

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
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Published: Tue Mar 15 2022

There is presumably some very dark, very depressing stuff in the annals of America’s secret history. But perhaps the darkest classified document to see the light of day was the memo that called for faked attacks on the US to justify invading Cuba.See for privacy information.

Rosie O'Donnell hosts heartfelt conversations with friends to move forward in life.
00:00 - 01:47 (01:47)
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Rosie O'Donnell hosts heartfelt conversations with friends to move forward in life.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
The uncle is proud of his niece's acting skills, describing her performance as engaging and causing the film to "lurch forward".
01:47 - 05:09 (03:21)
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The uncle is proud of his niece's acting skills, describing her performance as engaging and causing the film to "lurch forward".

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
A false flag operation, where a country dresses up as someone from a different country for invasion, is explained with a brief history.
05:10 - 09:11 (04:01)
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False Flag Operation

A false flag operation, where a country dresses up as someone from a different country for invasion, is explained with a brief history. A case study of the US planning to false flag operations and possibly assassinate the leaders of Cuba to tackle the threat is discussed.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
Operation Mongoose was the US plan to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba, which included a series of bizarre and dangerous methods such as poisoning his skin suit or using exploding cigars.
09:11 - 17:51 (08:40)
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Operation Mongoose

Operation Mongoose was the US plan to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba, which included a series of bizarre and dangerous methods such as poisoning his skin suit or using exploding cigars. The plan was created out of fears that Cuba would become an inspiration for other Latin American countries to revolt against American capitalism, and was driven by advisors to the White House who believed the longer they waited, the greater the chance the Soviet Union would set up missile bases on the island.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
This podcast features stories from survivors who have dealt with toxic relationships and how they have navigated through the healing process.
17:51 - 23:56 (06:04)
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This podcast features stories from survivors who have dealt with toxic relationships and how they have navigated through the healing process.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
Lansdale was trying to figure out how to trick the Cubans into overthrowing Castro and justify an actual military invasion during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
23:56 - 28:40 (04:44)
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Cuban Missile Crisis

Lansdale was trying to figure out how to trick the Cubans into overthrowing Castro and justify an actual military invasion during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
Operation Northwoods is the only known false flag operation carried out by the US.
28:40 - 34:35 (05:54)
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Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods is the only known false flag operation carried out by the US. The operation was devised by General Lansdale as a way to create propaganda for invading Cuba.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
In this podcast episode, the host talks about the idea of human narration in nature videos and expresses his desire to use it in his own podcast to have meaningful conversations with people he admires.
34:35 - 38:51 (04:16)
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In this podcast episode, the host talks about the idea of human narration in nature videos and expresses his desire to use it in his own podcast to have meaningful conversations with people he admires. He also shares an anecdote about a real deer he saw mounting a fake deer.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
In this podcast, the speaker discusses false flag attacks and how they have been perceived by the public as well as the dangers of wacky conspiracy theories.
38:51 - 42:35 (03:43)
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False Flag Attacks

In this podcast, the speaker discusses false flag attacks and how they have been perceived by the public as well as the dangers of wacky conspiracy theories.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
The CIA had several plans to assassinate Fidel Castro without hurting anyone, but there were also plans to use a commercial airliner, a fake Cuban back to salt using fake aircraft, and injure Cuban exiles in Miami and blame it on the Cubans.
42:36 - 50:05 (07:29)
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The CIA had several plans to assassinate Fidel Castro without hurting anyone, but there were also plans to use a commercial airliner, a fake Cuban back to salt using fake aircraft, and injure Cuban exiles in Miami and blame it on the Cubans.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
Learn how to listen to the "Stuff You Should Know" podcast as a beginner by starting with the most recent release.
50:08 - 54:15 (04:07)
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Podcast Listening Tips

Learn how to listen to the "Stuff You Should Know" podcast as a beginner by starting with the most recent release. Download and listen to the podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you prefer to listen to your favorite shows.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know
Join Joanne McNeil as she revisits the early days of social media through the story of the rise and fall of MySpace, the first major social media company.
54:15 - 55:19 (01:04)
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Join Joanne McNeil as she revisits the early days of social media through the story of the rise and fall of MySpace, the first major social media company.

Operation Northwoods: The False Flag Op That Never Was
Stuff You Should Know