

False Flag Attacks and Wacky Ideas
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38:51 - 42:35 (03:43)

In this podcast, the speaker discusses false flag attacks and how they have been perceived by the public as well as the dangers of wacky conspiracy theories.

Chuck and his guest discuss the historical context of false flag operations and their implications if implemented.
38:51 - 40:01 (01:09)
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False Flag Operations

Chuck and his guest discuss the historical context of false flag operations and their implications if implemented.

False Flag Attacks and Wacky Ideas
Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
The idea that 9/11 was a false flag attack is a common belief among many people, but the speaker refutes this theory by citing historical examples and stating that no one in power would be willing to kill that many Americans.
40:01 - 42:35 (02:34)
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9/11 False Flag Theory

The idea that 9/11 was a false flag attack is a common belief among many people, but the speaker refutes this theory by citing historical examples and stating that no one in power would be willing to kill that many Americans.

False Flag Attacks and Wacky Ideas
Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know