Exploring Blockchain-First Finance and the Importance of Understanding What You Buy
The only way to truly understand blockchain technology is to get involved and invest some money. The idea of a blockchain-first finance or banking company is intriguing, and as we continue to scale Ethereum and other big blockchains, the possibilities are endless.
The best way to learn about crypto is by hands-on experience so that you can understand what you are buying rather than blindly investing.
1:25:11 - 1:26:37 (01:26)
The best way to learn about crypto is by hands-on experience so that you can understand what you are buying rather than blindly investing. Playing around with it using a small amount of money or an extra hard drive is recommended by experts.
ChapterExploring Blockchain-First Finance and the Importance of Understanding What You Buy
Episode#527: The Random Show — Life-Extension Misadventures, Blockchain/Crypto Investing, NFT Experiments, Dogecoin, Zen Buddhism, and Weathering Sharp Elbows
PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show
The idea of a blockchain-first banking or finance company is becoming increasingly interesting, with more platforms and companies exploring the potential of decentralized finance operations.
1:26:38 - 1:35:54 (09:16)
The idea of a blockchain-first banking or finance company is becoming increasingly interesting, with more platforms and companies exploring the potential of decentralized finance operations. The aim is to operate faster and more efficiently, with less reliance on large workforces, and enable the development of new financial services.