)
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Social Media

Ben Shapiro believes that no political figure should be banned from social media platforms in a coordinated fashion, including those individuals he personally disagrees with, such as Alex Jones, as there are people willing to disagree with their views.

Elon Musk's Take on Social Media
#336 – Ben Shapiro: Politics, Kanye, Trump, Biden, Hitler, Extremism, and War
Lex Fridman Podcast
Ben Shapiro discusses the ethics of banning people from social media platforms, stating that unless a person has violated a criminal statute, they should not be unpersoned in American society as a general rule.
47:31 - 48:53 (01:22)
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Social Media

Ben Shapiro discusses the ethics of banning people from social media platforms, stating that unless a person has violated a criminal statute, they should not be unpersoned in American society as a general rule. However, he also believes that companies do have the ability to respond to individuals by terminating contracts in some cases.

Elon Musk's Take on Social Media
#336 – Ben Shapiro: Politics, Kanye, Trump, Biden, Hitler, Extremism, and War
Lex Fridman Podcast
Ben Shapiro talks about the cost of freedom of speech and being snarky on Twitter.
48:53 - 50:03 (01:09)
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Freedom of Speech

Ben Shapiro talks about the cost of freedom of speech and being snarky on Twitter. While being snarky is fun, he has considered being nicer and deleting certain tweets.

Elon Musk's Take on Social Media
#336 – Ben Shapiro: Politics, Kanye, Trump, Biden, Hitler, Extremism, and War
Lex Fridman Podcast